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Tips for not dying in winter


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1 minute ago, SparkleSalad said:

So, what do you carry around to drink in -14 degrees and how stupid is this question?


Uhhmmm... Usually you rarely get thirsty when it's -14, all you care about is reaching a warm place as soon as possible :laughing: Then you drink :laughing:

I usually have water and a thermos with hot tea if it's freezing :drinkcoffee: 

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1 minute ago, Smultron said:


Uhhmmm... Usually you rarely get thirsty when it's -14, all you care about is reaching a warm place as soon as possible :laughing: Then you drink :laughing:

I usually have water and a thermos with hot tea if it's freezing :drinkcoffee: 

I wonder if people think that -30 is still above survival border! :biggrin: 

you don't want to be very long outside though...

I can't remember getting thirsty after two hours of skating outside - it just doesn't happen, does it? 

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1 minute ago, Smultron said:


Uhhmmm... Usually you rarely get thirsty when it's -14, all you care about is reaching a warm place as soon as possible :laughing: Then you drink :laughing:

I usually have water and a thermos with hot tea if it's freezing :drinkcoffee: 


My tired brain didn't even remember tea exists. (I need sleep but waiting for signs of lottery winnings.) I wonder if hot sports drinks are not revolting. :crazyshit2: 

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I live in SE Europe so we have -14degC in dec/january period ... hard wind and lot of snow ... not funny, tbh... lol... I have a thick canadian jacket with goose feather and thick boots with fur, one finger gloves and a good double hat! And I usually don't think abt drinking when the weather gets like this ... haha, just to get to a warm place or at home as fast as I can!

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I don't know what 0 let alone -14 feels like - I don't own a jacket thicker than a shirt. I may aswell be wondering what it's like to visit the moon, really.


I was asking because usually I have to drink loads and loads and loads for low BP reasons but I guess cold would help with that anyway. I wonder why I'm assuming I'll become standed and die an icy death. :laughing:

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12 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

I don't know what 0 let alone -14 feels like - I don't own a jacket thicker than a shirt. I may aswell be wondering what it's like to visit the moon, really.


I was asking because usually I have to drink loads and loads and loads for low BP reasons but I guess cold would help with that anyway. I wonder why I'm assuming I'll become standed and die an icy death. :laughing:

Welcome to visit my parents' place in winter - we can have -40 in winter! Lol

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6 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I was asking because usually I have to drink loads and loads and loads for low BP reasons but I guess cold would help with that anyway. I wonder why I'm assuming I'll become standed and die an icy death. :laughing:


Wait, does drinking loads help? Asking because I have low bp all the time and it's not funny at all :13877886: 

Actually you sort of feel an energy boost when it's freezing :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg: It does wonders for energy levels... But then you get home and you are super sleepy all of a sudden :laughing:


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6 minutes ago, Smultron said:


Wait, does drinking loads help? Asking because I have low bp all the time and it's not funny at all :13877886: 

Actually you sort of feel an energy boost when it's freezing :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg: It does wonders for energy levels... But then you get home and you are super sleepy all of a sudden :laughing:



Yup, it increases your blood volume which increases BP but in order to retain it you have to eat a lot of salt, too. My day is just drinking sports drinks and drenching food in soy sauce and salt. I also take medicine to constrict my blood vessels. I have a pretty extreme case, though, so I don'tbknow how much of this to recommend.


I can't handle heat or hot drinks/hot soupy food without energy going splat. The energy you get from the cold would be your BP rising.


ETA Also, wearing compression clothing or just tight undergarments helps, too.

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thermos with tea helps for drinking. As for clothes I will follow ralucutzagy. Good thick wintercoat/jacket and warm winter boots are essential. gloves, scarf/muffler, sth for your ontop of your head and layering (so you can work with temperature differences indoors, outdoors and in transportation). 

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