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5 hours ago, Anni said:






Bonsoir les fanyus et ANNIE : il me semble que celui ou celle ? qui a dessiné ce fanart s'est trompé dans la veste de gauche en haut , à mon avis ,  c'est celle des JO et pas celle du  " share practice " !!!! et j'ai double yeux derrière mes lunettes :gla: car sans elles : je ne pourrais pas écrire et verrais TRES trouble vos écrits et la beauté des fanarts 


And well thought out about poor OLD POOH  :pooh: who shouts : "Yuzu take me back to Japan" 

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1 hour ago, Yuzuwinnie said:



Bonsoir les fanyus et ANNIE : il me semble que celui ou celle ? qui a dessiné ce fanart s'est trompé dans la veste de gauche en haut , à mon avis ,  c'est celle des JO et pas celle du  " share practice " !!!! et j'ai double yeux derrière mes lunettes :gla: car sans elles : je ne pourrais pas écrire et verrais TRES trouble vos écrits et la beauté des fanarts 


And well thought out about poor OLD POOH  :pooh: who shouts : "Yuzu take me back to Japan" 


Hello Yuzuwinnie, no problem, I was able to translate your writing.  :wink2: By the way Yuzu doesn't wear gloves during the live practice either.  But the fan who drew this didn't mention any SharePractice in his post, so I interpret it like this, that the first picture should represent the "endpoint" (Olympics) before he became a "Pro skater". 

Yes, maybe someday he will pick up his old Pooh-san in Canada.:dancingpooh:


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2 hours ago, Anni said:


Hello Yuzuwinnie, no problem, I was able to translate your writing.  :wink2: By the way, Yuzu also doesn't wear gloves during live practice. But the fan who drew this didn't mention any SharePractice in his post, so I interpret it like this, that the first image should represent the "end point" (Olympics) before he becomes a "pro skater ". 

Yeah, maybe one day he'll get his old Pooh-san back to Canada.:dancingpooh:



:thanks: ANNIE for answering me and you know that I am "special" in front of you the fanyus with my "bad English" but I specify it and it is the least of the courtesies .. Indeed with hindsight his left jacket is the past and this particular gesture he made with his guards and, oh YES I have of course the "share practice that he is not wearing his famous IRENE glove!? 


He returned, one day, to Toronto for his  :pooh: but especially to visit the TCC team (the best without informing SURPRISE  :knc_tracy1:  :knc_brian1: and GHISLAIN)  which he contacted with his July press conference. 

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54 minutes ago, turquoiseblue said:





Old Man Pooh san, this is quite sad. Feeling your pain to be parted from your beloved Yuzu. He should have been relaxing

On the brighter side he can be:

1) Relieved to see that he has a good deputy

2) No more travel to competitions with Yuzu trying to appear OK about his scores in K&C

3) There will be exciting shows and other projects to attend, when Yuzu comes to fetch him.




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