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Everything posted by BWOZWaltz

  1. I like sporty casual watches but I have thin wrists and small hands so the over-sized watch would look too much on me. So if Citizen can come up with Yuzu themed watch with UA version like something simple, sporty and slim, I'd love to have one
  2. Start around 10:43 till 11:15 of part 1
  3. I'm wondering what is the reason for this strong view about Orser being like JW. Was it any particular incidents or events that led you to have this? I have no doubt that TCC/Brian & Co. (including Javi) were the necessary ingredients in shaping Yuzu as the skater that he's now. Brian did have some foot-in-mouth incidents before in the past and that Yuzu did not agree 100% with what Brian had said but the general views about their relationship has always been very positive. Even great athletes need some guidance and it's necessary for seeking help from others to overcome their challenges and adversities sometime. Others' point of view is a valuable source of feedback for performing arts and judging sports. With the pandemic continuing for longer periods, Yuzu'd need to think of a long term training plan that would suit his goal and his needs. I feel the training in Sendai has its benefits as well as the real possibilities of long lasting impact on his physical side that he may have to consider carefully. Training for 4A has unknown physical effect that includes serious injuries. Yuzu himself has said recently that lacking of physiotherapy is something that his body cannot ignore. So his interviews sounded to me, he really has to make a decision based on what is his priority. That includes he has to make decisions that may have to sacrifice or compromise in order for the goal/need to be fulfilled. As a mere fan, I just accept whatever he decides but that does not stop me from worrying for the consequences that comes with the decision. However, I trust Yuzu in making right decisions for himself. I feel Yuzu is at the crossroads in terms of deciding his training base. He will consider every possibilities of choosing where to go from here and make the right decision. @180267, I do not agree with your view on Orser but I do agree with you that I trust Yuzu. And also, Yuzu does trust Orser so I don't understand why you cannot trust Yuzu's trust in Orser. Teacher/student relationship don't work if it's one sided. They both trust each other and that trust led them to 2OGM. That is my view on Yuzu and Orser.
  4. "Anata wa watashitachi no kibo no hikaridesu." 貴方は私達の希望の光です Also, "You are our light" 貴方は私達の光です ETA: anata = あなた can be written 貴方 or 貴女. You can use 貴方 for both male and female but 貴女is used only for female as the kanji character 女 represents woman.
  5. When I think about Fujiya Peko-chan, it's always Milky and Peko-chan Sundae for me I didn't really associate purin with Peko-chan. I think about Morozoff more than anything with the word 'purin'. They're known for custard pudding with glass cups which is quite strong so people keep them after eating it and use it as everyday drinking glasses. Also, we used to make purin at home using 'purin mix'. Ahh good old days... Maybe we've always called custard pudding or caramel pudding just 'purin'.
  6. As someone who was born and bred in Japan, I can say that we've never had the word 'pudding' as sweets/deserts in general. I remember it was called 'custard pudding' or caramel pudding in my childhood days but the famous 'pucchin purin' became widely popular back in 70's or something and the word 'purin/pudding' became associated mainly with caramel pudding around that time...I think?
  7. Yuzu is going to make a big pudding and eat it...when would that be?
  8. It's a bit late but Happy Easter! I don't want to get back to work tomorrow-------!!!!! NOOOOO😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
  9. #初めて見た生羽生の絶対的破壊力を語れ ↑↑ Fans are tweeting about the destructive power of Yuzu when they've seen him for the first time in real life. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  10. BTW Max's this tweet has been made into a web article with @Henni147's analysis https://thedigestweb.com/topics_detail13_2/id=39136 This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  11. I have twitter ac but only use it to "like" stuff basically when I see some posts on PH that I like. I don't follow anyone in particular as I've seen some real nut cases who couldn't stop spilling toxic or unhealthy thoughts that should stay within themselves. No it's not worth wasting your time picking up those garbages so let's just leave them. I can only imagine that Yuzu has some obligations that most of us are not even aware of. I believe those "obligations" do affect decisions that Yuzu has to make. So as for him participating in WTT and SOI, I just let the people who want to speculate and twist to get on with themselves. Why bother reading something that's only going to upset you or the contents that aren't even true... Coming into Oly season, the things are going to get worse. And the bottom line is, they want Yuzu - antis, critics, jornos, tv & media and even Olympics themselves need him to be in. After all, we're all satellites that orbit and gravitate toward the biggest star of the fs galaxies. The strong light that Yuzu emits cannot be ignored even by the those who hate it.
  12. Your contributions to our community is truly appreciated Thank you so much for your analysis!! And please send our regards to your lovely mum and dad too!! I wholeheartedly agree with giving positive influence/response when negative things happen. Shadow deepens when the light is strong. It's easy to react to the negative things with more negative energy but if we want to make a difference / restore the balance of positive & negative, we must stay positive and see it through. Venting frustration is needed sometime and it can help getting over things but if we concentrate only on negative side, we can lose sight on good things. As for WTT, I still can't believe Yuzu is participating in. But if that's been decided and Yuzu is getting ready for it, I'll pray for his health and safety (and all the skaters') the most then cheer for him.
  13. All glitters are not gold. Flow of the time will filter out all the impurities and people will find only the real gold when they look back at these dark days of FS😇 Only the real gold can withstand the test of time. Nate's consistency has been supported by the external factors which more or less the other skaters do not have. It bothers me particularly that his ss is marked high bc I simply cannot see what the judges are seeing in his ss. These things are clearly not in judges' minds when they are marking his scores. Where do you see soft knees and ankles when landing those jumps? Where?
  14. With the Yuzu self-choreo? But that's including the flop down on the ice and roll over so he may get a point reduction or more
  15. We've had "Pudding" in the PH glossary for Masquerade costume but calling Yuzu pudding is kind of pudding doing pudding program while pudding prince (ToshI) sings is pudding overload! (or pudding overlord )
  16. NHK will be held at Yoyogi athletic arena where JNats 2019 was held. Don't know if Yuzu still has bad flash backs from then but NHK held other than Osaka should be okay... I'm inclined to the option 1 but then like @shanshani mentioned, Nate may want to test the water for Oly so he may choose to go CoC I don't think Nate has ever been to CoC with his senior gp? But then again, JSF being JSF, they may refuse Yuzu at NHK and have Yuma instead as he's the winner of the event last year (as a good luck). That leaves CoR for Yuzu but considering Rus fed's track record of COVID measures, I really don't think Yuzu'd like to risk his health... With all these assignment talks, we really can't say anything unless the pandemic situations dramatically changes for the better. Vaccination program in Japan is very slow in progress as my elderly parents (dad's over 90 and mum over 85) haven't even got notifications from the local authorities. So with Tokyo Oly in sight, COVID situation in Japan could turn for worse by the autumn which I'm really dreading.
  17. We should wait for more nuanced translation from Axelwithwings or someone but the above post (1st one is by Kaori and the second one by Yuzu), without knowing what was the exact question, it is hard to translate accurately. Anyway, Yuzu's answer was: "While I'm pursuing 4A, if Beijin Oly is along the line of that, I'd consider it (he did not specify what is the exact thing he's going to consider). Final/ultimate goal to me is not about winning a gold medal at Olympics but I'd emphasis that my number one goal is to land 4A successfully" And in the 3rd post: (Q:on stating his continuing for further season) "At one point, there were days that I've felt I've grown old or my body does not move like it used to but now I'm feeling that I can still develop/progress/grow. People compare me with my past glories and that is inevitable but I have definitely been upping my game/improving/raising the level. I have improved definitely since Pyeongchang or Helsinki." What angers me the most is the narrative that ISU or certain people put on Yuzu for being "has-been". FFS just open your eyes and see what he's been doing. Where in the fs world at the 10th snr year, who'd put 5quads in fs? I really don't understand why people do not want to see someone is so good at what he does to see how far he can go? ETA: The above tweet is not full interview that Yuzu gave so the context is not accurate. Full translation of the interview will be out soon I believe...
  18. New Yuzu crumbs This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  19. I used Chrome Incognito window and spent some time to donate about 300 yen...I wish I could have done more but my laptop got too hot so i had to stop it
  20. Also what about our hearts and hairs?? Heart & hair transplant business will be booming...the power of hanyuconomy
  21. Yep. You can post it here though I have already saved b&w and colour ver on my lap top and on the phone as well You’ll never know when you need back up of a back up
  22. Can somebody invent a dream recorder and time machine like now? We need to send them to the night that @Henni147 had the dream!! TBH I don't think I'd survive day 2 so I need paramedics stand by as well...
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