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Everything posted by yuzuangel

  1. "Is there a particular person who you want to award your silver medal?" "Anyone who wants it...I don't care." lol
  2. wtf shoma looks like he would rather be anywhere else
  3. I think I will go take a walk and try to clear my thoughts. And think about Yuzu's gold medal (and only that).
  4. Is this the only FS he won? other than Nationals, ofc. And I guess his Senior B.
  5. Can he just ..... let them all heal now. All of them. Up to the smallest paper cuts. Please. Thanks.
  6. You mean you still had respect for them before?
  7. Maybe it's just me, but......Yuzu just won the one thing he's ever wanted in his life. And he made the sacrifices to get there. He did it. It's done. There is so much to celebrate and he is so so so happy so let's just be happy with him. I am still so so so so happy for him, I can't find the words the describe it. Everything else will fall into place...injuries heal, and he'll find his way back onto the ice in one form or another. I don't wish for anything more than him recovering and making a comeback, but even so...everything is right with the world now. Let's stay positive
  8. It's the one thing he's ever wanted in his life. If that's not the best prize I don't know what is.
  9. Classy USFS/NBC, making a mountain out of an event organization technicality! just kidding though, congrats to Vincent, he skated well.
  10. lololol too much to hope for im a little at all the americans who seem to want to bask in their media glory than skate or go to practices, especially since the individuals haven't happened yet, but what can i say
  11. whoa they filmed that at the rink i go to no wonder it was closed on one of the days for a "commercial screening"
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTPDCJbQCd0 lolol Nathan hype!
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