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3 hours ago, hamaguri said:

yuzu says, 


"Yesterday's score of SP was due to my strong will to win at Olympics.  I want to catch up with my image that I'm so strong."



"The gap between good and bad conditions is the eternal program of my skating life.  Not only trying to build a perfect pyramid made of glass pieces, but also having the strength to  reach the top with more or less rough is necessary"





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On 24.9.2017 at 8:46 AM, kamotejojo said:


On 24.9.2017 at 9:44 AM, SSS said:

He did not want to talk about injury.

He did 3A to get the audience back from Javi right before GPF FS. He said he controlled the crowd.

He did not like the landing of 4T3T and thought that was not perfect :(

In op, the 4T he failed was due to injury, they showed his painful face.

He watched the himself singing in backstage and feeling nervous and impatient.

He felt the fear of NHK score. He was in the zone? but not in the zone in GPF. Everything in GPF was based on his calculation. :devilYuzu:

The closing pose of GPF after the FS ending pose was extra. It means he came back from SEIMEI's world. He only did it in GPF.


On 24.9.2017 at 10:52 AM, kaerb said:

This is going to have to be a two parter because the last bits really defeated me (I got the general idea of what he's trying to convey but am struggling with the kanji and precise wording and he also gets really metaphorical) and I have assignments to finish but I just wanted to speed translate the key part of Yuzu reacting to Seimei.


Usual disclaimers apply: I'm only translating the main gist of things so people more proficient in Japanese are welcome to correct me, especially the parts where I marked. Also if anyone can think of a more elegant translation for 世界最高の自分, that would be great because there kind of isn't really a good way to translate in English and they use it a lot. I'm going with 'the version of himself that stood on top of the world' but it's pretty damn unwieldy. 


Key takeaways

  • This program is brutal for showing ACI at the start lol #TOOSOON
  • Yuzu has an incredible will to dominate and command the spotlight but works best against adversity/when pissed off and is extremely sensitive to nerves (even if he doesn't appear so on the outside), which is likely why he struggles so much when he's leading after the short and in a situation like today. It's true, he needs to skate last or immediately after a rival who's performed beautifully/perfectly and ideally when everyone's ignoring him
  • Landing the first jump is crucial to the program
  • Kill me three times over with the sealing gesture (HQ multiple angle shots of the sealing gesture after Seimei!)

Under the spoiler because it's kinda long. 

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10 hours ago, kaerb said:

Part Two! 

Usual disclaimers apply: This was a hard one to translate (I think the last parts took me the same time as the previous section combined T__T) so I really welcome people correcting me if I make a mistake on the last parts especially... I hope I got the general gist right.


Key takeaways

  • I'm so glad Yuzu picked Seimei, no matter what his naysayers say about repetition. His connection with the program and mythology is truly incredible... he's being quite metaphorical about the shikigami but I think it shows he's really internalised the entire mythology of the program and its connection to his own cultural background and history (and rightfully so). He's also really careful about paying his respects (which is why he visited the Seimei shrine). 
  • I'm also really grateful that he emphasised GPF was calculated. It showed him that he could achieve and even surpass himself even when he's in a mythical 'zone' through calm and calculation. I think it taught him he was capable of calmly and consciously achieving that performance, not just relying on chance/lightning striking/magic happening (even though it would very much help).  
  • ((at the same time.....my dude....wouldn't be yuzu if he wasn't nitpicking an imperfect landing amidst smashing three world records.....))


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5 minutes ago, xeyra said:

Translation credit to @yude at GS




-Was it hard in terms of stamina?

I thought it was difficult to do two triple jumps at first. Because no one has done this kind of (high-level) layout. It was unexperienced territory."

-You muttered something after the performance.

"It couldn't be helped". It was the first competition (in this season). I could get big harvest called "the regret". By the score and the performance contents in SP, I think I could manage to give the image that I was strong, "I will win the Olympics". I will chase strong myself and surpass with more difficult layout."

-Compared to yesterday, was there difference in both mental and physical states?
Not specially. Of course, I know doing FS after good SP is hard. I had too unnecessary stress."

-Having high-level layout, you focused more than yesterday (SP).

It's over if I say it was difficult. It was definitely my own lack of ability. I have to train more. I had discomfort in my (right) knee and I got messed up in the lower-level layout and it ended. I've been training uncomfortably and it was my lack of adjustment. This is the season I have to keep having good competitions building up my body for the Olympics. It was good first competition.

-You had regretful experiences before. What's the level of regret today? 

It is the frustrated regret. I think I should have attempted 4Lo after all. Doing 4Lz was also not impossible. In that point, I am frustrated.

-Do you prefer(enjoy) challenging?

I am a competitor. I can never perform like myself without challenging. 

-You tried to overcome the performance with your will.

I popped 3Lz at first, and I thought a lot, and my concentration was gone. My lack of focus is eternal subject in my skating life. The gap between good time and bad time is intense. 



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20 minutes ago, SuzyQ said:


He was glaring at the black gloves, put them on before 6-minute practice, but took them off, and showed his hand to someone saying something.  What happened?



Was this article of Sports Hochi posted?




It is planned to make the costume newly.   When he put on his old costume, he realized his body has changed.  He felt it was slightly tight as his chest has deepened compared to 2 years ago when it was measured, and he is now 2 cm taller.   Through increased run-through practices of good quality, he has gained stamina and power to jump quads in the second half.  His slender and flexible body is now acquiring strength as well.



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