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Layback Ina Bauer

Layback Ina Bauer (9/67)

  1. Skaters find out when isu publicly release the assingmnents, they aren’t told in advance
  2. im probably gonna fly London - Lyon and then get a train from Lyon - Grenoble, doesn’t seem to be too expensive.. I’ve never travelled before on my own and I think Paris would scare me 😂 but I’ll look into it, I never actually thought about the eurostar tbh
  3. I’ll cry too bc i have tickets for IDF and getting to Grenoble is so difficult from London, whereas Milan is nice & easy :(
  4. Hi! I'm trying to make a big playlist or document of iconic programs from over the years to show new fans, or just to marathon in general, and I would love if other people could suggest some? It can be any discipline from any generation! Thank You So Much <33
  5. how much do i have to pay for a queen program?? (show must go on/we are the champions/who wants to live forever)
  6. not yuzuru-related but does anyone have a link to patrick's fs from sochi? preferably bbc or Olympic channel commentary?
  7. SP - Tango? or something dramatic or a Jazzy rock peice like PW - Jeffrey Buttle [please lord let it be Roxanne] FS - Choreo'd by SLB - movie soundtrack? EX - Let's go Crazy? or a new program choreo'ed by David Wilson? maybe J-Pop? or J-Rock?
  8. uh personally im ok w it? like i dont get why its offensive?
  9. does anyone remember the statistic of how many houses tuned in to see yuzuru win? can’t remember if it was Sendai or Japan, need it for a school project
  10. apparently there’s a deal between jsf and French fed for yuzu to do idf and p/c to do nhk afaik
  11. Averaged Scores across the Men's field for this season, currently working on free program scores, and tech/pcs https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SxGp0IdyMZYSUbKYuQvYi0qFYQg342pqpSu8mIgKScs/edit#gid=190673993
  12. tried to make something, but it didnt really turn out the way i wanted
  13. i wonder if the 4Lz is a physical or mental issue now
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