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Baby Swan

Baby Swan (4/67)

  1. 1. When did you become a fan of Yuzu? Worlds 2017 2. When and why did you sign up for Planet Hanyu? June 2017, I was reading Yuzu's GS thread then it was blocked, there was a whole drama and then I foound a link to this forum 😌 2. Did you make any irl friends through Planet Hanyu? Not yet, hi guys 🖐 3. Have you participated in any group projects on Planet Hanyu? I don't think so, no 4. Did you attend any meetups with other satellites at competitions? not yet. 5. What do you like the most about this forum? the organization and the love for yuzu 💖 6. Would you like to participate in the giveaway? yes :)
  2. I think for 2018 the most popular girl name was Yuzuki!!! And 2nd and 3rd start with "Yu" too xD Source
  3. Still on 2018 but Happy New Year everyone xD Waiting for yuzu...
  4. Lol yuzu's legendary troll practice
  5. Well he is the original Eteri-girl, pretty little quad monster,stuffed tissue box holder and backloading pioneer xD
  6. Getting lost on this otoñal tag: https://twitter.com/hashtag/Otonalのここが好き He is so beautiful
  7. That's something I find so endearing about him. He always acts super confident and unashamed but when someone compliments him he gets super flustered and shy. Happy birthday Yuyu, may all your wishes come true, goals achieved, more records and gold medals!!! (And now to get a strawberry cake!!)
  8. I always assumed it was a fan gift (since brian laughed) but thinking about it now it doesn't look like a gift, gifts are almost always wrapped or on a bag (except plushies sometimes)
  9. Some yuzu b-day celebration ideas, (bake a cake and share a photo)
  10. Yuzuki??? XD And yuzu is tumblr 's top athete 2018!! https://fandom.tumblr.com/post/180590843679/2018-athletes
  11. Yeah, these are not fans ,comments like that just create unnecessary animosity against the skaters And people forget they all are very competive and want to win against the best. fortunately all boys are class acts and always wish the best for yuzu, and turn off the rude questions they get
  12. LOL wonder who would he cast as the villain xD https://yumeyuriy.tumblr.com/post/180514263889/javi-planning-his-biopic-with-vodafone-yu-the
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