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Everything posted by ruruzest

  1. What a day ! First Javi retires then Yuzu withdraws!
  2. On the other hand I hope that he will have a wonderful birthday with his family instead of being away from home because of competition ! eat lots of strawberry cake, drink hot chocolate and catch up on that video game Yuzu!
  3. always helping others! Yuzu: here, this is how you socialize, put your arm on others and blend in! giving spotlight to others
  4. This is too cute! Yuzu looks so wholesome in the Ghana CM! It’s hard to connect his warrior side with his fluffy side! Indeed!
  5. His right pinky! Does it look crooked?? His facial expression!! I’m tearing up!
  6. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing this! I always admire the Chinese language for its subtlety and beauty! So inspiring! Yuzu has such dedicated fans all because of who he is! And I’m glad I’m one of them!
  7. @Paskud Omg so sorry i didn’t see the pic clearly!!! i don’t know the artist’s intention but that pic is too much!!! Of all the pics why picked this one???
  8. Maybe she likes this pic without knowing the story behind it. It’s a gorgeous costume though but Cor 2014=
  9. I really don’t know what stage I am rn i guess I’m in the limbo stage, all mixed up feelings and none of those is good
  10. Our extra boy!!! Sorry to bring this back but suddenly I have this Shrek song I have to get out! Yagudin: “ then I saw his skating, now I’m a believer, not a shred of doubt in my mind, he’s a “ skating god”... ( I’m losing it ,sorry, dreading for my GPF trip)
  11. has this been shared? Yuzu is so attentive to little kids!
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