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17 minutes ago, Umebachi said:

Latest interview from Seoul, an hour after arrival (presumably from the hotel).   Interesting new info:  after MOI, he wanted to look for other music pieces that fit perfectly like Seimei and made him feel like "Yuzuru Hanyu" again.  But he realized there is not enough time to 4CC and Worlds, so he decided to use Seimei and Chopin again.  




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4CC 2020 - Seoul - Yuzu's first practice day! - 2020.02.05

@shanshani saved our day by streaming Yuzu's practice! Thank you! :flowers:


5 hours ago, tafattsbarn said:



And this is what i get, looks like there is no Yuzu! Bet he's sleeping in :68468287: I guess he'll show up for #2 instead. 


It's back to sleep for me then! 



4 hours ago, cronkite said:


2 hours ago, Umebachi said:


1 hour ago, ralucutzagy said:


49 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


43 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


41 minutes ago, tafattsbarn said:


37 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


29 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


24 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


19 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


17 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


8 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


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30 minutes ago, monchan said:

A close up angle. Yes, he's real girl :darklordyuzu:



26 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


21 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


16 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


2 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


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2 hours ago, monchan said:



2 hours ago, monchan said:

I don't get it, you interview him at the airport, at the venue, then outside the venue againnnnn?. He's stopped for interview EVERYWHERE. It's just 1st practice, what much to say anw :dontdothistome:. Not to say it's freezing cold out there.



2 hours ago, CiONTUw4A said:


2 hours ago, rubyblue said:


1 hour ago, IULIANA said:


1 hour ago, CiONTUw4A said:


1 hour ago, wildstrawberry said:


Soft Boi with Antenna,oil on canvas 2020


1 hour ago, wildstrawberry said:


i cannot get over this,I'm shookt to the core...HIS MIND


44 minutes ago, rubyblue said:

Sorry if it's been already published, but that's my new favourite picture :)




12 minutes ago, ralucutzagy said:


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2 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:


2 hours ago, Henni147 said:


1 hour ago, Paskud said:


1 hour ago, tafattsbarn said:



Yuzu's runthrough! The second one has excellent camera work c: 


1 hour ago, Paskud said:


41 minutes ago, Paskud said:


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4 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:


3 hours ago, Nutmeg said:

I wonder what's he looking at here so surprised. Is it the Seimei banners?


3 hours ago, Paskud said:


3 hours ago, Paskud said:


3 hours ago, tafattsbarn said:




Some fancams! There are more on the channel but i didn't want to spam too much so i chose a few c: 


ETA: Screw it, found some more (check their channels as they have other videos!): 









3 hours ago, tafattsbarn said:


Cause of death: This video of Yuzu saying annyeong u-u 


(there is some other cute backstage footage so check out the whole thing c: ) 


ETA: I'm so soft, he's so considerate :< 



ETA2: Full segment 



2 hours ago, Paskud said:


47 minutes ago, FlyingCamel said:


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4 hours ago, Paskud said:


2 hours ago, Crow said:


Not sure if already posted but it made me laugh because I was thinking if I was a skater there and Yuzuru was dancing around in my practice rink I wouldnt be able to help watching his practice instead of doing mine :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:


2 hours ago, shanshani said:

lmao in revenge for that one time deduction he's turned into a wizard



1 hour ago, CiONTUw4A said:

Don't know if this has been posted.




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YH general thread

On 2/4/2020 at 9:09 PM, monchan said:


On 2/4/2020 at 10:09 PM, rubyblue said:

Well... I really hate the fact that this biased, corrupted and moreover - unstable, aleatory, ill-considered judging system (alongside with its genius creator ISU) made the most authentic, natural,  pure, talented and apprieciated by the audience figure skater ever doubt about his skating identity. After 10 seasons of competitive experience at senior level. Quite an accomplishment. Bravo. His home fed also contributed to that. Optimistic thing is that this skater can reinvent himself as nobody else (unlike ISU who can't improve a single thing in 25 years). 


On 2/5/2020 at 12:28 AM, glilikoi said:

I'm going to do a rough translation of the second interview segment broadcasted today. Sorry if someone has already done this!


After the introduction, the narrator states that Yuzu was trying to look ahead despite the difficult defeat at Nats.


Y: Right now it feels like I've gone through a series of disasters, or from bad to worse.. (the idioms he uses here are 七難八苦  'seven difficulties and eight pains', originally a Buddhist phrase; and  泣き面に蜂  'bees on a tearful face', which is similar to 'adding insult to injury' - I think it's a nice figure of speech). I don't think I've been this tattered since my Novice days - I'm really worn out. But it's not just because I lost - I gave it my all and still couldn't make it, and that was kuyashii and painful, which is why I'm tired now. But I still have time to recover, to recover even a little bit. I'd like to whip my body into shape as soon as possible. 


Q: After losing to Nathan etc, how does it feel to go from 'being chased' to 'chasing'? 

A: Well, what I was really happy about was that Shoma was always being told he was 'Hanyu's successor', and I think this gave him a lot of pressure too. If I made mistakes, it would be described (in the press) as a 'crushing defeat'. So there was this huge pressure on both sides. What if this situation was reversed, 'if Shoma won then wouldn't something change?' - I did also think about this. But then he did win, and nothing changed - neither Shoma or myself. I guess this is our natural stance/attitude, we have that kind of relationship. So I felt a bit relieved. I could still think that I can be 'Yuzu-kun' for Shoma. And because 'Yuzu-kun' is not that weak, I still need to continue being cool/doing my best. I do still think I want to become someone Shoma wants to chase and win. So I'll keep on doing my best. 


Q: But you are still someone who everyone in the world wants to chase after. 

A: Well, but I feel really kuyashii and pathetic. I feel the pain of not being able to bring the results I wanted, and the pain of not being able to give a good performance. I've been constantly haunted this season (by failure/frustration). Well, probably not just this season, somehow there is always a feeling of もやもや (I can't really translate this word because there's too many possible translations - it can mean feeling gloomy, frustrated, depressed or uncertain, and I don't really know what exactly Yuzu means here, so I think it's better to leave it up for interpretation). When skating, there are things that make me think 'ah, it's so hard'.. Well, although this isn't a request to the gods, I would like to work hard and properly, to use various means/sources of power - and as long as I keep greedily working hard, I think someday there will be a moment where that hard work is rewarded, even if it has to be a miracle. So while waiting for that, I want to continue feeling this pain, too. 


Q: Has your previously stated pre-season goal of wanting to be the 'strongest version of yourself' changed? 

A: No, it hasn't changed at all. Well, this is going back to talking about the present moment, but.. Stephane Lambiel really consoled me this time. He's a very good friend to me. In ice shows too, he's always been very kind to me, since a long time ago. Well, this happens every time I lose in a competition, but kind people like that will always say stuff like 'It's okay since you're already a legend' to me. That 'there's meaning in the things you do, in you just being here'. But being told that is painful in itself. These are only glories of the past.. When I fail*, I can't think of myself as someone amazing at all. When I'm told that I'm already a legend, that just makes me feel all the more like my current state is no good. Like I don't want to become a relic of the past. I want to keep moving.  


(* This is one part I wasn't 100% sure of - maybe a native speaker could confirm? Did Yuzu mean 滑る as in 'skate' or as in 'fail/bomb' here? )


On 2/5/2020 at 3:33 AM, ralucutzagy said:


On 2/5/2020 at 2:22 PM, monchan said:


Very happy reading recent interviews of Yuzu. They confirmed several things which I feel are good move for him:

1. He DID consider new programs, but short time didn't allow it so he went back to SEIMEI and Chopin => We may have new programs next ss 


2. He realized it's better to skate his OWN programs. This is the key thing that I feel take off a lot of his burden. What I was always worried about Origin isn't its difficult structure, but more about his far-and-high ideal of that program, and how Yuzu always feel his current skating isn't even 50% of that vision. I feel the huge pressure of living up to his idol's legacy and his lofty ideal has drawn a lot from him.


3. He realized Chopin & SEIMEI look like himself most, which I totally agree! 



18 hours ago, Sweetangelyuzu said:


A little RETRO 😁

Where Yuzu on Christmas day.



12 hours ago, Umebachi said:

Fanyu calligrapher Koho has an updated profile - Hanyu Yuzuru (羽生結弦)written in the soft and gently deconstructed style of the Heian era (8th to 11th century), surrounding Abe-no-Seimei pentagonal star.  Sending positive energies for 4CC!  





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