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Posts posted by Dara

  1. 15 minutes ago, xeyra said:


    I always forget the FS abbreviations. What is the OT in Shoma's 4Lo? Also, I need that 4T3T3Lo combo from Nobu like water. Honestly, if Nobu were to return to competitive skating, he'd be taking that 3rd Japanese men spot for Olympics, the way he can still crack out these 4T combos. 

    In Japanese reports ot stands for "overturn".

    Like doing 3-turns after landing and such trying not to step out of jump (this one is so).

  2. 3 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

    Hmm, well this is going to be good isn't it, especially considering Jeff is probably yet to get his hands on it properly. 


    That 3A exit is exquisite and in general the jumps seem to have settled nicely indeed. The steps, spins ... Well, well. :4chsmu1:


    (btw better download this now, just to be safe, I wonder if it'll stay up)

    lol that

    downloaded straight away (only wish quality would be better, but Ari's vlog is the same quality so :13877886:)

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