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Everything posted by axelnojutsu

  1. In the article they spell his name yuzuru hanyulle is that why they can’t pronounce it
  2. @turquoiseblue thank you for keeping us all updated
  3. I just cannot get over the nerve of the freaking US demanding "justice" for their calls
  4. I’m not touching Helsinki predictions with a ten foot pole, sorry Not like I’ve got any standing to lose anyway
  5. I got a good amount of right names but I think my placements were all wrong
  6. Jackie keeps shifting the goal posts in his explanations too, first it’s not a blade take off the slomo is just bad then it’s well he’s not fully on the blade and now it’s well he completely goes down on the blade but he goes back up on the toe so it’s fine I’m so glad Max is out there taking no bs
  7. I'm sorry, slomo doesn't do jumps justice, we should all refer to our superior jack's intuition and eyesight for technical calls from now on
  8. just because an error is common doesn't make it suddenly not an error what kind of logic is that
  9. Tightening the skate does help to a degree but on the ither hand that’s not really adressing the problem is it? I just gotta git gud and that takes time and practice I guess
  10. My outside edges are fighting me again (especially the right one) so i spent almost an hour today doing nothing but edge work weirdly, back outside edges were doing just fine still
  11. it seems I missed the cut off for entering predictions for SA oh well.. with all the WD I didn't want to enter anything earlier eta: nevermind I'm an idiot and was trying to enter my answers directly into the spreadsheet instead of using the form I did totally pick random names for ID and pairs mostly because I don't know who most of them even are
  12. Today was a lot better and I’ll say it’s definitely because I tied my skates just right and not at all because I’ve skated the day before and not with like a week in between and I just need to get back into skating regularly nope not at all
  13. I’m super frustrated with my regression from last season and lack of any substantial improvement since August right now
  14. Floppiness is my number 1 enemy in skating but I always attributed it to just being generally unfit
  15. I keep experiencing this, it's really astonishing how much my mood can affect my ability to do anything on the ice really.
  16. why.. why is pooh wearing lipstick and has a golden crotch
  17. I love backwards crossovers they're nice For some reason whenever I try to do the traveling 3turn thing the second one always turns into a loop, I just can't do it If you have more videos like that I'd love to see them, I'm always looking for inspiration
  18. I honestly have no concept of levels or what's advanced or not so I just see things and go "huh let me try that" But I can assure you I am definitely not advanced as a skater, I'm still an insecure noob flailing about
  19. about 1 and a half hours, I actually left early because I felt that I was too tired to get anything more done I was trying to wrangle power pulls into submission so I feel like that's probably what did it since I spent most of the session on them Still can't do it properly but backwards right is making progress
  20. I mean I am pretty relaxed in the sense that ACI is not Olys and doesn't really matter plus he's unlikely to not be 1st regardless of what he puts out But I am excited to see him skate and see the costumes and all that I just hope he stays healthy and happy
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