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Everything posted by BWOZWaltz

  1. It's finished in a second... I wanna see MORE!
  2. Flesh flashy costume is good and bad as it distracts too much for some cases...but for Stephane, it is just a part of his normal costume
  3. Kohmi san's costume can provide enough sparkles for the entire career of some single male skaters
  4. https://mov3.co/en/tvasahi/ Yuzu's segment is on now!
  5. He literally rocked the Japan - earthquake flash news across his performance wth!
  6. Nobu is true entertainer love his energy and commitment!
  7. Oh Canadian skater skating to a Canadian singer love love love
  8. Charming Keiji I will miss you in comps.
  9. Oh it's a good looking homeless guy...
  10. This is very much like watching FaOI...two guys messing around with fluffy tutu on Sunday afternoon. Yep I approve ETA: Oh the post ranked me up to YOLO3A
  11. Russian disco inspired number?
  12. Short hair suits Kaori so much. She's a grown woman now
  13. Thank you!! I've got one of the qq streaming right now but I'll open this one as a back up too Thank you sooo much ETA: This is the same Twitch channel that I was watching and that got banned
  14. I can't believe that I've bought 3day trial of NewHome Japanese TV thing but it doesn't work!!! I had downloaded the app but when I open it, the app aborts and can't even get started I should have tried it the day earlier or something to get more time to sort out issues...oh well, I'll have to try another one I suppose.
  15. This one seem to be working now. Is it "Skinny Love" by Rino??
  16. Thanks but it's circling and not loading
  17. The link just dropped... do you have any other??
  18. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  19. That lady in the background is me in reaction to these pics. Oh I love Yuzu in FaOI (or any ice shows or anywhere )
  20. So the theme is j-disco is it? Surely the FaOI designer knows how to entertain us every time The amount of the abs that Yuzu flashed (sounds so naughty but I love it ) is compensating for us fanyus' yearning for him since Beijing. It is 3-year-over-due after all. Can't wait for proper video footage of these!!
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