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Everything posted by yuzuangel

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    http://www.fcc2018taipei.com/ Schedule: http://www.isuresults.com/results/season1718/fc2018/fc2018_Men_FS_TimeSchedule.pdf
  8. thebackthebackthebacktheback why does nathan look hunched here? is it an optical illusion
  9. Can someone explain to me why Yuzu's posture is inferior to anyone's, including Nathan's, because I just don't see it? Because when I think of good posture I think of Yuzu, and nothing about Nathan's free skate screams great posture or lines to me, just stiffness and lack of back arch or any creative upper body choreography. When I stretch and try to hit (dream) positions I see in my head Chopin, Seimei, Notte Stellata, and H&L, and when I watch one of those young jumping beans skating I think about how much more core and upper body strength they need to keep Yuzu's lines and posture. So given that he's such an inspiration to me for his immense core and back strength and his beautiful lines and full-body involvement with the music, I really don't get why he's considered actually inferior in those aspects??
  10. ohh i hadn't considered this, but you're right. there were always a couple of guys who had a lot of trouble staying afloat in swim class because guys have wayy lower body fat percentage than girls. it's funny bc my university requires you to know how to swim to graduate.....
  11. credit for find: @Danibellerika (again lol)
  12. Yeah and that's only on the Pyeongchang website. All officials ATR's like Cosport also charge a markup for them and they ban people from countries with official ATRs to buy them from the Pyeongchang website, bc of course they want to make $$ off of them haha
  13. Oh that's great, congrats. over $400 for a ticket is still so much, can't afford it >_> which is sad because it's the Olympics and I'll actually be living in a hostel minutes way from the rink oh well, guess I'll watch on TV.
  14. Awesome, have fun The thing is, I'll actually be in Gangneung during the Pairs SP and FS.. I would have liked to go and was also debating watching the other team events as well. But I honestly can't afford to spend almost USD$600 on each ticket (for Level A) or almost USD$400 for level B and I don't really want to go if I only get Level C seats? And it's not like those are cheap, either. It's really sad that there will be empty seats for the Olympics (and not because there's no interest) but what can I do, I already spent enough on this trip haha.. Don't get me started on the Gala. It's almost USD$800 per ticket for Level A?!?
  15. they better! it's the olympics, where they commercialize literally everything from open to close. it's all about $$ after all but i'm just guessing haha.
  16. geez they look like jumpsuits. don't like them much
  17. I don't think everything is sold, there must still be tickets available for general sale (it's not Japan after all) and people will sell them too
  18. zhenya. damn! i hope she is 100% healed and in top form, and this other World Champion who also had the same injury as her is also similarly healed and getting back to top form soon
  19. You can try downloading japanese keyboard on your phone, and usually they have an option to write kanji using a stylus or your finger..
  20. same, but i'll gladly buy that poster
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