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Everything posted by Paskud

  1. My heart is now like that Pooh: soft, squeezed and crying. Why he is so sweet? Now whole planet goes to watch NS at Helsinki.
  2. no NO NO #justiceforotoñalcostume
  3. High five to everyone who also predicted Liza's victory at Skate Canada
  4. Judge side lunge in Origin when performance was half-baked, not perfect and IN SEPTEMBER is not fair.
  5. I think we should wait with judging that side lunge until he will perfect his program.
  6. Yes. At least for me it looks like that. 4a in FP as first jump - RIGHT on that gong. When you think QUAD AXEL (!!) is already enough dramatic, he must do it even more spectacular. We only don't know "when". Like, sometimes I think "It's Yuzu. He already had base for that jump last off-season. He will have it in HELLsinki. At most in GPF." And then "But he was terribly injured. How can I expect from him so quickly doing something so difficult". "But it looks like Origin is really special to him. 4t-3a is not enough to make it legendary, perfect performance. He wants that 4a at the beginning." "Look at all this guys dying after theirs FP. It will take some time until they will used to new rythm of their programs. And Yuzuru with his asthma is in worse situation! I can't believe Brian said shorter FP will be in favor for Yuzu." "Did you see him in Joseph's post? He is healthy, smiley and calm. He will deliver gloriously in Grand Prix." "But he jumped so many loops in ACI practice. So many popped. He needs to practice his spins. Refine choreo so people stop calling his beautiful SE boring. Maybe change some major parts, because euler-combo in FP (please, Yuzu, your BV!)." "He is Yuzuru Hanyu. He is stubborn mule and do what he wants. And he wants 4a. He had whole month for it." "But it is QUAD AXEL!!" "NEVER UNDERSTIMATE MISTER HANYU!!" For sure, Zu and 4a are perfect duo. Never should be understimated.
  7. Senior ladies can do 3a as an axel jump in SP. Rika does. Liza did. And iirc, Mao had 3a-2t in SP. Only junior girls are restricted to 2a in SP.
  8. I'm not sure about ru... guidelines, because they are weirdly worded. But his solo jump in SP this season is Javi's salchow with Javi's entry to that. Of all things, I am sure this one will not change.
  9. The problem is: He would do 4a in SP only as first jump in combo. He said he wants 4a in FP.
  10. Who knows? Yuzuru changes his mind about retiring every single off-season.
  11. I hope so? It match music and mood perfectly, so (hopefully) it will pay off in IN and PE.
  12. Look at footage in media day. SE looked much better there .
  13. Yuzu, try at least. How we can play in find-Yuzu game, when it's so easy? Also, he looks healthy and smiley! Only week or so before Hellsinki
  14. Can I choose option: SP stays the same, but there will be changes in FP not only in first jump? Rather not possible, because third jump has reeeally short preparation and is right after THAT step sequence.
  15. Yay, costume sorter. Yeah, NS is too good not to be at the top. TFTT is a nice costume (Yuzu's hands look so small and delicate in it). And it really shows what I think about Origin.
  16. Wow, I agree. First four are masterpieces. I can't choose one of them Rank Programs 1 Ballade No. 1 1 Let's Go Crazy 1 Romeo and Juliet 1.0 1 Notte Stellata 5 Requiem of Heaven and Earth 6 Seimei 7 Hope and Legacy 8 Parisienne Walkways 9 The Phantom of the Opera 10 Otoñal 11 The Final Time Traveler 12 White Legend 13 Étude in D-sharp minor, Op. 8, No. 12 14 Hana Ni Nare 15 Origin 16 Haru yo, Koi 17 Romeo and Juliet 2.0 18 Believe 19 Story 20 Vertigo 21 Zigeunerweisen 22 Notre-Dame de Paris 22 Wings Of Words 22 Hana wa Saku 22 Hello, I Love You 22 Somebody To Love
  17. I'm sure Helen would fall in love with beauty of our fairy prince and become one of us
  18. Is it? Ok, it's bad idea. Hmm... so maybe the same scheme, but with gpf or jpn nats gala and then 4cc?
  19. I think fist attempt we will see at Helsinki Gala quad battle. And then I would say COR, but I don't know if after traveling Canada -> Europe -> Canada -> Europe he will be in good enough condition. So that means GPF
  20. Well, Zen-Zu wanted to do 4lo 4t 3lo || 4s3t 4t3a 3f2t 3a , but I think Kuyashii-Zu will remember there is still 3 JUMPS COMBO TO DO!! On other hand is there really place to do -eu-3s? And I think Nate will drop one quad (probably 4lo). Last season, 6 quads were barely possible. With 30 seconds less and new pace of programs, he should not be able to do it.
  21. Only last quad? But I wanted to choose young Romeo
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