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1 hour ago, Forcefield said:

Let me know if I should delete this tweet since I don't know who from twitter doesn't want to be shared on this forum.


So, when did this clip air and does anyone know where I can find the video? I don't remember seeing a video of him reading the banners from COR, just saw pictures.




41 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

Hanyu/Ge Ice Dance team..



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On 1/14/2018 at 7:14 PM, ralucutzagy said:

I couldn't watch the docu ... relatives on visit ... ugh ... but I found this! Without subtitles but doesn't matter! Yuzu is speaking so it's enough! :tumblr_inline_mzx8xsVPrg1r8msi5:


On 1/14/2018 at 8:38 PM, ralucutzagy said:


On 1/14/2018 at 8:42 PM, riminin said:

Hi, everyone

I'll leave the quick translation of his latest message shown in the docu.


"It will be my second Olympic Games but in my mind, it's a new challenge.

Expectations for the consecutive Gold Medal is palpable whereas I'm the one who expects the most from me.


I received a lot of messages while I was injured.


I will do my utmost best and push myself to be able to show the best "Yuzuru Hanyu", embracing all those wishes along with my own that I have long cherished.


On 1/14/2018 at 8:55 PM, xeyra said:

BTW, @kaerb is doing a live translation/commentary of the documentary in her twitter.




On 1/14/2018 at 9:08 PM, riminin said:


He  (age 14) wrote: I was scolded by "Papa" the day before yesterday so I tried not to pop the 3A. Then, I was able to land a cleanest 3A in a long time.


Cute! And Papa and not only Mama was obviously also following his progress closely.



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6 hours ago, getsurenka said:



According to Kobayashi-san, it seems like Yuzu had resumed training a week ago, and had asked his training menu to remain as a secret(?).


ETA: From my understanding, quite limited, I think it says he started to get back on ice in late December, and picked up his training a week ago. (But I am not so sure.) 



5 hours ago, getsurenka said:



Kobayashi-san also said they will announced the lineup for team event right before the opening of Olympics. (I don't know if that's usual or not, but I just take it as nothing is fixed yet.)


5 hours ago, getsurenka said:



Kobayashi-san said in this article that back in December Yuzu only put on boots to confirm the feeling of ice, not that he started training then (?) (...someone please check after me.)


5 hours ago, getsurenka said:




Iron Klaus @Iron_Klaus

"He started training around a week ago. I can't give you any details at this point. He has put effort into this without getting discouraged and we thank those who supported him. He is an athlete who can concentrate so I'd like him to get back into full form."

Iron Klaus @Iron_Klaus

#Kobayashi also clarifies that the media saying he was back training on Dec. 16 isn't accurate. At this point he was back "on the ice" but it wasn't exactly training yet.


This probably makes more sense than what I wrote. (I apologize if I created some confusion.)


4 hours ago, sweetwater said:

Seems like this news has already been shared, here is a full translation of an article.


Yuzuru Hanyu resumed on-ice training a week ago


Yuzuru Hanyu, winner of gold medal in men’s figure skating in Sochi 2014 (23 years old, belongs to ANA) resumed on-ice training a week ago, revealed Yoshiko Kobayashi, the head of strengthening section of JSF after a meeting of the board of directors held in Tokyo on 16th. By this day she got contacted by a member of team Hanyu. She said “He has started (on-ice) training from about a week ago. As to the detail of his training, I would rather not disclose it at this moment. Thanks to his effort, he has come this far without losing motivation. We appreciate the support from people around him. He is an athlete who has good concentration, so we hope he’ll do well in conditioning himself.”


Hanyu hurt his right ankle in NHK Trophy held last November and has been working on rehabilitation in Toronto where he trains. At Nationals held last December, Kobayashi commented that she met a person from team Hanyu on Dec. 16th and heard that Hanyu “got on the ice for a while”. She explained, “It was reported that he “trained on the ice” but “got on the ice” meant that he put on his shoes and got on the ice to see how it felt. I’m sorry for my lack of clarity.”


4 hours ago, yude said:

Kobayashi also said, "This is a very bright news.", which gave me positive feeling :smile:




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On 1/16/2018 at 11:08 AM, Floria said:

TV news clip with the latest update

Warning: NHK footage!



On 1/16/2018 at 1:21 PM, Floria said:


On 1/16/2018 at 1:38 PM, Floria said:

I knew I should start learning Japanese some day :laughing:


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On 1/17/2018 at 3:31 AM, getsurenka said:

Training (Morning 8:15-9:45) SP

1.     Reflection on SP:

3A (2A) 

-If (I) had hold it maybe it can changed into bonus points.

-Did not maintain/hold onto axis properly


3F+3T (3F+3T)

-completed it beautifully



-(I) mix up the timing of the jump with 3F --> upper body pushed down (?) --> didn’t jump successfully



-Completed beautifully today


2. Needs to pay attention during normal practice:


-when entering from outer edge, upper body and shoulder shouldn’t move

-when thighs move forward ,upper body needs to move with them (?)

-bent left leg

-If (I) can do some training on hitting foot during waltz jump in the air, that will be good. (I am not so sure what this sentence mean.)



Yesterday (I) made papa mad. (I) tried a way/method to not pop 3A, and (I) completed 3A beautifully for the first time in a long time. (I) hope I don’t forget this feeling.


Purple words= Upper body and shoulders should not move.


I am not sure if I translated them correctly, especially on the technical terms. This is only a rough translation.


ETA: Sorry kaerb, I accidentally quoted you instead of Mr. Pudding.


On 1/17/2018 at 3:47 AM, getsurenka said:


Reflections on Junior WC

1. SP


3A (3A, one hand touched ice)

-sometimes upper body cannot keep up --> cannot maintain axis properly

-when beginning to jump left leg cannot bend very well --> cannot borrow the strength of left leg --> cannot slide out very well (currently I cannot remember the technical term for it)

3F+3T (3F+2T)

-when jumping 3F, upper body got skewed --> adjust in mid-air --> didn’t successfully land

-even when not landed well, still added 2T --> If (I) did better then I could add 3T

2. Spin- everything was good, especially the rotations of sit spin were fast. Completed them beautifully

3. step sequence- CiSt always get Lv 2

4. Others- during 6 mins warm-up, got overwhelmed by other’s presence --> could not concentrate --> wasn’t able to focus on warming up


Thoughts: insufficient stamina, means my ability/strength is inadequate



Again, please correct me if I made any mistake. This is just a rough translation.


On 1/17/2018 at 8:19 AM, ralucutzagy said:


On 1/17/2018 at 8:26 AM, ralucutzagy said:


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On 1/17/2018 at 4:30 PM, Sammie said:
Brian Orser about Yuzuru's condition

I see this floating around twitter today. 


On 1/17/2018 at 6:22 PM, sallycinnamon said:


On 1/17/2018 at 8:00 PM, Floria said:


On 1/17/2018 at 11:48 PM, Floria said:

New article


There is Brian's part, he is talking about Yuzu and Javi training schedules. 


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