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On 7/30/2023 at 10:14 AM, Luminous said:

Sorry:grin: Why doesn’t Weverse block accounts when people report their comments……….

Every little while, Weverse does post a notice stating that they are (and continue to) cancel and block those that are "inappropriate" in the comments during Lives/.  And I think it is moderators at Weverse who are pulling them off in real time.  I think that's one of the reasons that the company likes to be notified about lives (remembering JK getting in a little trouble for just doing a live a number of months ago when he clearly states he hadn't cleared it with the company.


What is the matter with negative people and haters?  If you don't like all members of BTS, just don't watch.

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16 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:


awwwww he sounds great!!!! :loveshower:


Taehyun has a great voice. 


15 hours ago, rockstaryuzu said:

Jungwon looks dreadfully thin there...


He certainly looks like he lost weight....they started their tour, might have something to do with that....

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I just noticed that TXT'S Lola performance is this weekend, I thought it was next....if I want to watch it life it would mean getting up at 2.45am, performance at 3am for 90min. So, getting back to sleep at 5am and getting back up at 9.30am for Yoongi's concert at 10am😵💫🤯🫣🙈.

Really tempted to hope they will upload the whole Lola performance on their channel like they did with Hobis and skip watching live😅.

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