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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. More trolly pushing Yuzu photos in dramatic black and white. https://www.tokyoheadline.com/545831/ [NEWS]
  2. I think even though fan fests are supposed to be for fans only, that was not always easy to control. Some well-known non-fans posted there frequently, especially during the 2012-13 season during his move. I mean not just people with differing opinions. Kinda similar to what Evgenia went through when SHE moved to Canada. I think she got the exact same line: they are trying too hard to make her Canadian (in response to that Orange Sky SP). I'll just leave it at that lol.
  3. if you go to your name you should be able to click on Account Settings and in there you should find Signature
  4. His voice is so soothing. He's like the narrator of a nice movie with a happy ending that tells you everything will be okay in life. I believe, Yuzu. I believe
  5. anyone have favorite videos on YT that might get deleted or copyright striked? or favorite fancams that we can direct link to? i've been compiling them as much as possible just in case they disappear~ please post so i can put them in our library
  6. This is so lovely! I also want to paint now. Love seeing time lapses of watercolor.
  8. yeah i've noticed that yuzu's elbows stick out quite a lot. I feel like he's not actually as tight in the air as some other skaters, tho I bet pulling them in would feel weird though...
  9. so does google https://www.google.com/search?q=purple+pants+of+sin&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjzsLa_tePvAhVLFVkFHe6WAhMQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1792&bih=901
  10. This is geoblocked for me by NBC Even though there are versions on youtube that aren't geoblocked? Seems kinda random but ok. Also, I see more geoblocked videos recently I thought they were letting up on the censorship a bit in the last few years. But maybe since it's Olympic season, things are tightening up again. Anyway I went hunting for a no commentary version. I've uploaded and linked it here:
  11. Hiya, you're not alone, I feel the same these last few days. Worlds was already sad but then the aftermath was just unnecessary. On a slightly more positive (or at least not negative) note, I've been thinking of making a new banner for this site. Something with LMEY and ten to chi to. I was wondering what pictures to use. I really like these: For ten to chi to, I really liked his ina bauer but couldn't find a lot of good photos for it. This one looks good though but is lower res: Anyone got good ideas? LOL
  12. I think so, geoblocked in Japan and/or other countries with broadcasting rights.
  13. Yeah I don't think he's gonna land it with +5 GOE. But it's not like skating well at WTT will make the media any nicer to him now, after Worlds. So, why not try? Just speculating. I don't know what he's thinking Falling on a jump is still valuable experience.
  14. Hmmmmmm....Yuzu did say (depending on the translation) he was going to include the 4A at the "next competition" 🤔👀
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