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An amazing idea just struck me! I know it's already too late, but I think 'Country Road' would've been the perfect SP for Boyang in the Olympic season! It's emotional enough, it requires dedication and expressiveness, but less smooth, deep edges, and it could be done it two ways: telling the story of skating for their country/home + build on Boyang's cowboy EX (which I didn't like much) during the StSeq and make that one amazing. Would have been perfect. 



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I've watched Boyangs programmes from Finlandia now- I like the SP, I like the music, it has the potential to give him a new dimension, and if he can grow into it he might avoid the criticism Fernandez gets from time to time for sticking to certain types of programme.  However that FS- I have no words, and not in a good way.  Planets and Star Wars could have been good but not chopped about and thrown together like that.  It looked and sounded clumsy to me - wasted opportunity.

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The music cuts are really terrible, and I don't like the choreo either.  I feel quite depressed about it - SW could have been good, as you say there's plenty to choose from.  I hoped using a top choreographer was going to move his skating along a bit, but it doesn't look as though she's a good fit for him- though the music arranger hasn't given them much to work with:smiley-sad058:

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4 hours ago, sublimeskating said:


i've said this before and i'll say it again: as highly reputable lori may be, she just ISN'T a good fit for boyang (and the music arranger should be fired for the terrible job with the music!)


short programs are ok but the long programs are just terrible. la strada was awkward af but star wars is even worse!  boyang needs to work with other top choreographers to help him improve - exactly for the reasons you said.  if only he could work with someone like shae-lynn or jeff buttle (who both seem to tailor programs so well for the individual skaters they work with), i think it would be so helpful for a young skater like boyang - who does have potential but NEEDS polishing

I'm okay with Lori, and I think there's possibly a preference for her from the federation here, as she choreographs for a lot of chinese skaters. But I think the issue so far is a) she has to work with what she has in Boyang (and while his skating skills are good, he's not exactly Yuzu or Patrick level yet) and b) the music cuts were just...ugh. I would want Boyang's team to figure out a new music cut that would work with the choreography if they have time, and c) she still has to learn how to work with Boyang, and that language barrier is signficant.


At this point, I wonder if they'd actually go back to La Strada and really polish it a bit further.

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to be honest, i think boyang made la strada work. i watched some of the mens free with my parents who aren't figure skating fans and they loved it, they found him so exciting and where he plays up to the audience in that program works, instead of looking a little disjointed (imo, of course). in an olympic year, i think that has value because he's going to be reaching millions more people than he would have last season, leaving that impression and making people remember who he is, is good for him. keeping crouching tiger, hidden dragon, but going back to la strada seems to me the best move he could take at the moment. this star wars program is just too messy for an olympic year and i dont think there is real time to refine it before the gp series starts... hopefully next season he can get a different choreographer that fits him better. 

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6 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:


i just gotta say this: i love the huge smiles on their faces and adam has SASS!!! screaming out from every inch of his posture and expression!  i love it!  :2thumbsup:

Boyang and Adam are looking great but can I say that I don't like Vincent's costume at all!! What is that shirt and the blingies from the shoulders .... a no-no to me :slinkaway:

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17 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:

although tbh i doubt he or his team will go back to la strada, because they were adamant that boyang change his programs from last season since a lot of commentators (and judges' attitude?) showed that they didn't find the programs "mature" enough...


unfortunately the star wars program is a mess from start to finish... *sigh*  :facepalm:   :dry: :slinkaway:


i think the judges weren't too bad with scoring it to be honest, as soon as he delivered it well at worlds with no falls or major stepouts like he did at other competitions all throughout last season, his pcs was as high as 86 and thats a great score for him, spiderman was judged harsher (should have broken 100 at worlds imo)


i think he could score more than that in pcs this season IF he goes back to la strada, because he's worked hard on improving his components score since then. maybe improving the transitional quality and quantity in la strada would be a good move, rather than making his new fs work because its just miles more difficult - although id like to see him come back to star wars w/ better music cuts and choreography after this season.

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17 hours ago, sublimeskating said:

although tbh i doubt he or his team will go back to la strada, because they were adamant that boyang change his programs from last season since a lot of commentators (and judges' attitude?) showed that they didn't find the programs "mature" enough...


unfortunately the star wars program is a mess from start to finish... *sigh*  :facepalm:   :dry: :slinkaway:

Hmm, so is the new program a decision made by Boyang and his Choreographer, or one made by the fed? I think if Boyang and Lori both thought "okay, let's do Star Wars" then there is hope. Ideally, I wish he would fly out to Canada before COC (or Lori is flown into China) and they get to work a bit more, take a hard look at what happened at Finlandia and see how they can refine the program a bit (or redo parts of it). Maybe in the course of their dialogue, they do decide to revisit La Strada, because after Finlandia's PCS scores, I'm sure the Chinese Fed might be more pursuaded to revisit La Strada.  But seeing how Mai improved after meeting with Wilson again after ACI, I think the same can apply to Boyang. He wants to improve and make a program work, so long as the will is there it'll work out.

And frankly, there are worse choices around ( I'm looking at you Averbukh and your stuff for Evgenia). :slinkaway:


52 minutes ago, sublimeskating said:

i thought boyang looked taller and broader now than last season but when he's next to vincent and adam suddenly he looks so much smaller (LOL)...

I think Boyang grew both a bit taller and wider. He's incredibly slender for a northern Chinese guy.  But yeah, compared to Vincent and Adam, he's TINY.

And anyone think his goal is Yuzu's thigh muscles? :laughing:

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