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Everything posted by axelnojutsu

  1. ok I have a little time left before I have to go be social and stuff but I'm over here like
  2. Wait hold up I need the scoop what exactly did Yuzu say ?! I'm sipping tea and listening to meditation music trying to stay calm.. it's not working too well
  3. I'm not ready I mean I trust Yuzu and I came around to Chopin 3.0 and I bet no matter what he does I'll enjoy it eventually (and even if I don't personally love the music choice or whatever obviously I'll still support him duh) but oly season has my nerves in shambles lol Hopefully I should be able to catch the stream live so I can have my freak out(s) in real time
  4. It's pride week here rn so I didn't think I'd catch this one but so far the doodle is going in my favor
  5. I forgot to check what time the stream would be yesterday and missed it But I'll be there tomorrow!
  6. I would assume not (I live in Germany), or is it like an internationally recognized "How To Teach Skating" type of thing?
  7. I'm thinking about starting lessons this winter and I'm totally intimidated because I haven't skated since I was 10 and even then it was only a couple times at christmas markets I've been wanting to do it for while now though, don't have any high expectations either (except not falling on my butt every 5 seconds )
  8. iirc it is part of the 24h tv thing so I'm assuming it will be broadcast
  9. What a nice family picture #supportivedad #proudmom also lol @ how pink brian is
  10. this art is lovely and I kinda would like to see a dark seimei (with a different cut) at some point but please not next season yuzu
  11. Not to jinx it but I still have some hope for new music thanks to that comment from Brian about saving the best music for olympics.. unless that got scrapped for chopin 3.0 after his lgc crisis
  12. I think Nathan and Shoma are his biggest threats, both for different reasons
  13. I'm loving them I do really want him to win but yeah him being happy with his performance (as unlikely as he is ever to be completely satisfied with himself) is more important
  14. I agree that he's doing more - I just don't think that's being reflected well in the scores right now. I don't want all quads everything and I more than anything hope for a clean and beautiful performance from Yuzu but I can't help but worry if it'll be enough to win sorry for being so negative
  15. The saddest bit is that in the end I doubt it will even matter if they do and it'll all come down to tech score, there's just too little points to be gained in PCs comparatively
  16. If Nathan does go for 7 or even 6 quads I can't imagine the rest of his program will hold up, even if he manages to improve his artistry etc But idk if I trust the judges to give lower PCs as long as he lands everything or even most of the jumps I would as well but not sure about Brian
  17. just trying to imagine a 7 quad program hurts my brain
  18. I just don't know if I'm being too cynical/pessimistic I guess.
  19. I don't really know whether to read that as them expecting Yuzu to win a second gold or that they're hoping that someone else (Shoma) will do "like Hanyu before" and win gold
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