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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. Yeah, why can't he withdraw? I know he always feels obligated to go. But maybe it's time to claim an injury or something. Sigh I know that's what I'd do and not how Yuzu operates.
  2. Sometimes events don't become superspreaders, like Worlds (hopefully). But a large degree of that is based on luck, so the more such events you hold, the more likely you DO get a superspreader even if all the protocols are exactly the same. Even if the event is a complete bubble. Which it wasn't at Worlds, although there was still testing so that reduced the probability of contamination, so yes it is better than absolutely nothing. And for Worlds, it was an Olympic qualifying event. There was *some* importance to it. But WTT is nothing but a joke event made-for-TV where the skaters have to be contractually obligated to attend when invited because otherwise no one would go, and that just leaves a bad taste in the middle of the pandemic. We're just a very angry bunch, I'm sorry to say it's because we know that Yuzu has been hospitalized with just the flu before due to his asthma, and COVID is much worse than the flu. We know he's worried, he's been vocally opposed to competitions all year. And we know Yuzu never speaks up against the ISU, EVER. So we are just tired and angry and worried fans. So you'll find we're a little snippy here with regards to this topic. Hope that makes sense.
  3. Since we're a year out I wonder if we could get a poll. Then we could see if we end up being wildly on or off This poll is asking for quads/3As with no underrotations, edge calls, or negative GOE (unless it's a combo and the quad is fine but mistake is on the other jump(s) in the combo). This poll isn't asking about REAL quads, just "quads" on the protocols. SP + FS (entire event)
  4. whoa, this is a great comparison. Personally, I have seen Yuzu live a few times and the only times I think he is a bit slower than usual is when he was injured. For example, at the 2018 Olympics (FS) and 2019 Worlds (FS). It's hard to notice this difference on TV because the camera follows the skater. The only skater who seems noticeably slower than others even when on TV is Liza, lol. I can't really compare with other skaters (i.e. Nathan) speed live because I haven't watched them. But these videos are quite informative. I was a bit shocked.
  5. BTW...sounds like JPN media interviewed a japanese judge, who said he disagreed w/ scoring. Too little too late, but it finally happened. [NEWS]
  6. well, then that's just heart-breaking. i can see a coach talking like that to a young girl who needs discipline. but if it's recent, seeing her cry like that and then be berated like a little kid, knowing what her health issues are and how much she's already been through. sigh. that's just cruel.
  7. yea i wonder. it seemed like the documentary was made recently, because they talk about her losing (at the olympics). but in the footage she looks so young, idk. Like pre-PC.
  8. That clip must've been a while ago right? Because she looks way younger in that clip.
  9. yikes https://www.instagram.com/tv/CNC7FmxDq_a/?igshid=obapzqknb30i&fbclid=IwAR3Xwe8XF5RSGsqfwlXHYJ2cBHBpjeOyj6uhLldHtOfjZ48UBZgBY5FIn_0
  10. He should have, but I'm not too angry about it, because I feel like Worlds is basically only win or lose nowadays. Silver or bronze, meh whatever.
  11. you have friends like this? i don't not anymore
  12. I usually just preface it for them. "I'm only a fan of Yuzuru Hanyu, really. I don't really enjoy watching skating otherwise." I used to enjoy it? But it's the truth now.
  13. TBH he already did -- JNats was near flawless. Only flaw in JNats performance were the missing lutzes/flips. But okay, with 4A, because the program isn't complete (according to him) without it
  14. Hi everyone, so I haven't skated for like a year. But it's fine, I spent some time roller skating, until it snowed too much to do that too. But I have a personal/moral dilemma? And I don't think anyone else will understand except for people here So I live and skate in the US (unfortunately) which means that if I wanna do testing or competitions most of the time I have to go through USFSA. Don't really want to give them a dime but most adult testing is through USFSA as well as competitions. There's ISI too which is unaffiliated but there are fewer competitions and they're a lot less serious, I think. IDK. Maybe I should just not test? Or maybe sign up for 1 year membership (which is $144 fyi) and try to do all the tests I can do and then cancel, and then only compete non-USFSA competitions? (if you want to compete you have to pass that level test.) I don't really know how this works haha. Sigh. Moral dilemma.
  15. I am here for this. Do you have a link? I have been so angry all weekend.
  16. Yeah man, Yuzu, just skate to One OK Rock or Tokyo Ghoul, complete with Japanese lyrics and choreography, 🖕 the judges, the media, and everyone else who thinks the world revolves around Western culture. I wish for him to have one more moment as a skater, something that isn't just a stepping stone to some other match up but a standalone, decisive victory befitting his status as the GOAT, something that requires no asterisks. And I wish for us to have one more moment as fans, to be able to scream and cry and hug and throw poohs and dress up as poohs and trade clear files and not have to worry about scoring or COVID or corruption or feds or injuries or the media. After the last 12 months up to this weekend I think I could be satisfied and happy forever if we could have that just one more time. I've been crying on and off a lot lately. We don't deserve him.
  17. Another photo. He looks happy, at least on another note, anyone see that backpack for sale? i know it was sold out a while back, but jw if it was ever restocked Tests negative, at least. This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
  18. sometimes the embedding is slow right now. i embedded it.
  19. okay, it was bothering me that pudding!Yuzu (or pendulum!Yuzu) wasn't looping properly, so...I fixed it
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