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Everything posted by BWOZWaltz

  1. Welcome to Planet Hanyu!! As for the ice shows in Japan, I am not sure what is the current restriction around travelling there (I'm Japanese living overseas) so I can't advise you on that. Maybe someone else will be able to fill you in From the past ice shows that Yuzu had participated, more or less the shows were aired on Japanese TV. So if you can use VPN or register with the services that provides Jpn TV streaming online, there are ways that you can watch the broadcasted shows. I am sure when Yuzu's casting is confirmed, PH will be having threads for ice shows that will show few links to watch them online.
  2. Welcome to the Planet Hanyu!! Hope you enjoy the forum About the article you're referring, I wouldn't take this at the face value as this particular magazine (Josei Seven) is a gossip magazine that us Japanese fanyus call it "ga-se-ven" (ga-se means "fake"). Some of the past articles that they wrote including the article about Yuzu that really hurt him and his fans at the time. So just be careful that it's because some magazine's posted an article about Yuzu that doesn't mean the article is based on the truth.
  3. I am not sure what you're having trouble with but if you set notifications to "not receive" on the thread that you're following (like General Yuzuru chat, etc), you will not receive any notification. You then log out from the forum and visit the forum, you will not be recognised as a registered member. You can still access things but won't be able to post or access certain links that are available only to members.
  4. Yuzu doesn't know if this is the last olympics ever for him GREATEST OF ALL TIME!!
  5. I've sent them message as well and they've replied: I've asked them the source of the info. I also wrote that showing inaccurate info on the athlete profiles don't look good on the organisation because that's a sign of disrespect to the sports and the athletes. I tried to be as polite as I could but they must have thought I was a mean in-law trying to be difficult
  6. I'm hoping Belinda for the figure skating commentary for Olys as well. If she's going to be a commentator, it's most likely to be doing it for channel 7 Australia. They have an online streaming on 7plus. You may be able to register using VPN.
  7. I am in the same time zone as Beijing so it's in the middle of working hours. But I am working from home on these dates so I just have to connect my laptop onto the big TV in the family room where I've set up my office I'm sure I can get a lot done before Yuzu skates so nobody would know I'm following the olympics while I'm working hahaha...
  8. I have done it. As I have never been a fan of anyone let alone an athlete (apart from teenage years that I was really into bands, etc) with this much obsession (that's an appropriate term to describe my condition), it'll be interesting to find out the outcome of this survey. Do you think they will make it available for us fanyus to see it?
  9. Hello I am not sure if I'm doing something wrong but I can't find my bookmark from my user page...? ETA: I've found it.
  10. Dear Yuzuru, May all your wishes come true. Happy 27th birthday!!
  11. 今回の羽生くんの怪我は、タイミング的には2017年の時ととても似ているのですが、平昌前と決定的に違うのは「五輪二連覇」を果たしているというところですよね。締め切りがある時の、それに間に合わないかもしれないという焦りのようなものは今回は少ないと思います。ただし、彼の怪我の詳細が判らないゆえの不安というのはある訳ですが。 私がPHの存在を知ったのは、前回2017年の怪我の後で、羽生くんの怪我の詳細などを知りたくてググりまくって辿り着いたのがここでした。もう何と言うか、砂漠でオアシスに出会ったと言うか、大海原で遭難して漂っているときに安全そうな島を見つけたと言った感じだったかな。PHがあると言うことが、何と大きな救いかと、今回も改めて思いました。 4Aと言うモンスタージャンプを手懐けるのは容易なことではないでしょう。でも羽生くんなら絶対にやってのけると信じて応援するのみです!
  12. The impact of casual denim Yuzu is massive it can heal your depression in seconds! These days I'm totally detached from the scoring and competitions as the numbers really can't tell anything about the actual performances. I just laugh at ridiculous GOE/PCS because I see it as an indicator of ISU or feds choice of winners. Nothing has changed since 6.0 system days. I see these Russian medias trying to give helping hand for US in pursuit of elusive OGM for their chosen one. It is after all Olympic season so all creatures come out to play but in the end the winners are chosen by the beast of the event. I hope the beast likes blunt and boring programs...
  13. He is definitely getting younger. He could pass as a high school student
  14. @Yuzuwinnie, I think auto-translation made a mistake here. The original post that @CaroSkate made did not say 170 years. It just said "170" and I believe it meant 170cm and it was about her height.
  15. Little rabbit Zu with "4A" balloon saying "May I jump...?"
  16. I saw a japanese fan's tweet about the colour of Yuzu's costume and s/he said it's like 東雲色 = the colour of eastern sky at beginning of a dawn. His skating is getting better and better but it doesn't look like he's hit the peak yet. So not the sunset but it's a dawn of new Hanyu era - more mature expression and different interpretation to his past programs is so exciting!
  17. I've seen someone was speculating that violinist Ikuko Kawai who played White Legend had mentioned last year that she may collaborate with Yuzu next year (2021). So it could mean they may do WL at this year's 24hr TV... It's been 10 years since 3.11 and WL is the program that made Yuzu realise that his skating can give hope to people.
  18. Yes! Yuzu will be skating with no audience. I wonder what he is going to skate...
  19. Yuzu may want to become the first man to land all 6 quad jumps so he'll have to land 4F in an ISU competition
  20. I always believe that skating reflects skaters' personalities somehow. Yuzu's skating is honest and sincere down to the tiniest details. When he skates, he gives everything. There's no hiding 'cos it's all out there on the ice. You fake something and most people can tell something is not quite genuine about. So what you put into skating has to come from the heart. You skate like you mean it. If your heart is not in, it will show in your performance. I don't get Nathan's skating because I don't really feel what he's expressing it (if he's trying to express, that is). I enjoy Donovan's skating even though his skill level is not quite there yet because he has something that I like - full of personality in his skating. NC's interview episode is hardly a surprise to me tbh but it is sad to know that the current world fs champion doesn't love fs the way it supposed to be - beautiful. Femininity and masculinity can co-exist in beautiful figure skating in both men and women. Yuzu is what the figure skating beauty is in human form
  21. Yuzu sounds like a guy on a shopping channel who sells beauty products...
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