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Posts posted by Dara

  1. 36 minutes ago, liv said:

    Aw, brian is there... he usually does a show for faoi every year, right? I think he was there last year briefly and we all hoped he would give an interview on yuzu's status but it didnt happen.  


    Can hardly wait for more news... come on johnny, nobu.... give us something... maybe brian will....

    Well, that's not true. He did give interview last year at FaOI Kobe... it was printed in that magazine.

    Told about choreographers and status of programs, and that Yuzu wanted to go to shows and they had to talk him out of it.


  2. 5 minutes ago, Hannah said:


     То есть там лучше не искать билеты? А то я уже хотела друзей заслать туда....


    Ну... у меня кто-то из знакомых ездил в кассу в том году - там были места первого уровня, но самые верхние ряды.

    Т.е. лучше, чем балконы, но высоковато все равно.

  3. 9 hours ago, Lunna said:

    Подозреваю, что надо будет ближе к делу регулярно отслеживать сайты партер.ру и концерт.ру, кстати, в кассах Мегаспорта по-моему тоже бывают билеты, но я не уверена у них своя квота или тоже самое, что на партере.

    По-моему своя, и не самые лучшие места.

  4. 10 hours ago, Yaguruma So said:

    Ребят, а у нашего ростелекома своя страничка в интернете есть вообще?

    Где информацию оперативно постить собираются-то?

    Ни разу не бывало отдельного сайта под Капу.

    Информацию (оперативно, ха-ха, или нет) выкладывают на сайте федры fsrussia.ru

    У них есть и аккаунты в соцсетях, но они далеко не сразу расшаривают в них выложенное на сайте.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Katt said:

    There's only 1 camera on Day 3 since they already recorded the broadcast version the day before. For TV camera, sometime its more limited than normal cam because they need specific angel/place, they can't put it wherever they want.  At least Asahi TV still kind enough to release it :biggrin:  


    While Fuji TV blocks WR videos of the best skater of their country at WC, Asahi TV releases his clean skate at ice show.

  6. 8 minutes ago, xeyra said:


    Wait. which video are these from? Good heavens, man, learn to use spreadsheets!

    It's from 2012 or 2013 I think... He showed his "practice note".

    Maybe he just likes making notes by hand? I usually use all kinds of spreadsheets and Evernote notes, but for some things (like schedule of Yuzu's appearances) I prefer writing notes on paper by hand.

    Oh and I just recalled that he mentioned Evernote before!


    “And also, I have the muscle diagram in my head.  When I was in elementary school, I read an illustrated encyclopedia and I really liked it.  Recently, I got a MacBook Air, and using an application, I look at what is attached to where in 3D. (laughs)  In this way, I can link up what I studied with my own senses.  It is very different when you move a muscle while thinking ‘oh it is this muscle that is moving’.   In the Evernote of my MacBook Air, I write down in English all the muscles that I am concerned about.

    from Aoi Honoo 2, translation by yuzusorbet


  7. 40 minutes ago, xeyra said:


    Caught this on twitter and was wondering when did this happen and who is the guy in the checkered shirt? I know the others are Javi and Oda, yes?

    Ice show in Beppu in 2014, the other guy was Tomas Verner.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Floria said:

    Why the last 3A don't be counted?

    WTT layout could be 5 quads if not for popped 4S or I am wrong?

    Only two repetitions of quads and triples are allowed.

    Yuzu obviously would have to jump 3Lz as the last jump if he'd succeed with all 5 quads.



    "Repetitions: Any double jump (including double Axel) cannot be included more than twice in total in a Single’s Free Program (as a Solo Jump or a part of Combination / Sequence). Of all the triple and quadruple jumps only two (2) can be executed twice. If at least one of these executions is in a jump combination or a jump sequence, both executions are evaluated in a regular way. If both executions are as solo jumps, the second of these solo jumps will receive 70% of its original Base Value. Triple and quadruple jumps with the same name will be considered as two different jumps. No triple or quadruple jump can be attempted more than twice".

    http://static.isu.org/media/382012/2016_special-regulation-sandp-and-ice-dance-and-technical-rules-sandp-and-id_final.pdf (p.105)

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