Henni147 Posted September 22, 2020 Author Share Posted September 22, 2020 On 9/18/2020 at 2:15 PM, sweetwater said: Thanks for adding the quotes! And yes, feel free to use my translations in this thread. Great to hear that translators on twitter have joined the team Expand Thank you very much for your help and all the amazing contributions so far Short update on the project: draft page 1. I decided to give the Scott Russell interview an own section, since there are multiple great quotes from Yuzu in that broadcast. However, I wasn't able to type the original Japanese wording myself. It would be great, if someone helped out with that. Same goes for a quote from 2020 about music. Here's a video with Japanese subs for orientation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROnyIi4ib54 2. I restructured the "Quotes about"-section by creating four new subsections: Live commentaries from competition broadcasts Quotes from Hanyu's coaches and training partners Quotes from other skaters, coaches and experts Other quotes about Hanyu The last three are sorted alphabetically by surname. I thought that this makes it a bit easier to get an overview of the people that are already included, what do you think? Link to comment
sweetwater Posted September 22, 2020 Share Posted September 22, 2020 On 9/22/2020 at 12:53 PM, Henni147 said: Thank you very much for your help and all the amazing contributions so far Short update on the project: draft page 1. I decided to give the Scott Russell interview an own section, since there are multiple great quotes from Yuzu in that broadcast. However, I wasn't able to type the original Japanese wording myself. It would be great, if someone helped out with that. Same goes for a quote from 2020 about music. Here's a video with Japanese subs for orientation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROnyIi4ib54 2. I restructured the "Quotes about"-section by creating four new subsections: Live commentaries from competition broadcasts Quotes from Hanyu's coaches and training partners Quotes from other skaters, coaches and experts Other quotes about Hanyu The last three are sorted alphabetically by surname. I thought that this makes it a bit easier to get an overview of the people that are already included, what do you think? Expand Thanks, Henni! The new "Quotes about" section looks awesome! Must be convenient for both of those who edit the page and those who look for a quote. The following is the transcription of Yuzu's Japanese comments in the Scott Russel interview. Quote Translation: In figure skating, we have the opportunity to skate alone in a large rink, where everyone's attention is focused on one performer. I think that this aspect makes figure skating very special. In other sports it isn’t common that all eyes are on one performer. Also, I don’t think it’s really possible to express what you want to express [in other sports]. Expand (1:42-) フィギュアスケートは、1人で大きなリンクで滑ることが出来て、皆さんがそれを見てくださるので、それがすごく特別だなって思いますし、他の競技だったら1人だけを見てくれるということがあんまりないかなって思いますし、後は何か表現したいことを表現するっていうことが出来ないかなって思うんですよね。だからフィギュアスケートはすごく特別だなって思うし、フィギュアスケートがすごく好きだなって思います。 Quote Translation: A lot of people said to me that they were able to feel courage or happiness, for instance, when they see my performance. So, I believe that this is my motivation for skating, and that this gives me the reason to go on until the end. Expand (7:05-) いろんな方々が僕の演技を見た時に勇気を感じたとか、何か幸せになったとか、そういったことを言ってくれて、それが自分にとってのスケートのモチベーションだと思ってますし、それが僕が今スケートを最後までやり通す意味になってるなって思います。 Quote Translation: Well, I’m being portrayed as the challenger, but I’m always chasing after other skaters’ strengths, and I’m always seeking to challenge other skaters. So, I always see myself as a challenger, and nothing really has changed between this season’s World Championships and last season’s. Expand (8:00-) えっと、まあ、チャレンジャーっていうことを言われますけど、でもいつも他のスケーターの良いところを追いかけてるし、他のスケーターに対してチャレンジしたいなって思ってるし、だからいつも自分はチャレンジャーだと思っていて、だから今シーズンの世界選手権でも先シーズンの世界選手権でも何も変わらないかなって思います。 As to the quote from Figurepedia, I'll check the video later and post the transcription later unless someone does it faster. There are some other quotes I am working on now. I hope I can post them here later today. Link to comment
sweetwater Posted September 22, 2020 Share Posted September 22, 2020 By the way, On 9/4/2020 at 12:20 PM, Henni147 said: Shinzo Abe's speech at the People's Honour Award (original Japanese wording) Expand 羽生結弦殿。あなたは厳しい修練と、人一倍の努力の積み重ねにより、オリンピック冬季競技大会個人種目における日本人初の連覇、フィギュアスケート男子シングル競技においても世界で66年振りとなる連覇を達成されました。この世界の歴史に残る快挙を、東日本大震災による被災、大会直前の大きな怪我という大変な困難を乗り越えて達成されたことは多くの国民に深い感動と勇気、社会に明るい夢と希望を与え、そして震災復興への力強いメッセージとなりました。よってここに国民栄誉賞を贈り、これを表彰します。 My translation: Mr. Yuzuru Hanyu, with discipline and continuous extraordinary hard-work, you achieved the historic feat of being the first Japanese to win two consecutive titles in an individual sport at the Winter Olympic Games. You are also the first men's singles skater in 66 years to win two consecutive Olympic titles. You accomplished this historical feat overcoming the adversities such as the Great East Japan earthquake and the severe injury shortly before the games. It moved and encouraged many Japanese people, brought bright dreams and hopes to the society, and became a powerful statement on recovery from the earthquake. We hereby present the People's Honour Award to recognize your achievement. Source: 羽生結弦選手 国民栄誉賞表彰式―平成30年7月2日 首相官邸 on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBIzIeYYnwk Link to comment
sweetwater Posted September 23, 2020 Share Posted September 23, 2020 On 9/22/2020 at 12:53 PM, Henni147 said: 1. I decided to give the Scott Russell interview an own section, since there are multiple great quotes from Yuzu in that broadcast. However, I wasn't able to type the original Japanese wording myself. It would be great, if someone helped out with that. Same goes for a quote from 2020 about music. Here's a video with Japanese subs for orientation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROnyIi4ib54 Expand Quote Translation: I am very much influenced by the music, because it’s the music that engenders the expression, artistry, and technique that is figure skating, I think that music and figure skating are essentially one and the same. [...] It’s my raison d'être. It’s the reason I skate. Expand これは「羽生結弦は」なんですけど、音楽にものすごく左右されるんですよね。(The footage has been edited here, so maybe "[...]" should be placed here? The rest of his comment looks unedited.) そこに音楽があるから、フィギュアスケートっていう表現だったり、芸術だったり、技術っていうものがそこに生まれてくるのであって、音楽とフィギュアスケートっていうのがほぼイコールだと僕は思ってます。で、僕にとっては… なんて言うか、生きがいです。フィギュアスケートをやる理由です。 Source: フィギペディア~2019-2020シーズン特別編~ by TV Asahi *Interview itself seems to have been given in 2019 since they used another part of the same interview in a promo clip for Music with Wings uploaded on December 20, 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7l1lGI5vYE&feature=emb_title Link to comment
sweetwater Posted September 23, 2020 Share Posted September 23, 2020 Sorry for the quadruple post. While searching for the sources of the quotes, I thought these might also be worth sharing in the Wikiquote. Hope you will take a look at them when you have time. No. 1-5 are quotes regarding 311, although not the one requested on the request board. No.6 is a quote from the same interview in which he says "I love pressure." This quote is more about figure skating than himself. No.7 is a variant of quote no.3 from the Quote Book thread. 1. Reveal hidden contents “震災があってからちょっと変わったかなって思います。やっぱり自分は周囲を支えようとする立場だと思われるんですよ、メディア的な部分でも。自分の演技を通じて応援できれば、という感じに。でも逆に僕がすごく支えられていたなって感じたんです。” Translation: I think I have changed a bit since the earthquake. After all, people think that I am in a position to support people around me. That is how the media portray me as well, like, I am hoping to cheer for others with my performance. However, on the contrary, I realized that I was the one who had been receiving so much support. Hanyu on the supports he had received from his fans since the Great East Japan earthquake. An excerpt from an interview given in April 2012, after World Figure Skating Championships 2012, first published in フィギュアスケートDays vol.14 on May 31, 2012, quoted in 蒼い炎II -飛翔編- p.44. 2. Reveal hidden contents “自分は被災者なのかスケーターなのか、ということにすごく迷っていた時期もあったんですけど、どっちでもないのかなという気がしました。明確な答えはまだ出てないですけど、スケーターとして本当にいろんな方に支えられてるなと感じています。” Translation: There was a time when I was not sure if I was a victim of the disaster or a skater, but I feel maybe I am neither of them. I haven't reached a definite answer, but as a skater, I feel so much support from so many people. Hanyu on the supports he had received from his fans since the Great East Japan earthquake. An excerpt from an interview given in April 2012, after World Figure Skating Championships 2012, first published in フィギュアスケートDays vol.14 on May 31, 2012, quoted in 蒼い炎II -飛翔編- p.46. Reference for 1 and 2: フィギュアスケートDays vol.14 https://www.amazon.co.jp/フィギュアスケートDays〈vol-14〉/dp/4812533376 蒼い炎II -飛翔編- published on July 2, 2016 by Fusosha https://www.amazon.co.jp/蒼い炎II-飛翔編-羽生-結弦/dp/4594075134/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&dchild=1&keywords=蒼い炎II&qid=1600782704&s=books&sr=1-1 3. Reveal hidden contents “僕自身が津波のことや地震のことを言っていいのかわからないです。実際こうやって金メダリストになりましたが、僕一人が頑張ったからといって復興に直接つながるわけではないので、すごい無力感というか、そういうのを感じますし、何もできていないんだなと思います。一生懸命やって五輪で金メダルを取れたのはありますけど、やはりここからまた五輪の金メダリストになれたからこそ、スタートなんじゃないかなと思います。ここから復興のためにできることがあるんじゃないかなと、今思っています。” Translation: I am not sure if it is appropriate for me to talk about the tsunami and earthquake. I am indeed an Olympic gold medalist now, but my personal effort doesn't directly help the reconstruction. So I feel helpless and think that I am not making any contribution. It was good that I worked hard and won an Olympic gold medal, but I think this can be a starting point for me all the more because I have become an Olympic gold medalist. I feel that I will be able to do something for reconstruction from now on. Hanyu, when asked about what his win might mean to his home town affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami during the press conference of men's medalist held after free skating at Sochi2014, quoted in 蒼い炎II -飛翔編- p.134 Reference: Sochi Games: Yuzuru Hanyu wins Japan’s first men’s figure skating gold https://www.latimes.com/sports/la-xpm-2014-feb-14-la-sp-sochi-mens-figure-skating-20140215-story.html Short footage of the press conference in a news clip on his visit to an elementary school he and his family stayed for several days after 311 4. Reveal hidden contents “震災後初めて、津波の被害のあったところまで行き、石巻の中学校を訪問させていただきました。全校生徒の前でスケートの話をしたんですけれど、それより金メダルを持ってきているということにまず、中学生たちがすごく喜んでくれたんです。そして、僕に会っただけでもすごく笑顔になってくれました。生徒の皆さんの笑顔から、被災した方々、本当につらい経験をしてきた方が元気になってくれたということを、教えてもらったというか、肌で感じさせていただいたことが初めてだったので、すごく嬉しかったんです。僕自身が一番感動し、僕自身が元気になったなって思います。” Translation: For the first time after the great earthquake, I went to the area affected by the tsunami and visited a junior high school in Ishinomaki. I talked about figure skating in front of the students, but they got so excited to know that I was bringing the gold medal in the first place, and they got big smiles on their faces when they found me. That made me so happy because their smile made me learn... or realize for the first time that I could cheer up someone who had been going through a tough time because of the disaster. I think I was the most touched and cheered up there. An excerpt from an interview given in June 2014, first published in フィギュアスケート Days Plus 男子シングル読本 2014Autumn on October 4, 2014, quoted in 蒼い炎II -飛翔編- p. 156. Reference: Figure skate Days Plus 男子シングル読本 2014Autumn https://www.amazon.co.jp/フィギュアスケートDays-Plus-2014-Autumn-男子シ/dp/4812536537 5. Reveal hidden contents “毎回毎回、被災地とか、津波の被害があったところとか、通るたびにすごく思うんだけれども、僕の言葉なんかじゃ絶対表せないし…言ってみれば部外者だから、僕たちは。人の心に踏み込んじゃいけないところって絶対あるんで…。でもこういう風景を見てる時に思うのは、本当に何ができるかなってことはいつも思います。「花は咲く」の歌詞にもあるけど、「何を残したんだろう」とかそういう歌詞もあるけれども、本当に僕たちは今生きている中で逆に何を残せるんだろうってすごく思うんですよね、本当にいろんなものがなくなってしまったからこそ。” Translation: Every time I pass by an affected area or a place hit by the tsunami, I think I have no words to describe it... because we are, as we say, outsiders. Everyone has a place in their heart where others should not tread on. However, when I see a landscape like this, I always ask myself what I can do. As you know, there is a line in "Hana wa Saku" that says, "I wonder what I have left for you." I really wonder what we can leave (for the future) while being alive now, all the more because so many things were lost. Hanyu, during his visit to Otsuchi, Iwate on January 7, 2016, prior to NHK Trophy Figure Skating Special Exhibition held in Morioka, Iwate on January 9, 2016. An excerpt from a documentary titled 明日へーつなげようー 氷上の祈り 東日本大震災5年NHK杯フィギュアスペシャルエキシビションの舞台裏aired by NHK on January 17, 2016. Reference: https://www.pref.iwate.jp/kyouikubunka/kokusai/1006971/1007201/1007273.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ōtsuchi,_Iwate 160117 N杯 Special EX-Offstage 6. Reveal hidden contents “やっぱり試合って一回きりじゃないですか。3分弱のものと、あってもうひとつ5分弱のものがあって、その2つの中でジャンプっていうのは既定の回数でいうと…大体…10…何本だ、8-3だから11回しかないんですよ、ジャンプ。その11回のジャンプの中で、その11回のジャンプのためだけに僕たちは何十年のスケート人生をかけてるので、やっぱ「成長できた!やったー!」っていう風にはならないですよね。そう簡単には。” After all, every competition happens only once. We have a program that lasts less than three minutes, and another one that lasts less than five minutes. The number of jumps we attempt in these two programs according to the rules is... approximately... how many? Eight plus three equal to eleven, so there are only eleven jumps, and we've spent years of our lives on skating for the eleven jumps. After all, we can't just be happy like, "Yesss! I have improved!" Hanyu, to Shuzo Matsuoka who asked him why not recognize his own improvement and overlook a small jump mistake in his performance. An excerpt from an interview given to Shuzo Matsuoka aired by TV Asahi on November 28, 2016, in 報道ステーション(Hodo Station) Reference: (The source of “プレッシャー大好き、崖っぷち大好き、ヤッホーイ。” as well) 7. Reveal hidden contents “いつも心を開いているんです。見たもの感じたもの、すべて吸収する。だから逆に、自分の心も正直に出す。心を開いていなきゃ、何も吸収できないし、面白くないでしょ。” Translation: I always keep my heart open and absorb everything I see and feel. Conversely, I express my heart straightforwardly. If you don't open your heart, you can't absorb anything, and that would be uninteresting. A comment from an interview during the 2012-2013 season, quoted in Sports Graphic Number 822, published on February 7, 2013. Reference: https://number.bunshun.jp/articles/-/336752 Link to comment
Henni147 Posted September 23, 2020 Author Share Posted September 23, 2020 @sweetwater You are an angel, thank you SO much for all the original wordings, translations and sources!!! I included/completed the Blue Flame II, CBC, Figurepedia and People's Honor Award quotes already. About the Figurepedia quote: I skipped the first part of the quote, because it indeed seems to be a bit isolated from the rest and the quote works without that one sentence, too. What do you think? I didn't have much time yet, so I have to go through the suggestions in your latest post, but I'll try to add them soon News: it seems to be possible to cite fan translations on Wikiquote, I just have to figure out a smart way of distinguishing them from official translations. EDIT: I found an official translation of Abe's speech that looks quite accurate, too, so I took that one instead. I hope, that's fine? Link to comment
sweetwater Posted September 23, 2020 Share Posted September 23, 2020 On 9/23/2020 at 12:42 PM, Henni147 said: About the Figurepedia quote: I skipped the first part of the quote, because it indeed seems to be a bit isolated from the rest and the quote works without that one sentence, too. What do you think? Expand On 9/23/2020 at 12:42 PM, Henni147 said: I found an official translation of Abe's speech that looks quite accurate, too, so I took that one instead. I hope, that's fine? Expand To be perfectly honest, I think JAPAN Forward's translation is a bit strange and inaccurate. (Although I am not 100 percent confident that mine is better ) However, after all, it is an official statement from the prime minister at that time, so it must be safer to stick to a published translation from a reliable source if it is available, so I fully support your decision. Link to comment
Henni147 Posted September 23, 2020 Author Share Posted September 23, 2020 On 9/23/2020 at 2:38 PM, sweetwater said: To be perfectly honest, I think JAPAN Forward's translation is a bit strange and inaccurate. (Although I am not 100 percent confident that mine is better ) However, after all, it is an official statement from the prime minister at that time, so it must be safer to stick to a published translation from a reliable source if it is available, so I fully support your decision. Expand I will ask the proofreading team how to handle the translation of this quote. I added the quote from the Iwate special 2016. However, I skipped the part with Hana wa saku, because it would need too much additional information and I think, the quote works without that, too. What do you think? Also, I created an additional section for the Quote Book with some of Lae's translations and the original sources where available. She took photos of the original wordings, too, but I can't type them. I would be very happy, if someone helped out with that Link to comment
sweetwater Posted September 24, 2020 Share Posted September 24, 2020 On 9/23/2020 at 7:17 PM, Henni147 said: I will ask the proofreading team how to handle the translation of this quote. I added the quote from the Iwate special 2016. However, I skipped the part with Hana wa saku, because it would need too much additional information and I think, the quote works without that, too. What do you think? Expand Thank you for adding the quotes! As to the quote from his visit to Otsuchi, yes, you are right. Also, the Japanese lyrics quoted in the quote are a bit different from the official English lyrics by Roger Pulvers, so it may cause confusion to those who read the quote and search the song in English. As to the ex-prime minister's speech, I really think it is safer to use a translation by JF than mine, not just because Wikiquote's guideline recommends using translation/transcription from reliable/published sources. After all, Wikiquote pages are open to non-fans. They would want objectivity, especially when they come upon praises and compliments about someone, and people don't think fans are objective. Anyway, I will support yours and the proofreading team's decision. Thanks again for your hard work On 9/23/2020 at 7:17 PM, Henni147 said: Also, I created an additional section for the Quote Book with some of Lae's translations and the original sources where available. She took photos of the original wordings, too, but I can't type them. I would be very happy, if someone helped out with that Expand Quote Translation: My strong point is that even if I don’t do well in a competition, I don’t really get depressed. On the contrary, my motivation goes up 100% after a competition where I’ve failed. Expand ”試合でうまくいかなくてもあまり落ち込まないのが僕の特徴です。逆に失敗した試合のあとは100%モチベーションが上がります。悔しい思いがあればあるほど次の練習に身が入って「失敗した分を次の試合で取り返せるようにしっかり練習しよう」という気持ちになります” *The primary source of this quote is unclear. Quote Translation: I always open my heart. If you don’t open your heart, you cannot absorb anything and it’s not interesting. The driving force for growth is to have an open heart. Expand "いつも心を開いているんです。心を開いていなければ何も吸収できないし、おもしろくない。心を開くことが成長の原動力" Quote Translation: If you’re going to set goals, it’s better for them to be big. If you write them down decisively, it’s easier to succeed. Indeed, my way of thinking is quite mathematical. Expand "目標を書くなら大きいほうがいい。具体的に書いたほうが達成しやすい。けっこう理数系です" This quote is excerpted from an interview filmed in Yokohama on November 22, 2009, after an official practice at Japanese Junior Nationals 2009, aired by BS Fuji on December 23, 2009, in "2009全日本フィギュアスケートジュニア選手権大会" and quoted in other programs aired by Fuji, BS Fuji, etc., (may have been aired first by Fuji on December 7 but could not find evidence to confirm it) seemingly a bit modified to be presented in the book without context. The caption attached to this quote in the book is not about the quote itself but the photo on the next page that was taken during WJFC2010. Reference: Reveal hidden contents Quote Translation: It’s not a problem if I win or lose. What’s important and what I hold in the greatest regard is whether I did or didn’t try to aim for the highest. Expand "自分が勝つか負けるかの問題ではなく自分が高みに立とうとしているのか、いないのかをすごく重要視しています" This quote is an excerpt from an interview aired by TV Tokyo on January 7, 2013, in their news show titled “NEWSアンサー” Seemingly a bit modified to be presented in the book without context. Reference: Reveal hidden contents https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16snr1 I guess that's all from me at the moment... I did some researches for other requests too, but could not find relevant/suitable quotes and sources. Link to comment
Henni147 Posted September 25, 2020 Author Share Posted September 25, 2020 On 9/24/2020 at 3:56 PM, sweetwater said: Thank you for adding the quotes! As to the quote from his visit to Otsuchi, yes, you are right. Also, the Japanese lyrics quoted in the quote are a bit different from the official English lyrics by Roger Pulvers, so it may cause confusion to those who read the quote and search the song in English. As to the ex-prime minister's speech, I really think it is safer to use a translation by JF than mine, not just because Wikiquote's guideline recommends using translation/transcription from reliable/published sources. After all, Wikiquote pages are open to non-fans. They would want objectivity, especially when they come upon praises and compliments about someone, and people don't think fans are objective. Anyway, I will support yours and the proofreading team's decision. Thanks again for your hard work ”試合でうまくいかなくてもあまり落ち込まないのが僕の特徴です。逆に失敗した試合のあとは100%モチベーションが上がります。悔しい思いがあればあるほど次の練習に身が入って「失敗した分を次の試合で取り返せるようにしっかり練習しよう」という気持ちになります” *The primary source of this quote is unclear. "いつも心を開いているんです。心を開いていなければ何も吸収できないし、おもしろくない。心を開くことが成長の原動力" "目標を書くなら大きいほうがいい。具体的に書いたほうが達成しやすい。けっこう理数系です" This quote is excerpted from an interview filmed in Yokohama on November 22, 2009, after an official practice at Japanese Junior Nationals 2009, aired by BS Fuji on December 23, 2009, in "2009全日本フィギュアスケートジュニア選手権大会" and quoted in other programs aired by Fuji, BS Fuji, etc., (may have been aired first by Fuji on December 7 but could not find evidence to confirm it) seemingly a bit modified to be presented in the book without context. The caption attached to this quote in the book is not about the quote itself but the photo on the next page that was taken during WJFC2010. Reference: Reveal hidden contents "自分が勝つか負けるかの問題ではなく自分が高みに立とうとしているのか、いないのかをすごく重要視しています" This quote is an excerpt from an interview aired by TV Tokyo on January 7, 2013, in their news show titled “NEWSアンサー” Seemingly a bit modified to be presented in the book without context. Reference: Reveal hidden contents https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x16snr1 I guess that's all from me at the moment... I did some researches for other requests too, but could not find relevant/suitable quotes and sources. Expand Thank you so much! I added the original wordings in the Quote Book section and corrected that one source from 2009 Also, I shortened the first quote and skipped the second part with the "kuyashii" phrase, but if you feel that it belongs there, too, I can add it anytime. One important question to everyone: the proofreading team discussed whether the "losing is like death"- quote should be included or not. Pro: It's an impactful quote that has been recited by many magazines and online sources. Con: It's been controversially discussed among media and fans and may confuse some readers (especially since Yuzu's seemingly contradicting his 17-year-old self who said: "It’s not a problem if I win or lose. What’s important and what I hold in the greatest regard is whether I did or didn’t try to aim for the highest."). Reveal hidden contents The truth is that in recent years 'aiming for the highest' or 'bringing his best' is pretty much equal to winning in Yuzu's case. If he skated completely clean and delivered exactly what he has planned, he should be unbeatable. Not even the judges should be able to twist anything in that case. On the contrary, making mistakes or sloppy executions is an almost-safe trigger for Yuzu-kuyashii-mode, independent from the placement. That's my personal perception at least. I'd like to hear your opinions about this, too. PS: An admin gave green light to the handling of translations and sources. I'd like to polish and check the quotes that we have, so that the draft can be moved to the main space until Sunday. Finally! Link to comment
sweetwater Posted September 25, 2020 Share Posted September 25, 2020 Thanks @Henni147 for the update! On 9/25/2020 at 9:00 AM, Henni147 said: One important question to everyone: the proofreading team discussed whether the "losing is like death"- quote should be included or not. Pro: It's an impactful quote that has been recited by many magazines and online sources. Con: It's been controversially discussed among media and fans and may confuse some readers (especially since Yuzu's seemingly contradicting his 17-year-old self who said: "It’s not a problem if I win or lose. What’s important and what I hold in the greatest regard is whether I did or didn’t try to aim for the highest."). Expand One quick note: The two quotes look contradicting because the quote from the quote book is isolated from its original context. I didn't post the detailed translation directly from the source for not wanting to cause trouble by providing different translations. However, if that is causing you another trouble, I would love to provide the context. Would you guys please wait a while? Link to comment
sweetwater Posted September 25, 2020 Share Posted September 25, 2020 Souce of “自分が勝つか負けるかの問題ではなく自分が高みに立とうとしているのか、いないのかをすごく重要視しています。(It’s not a problem if I win or lose. What’s important and what I hold in the greatest regard is whether I did or didn’t try to aim for the highest.)” Reveal hidden contents So, this interview was given sometime between Japanese Nationals 2012 and Stars on Ice 2013 in Osaka, held on January 5-6. First, they introduce Yuzu as a new national champion using the footage filmed during the Nationals. Then the interviewer asks Yuzu what he is consciously doing to stay competitive among top skaters from the world. Yuzu answers he is always trying to go beyond his limits. Then they explain how Yuzu worked on his quads and became a national champion winning against Takahashi. Takahashi, in his interview, acknowledges Yuzu as his fierce rival and says Yuzu is quite manly contrary to his appearance. Yuzu says he is happy to hear a sempai he admires acknowledging him as a rival, and that he wants to be able to do the same when the time comes for him to compete with young rivals. Then they explain what happened to him after 311. Yuzu talks about the inner struggle he went through regarding continuing skating under such a circumstance, and how he has become appreciative of being able to skate. Then they introduce coach Tsuzuki and explain how he helped Yuzu after 311. Tsuzuki sensei says, in fact, Yuzu didn't look mentally ready to resume training in April, but he figured out what he had to do himself and tried to focus on training. Tsuzuki sensei also says he expects Yuzu to win at Sochi. Then they go back to the interview with Yuzu while saying, "The more he grows up, the bigger the expectations he gets from people around him. How will this evolving 18-year-old live up to their expectations?" The conversation starts after that (from around 06:00) is the source of the quote. The following is a transcription and a translation. Transcription (06:00-) : 羽生:まあ今の自分って結構ジャンプに頼ってしまったり、そういう部分があるんですけれども、ジャンプが演技を引き立てられるくらい、演技をすごく見せたいなっていう理想像はありますね。 インタビュアー:ああー。 インタビュアー:お話しててもすごい冷静に自分を見つめられてて、すごい謙虚で、でも実は負けず嫌いで、っていうことも聞いたんですけども… 羽生:まあでも、自分が負ける、勝つ、そういうものじゃなくて、自分が今高みに立とうとしてるのかしてないのか、そっちのほうが今すごく重要視しているほうかなって思っています。 インタビュアー:はあー。でも基本負けるのは… 羽生:嫌いです! インタビュアー:(笑) 羽生:(笑)負けるのは嫌です! 羽生:「がむしゃら」に頑張ります!(笑)ありがとうございます! Translation: Hanyu: Right now, in a sense, I am pretty dependent on jumps, but ideally, I want to present the performance itself, skating well enough to make the jumps look like a foil for it. Interviewer: Uh-huh. Interviewer: While talking with you, you have come through as a very humble person who is looking at himself very objectively, but I have heard that you are also very competitive... Hanyu: Well, but I think, at the moment, my focus is more on if I am aiming higher or not than on if I am losing or winning. Interviewer: Uh-huh... but basically, losing is what you... Hanyu: ...hate! Interviewer: (Laughs) Hanyu: (Laughs) I hate losing! Hanyu: I will work hard and furiously! *(Laughs) Thank you so much! ("Furiously" (がむしゃら (gamushara) in the original) is the title of this segment. Yuzu is jokingly quoting it at the end of the interview.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I personally feel that both "負けは死も同然" quote and "高みに立とうとしているかどうか" quote are a bit dependent on context. I wonder what everyone think Link to comment
Henni147 Posted September 25, 2020 Author Share Posted September 25, 2020 On 9/25/2020 at 12:54 PM, sweetwater said: Takahashi, in his interview, acknowledges Yuzu as his fierce rival and says Yuzu is quite manly contrary to his appearance. Hanyu: Well, but I think, at the moment, my focus is more on if I am aiming higher or not than on if I am losing or winning. Expand @sweetwater Your research work deserves a gold medal really I'd actually like to add that quote from Dai in the "quotes about"-section, if it's available somewhere? I think, it's a very interesting quote. About the "winning/losing" quote: Well, it's a big difference to say "aiming for the highest is my current priority" or "that's my main goal in general". I feel that the Quote Book failed to distinguish precisely there and that's why this quote appears like a contradiction to the "losing is like death"-quote. In context they don't contradict each other at all. I'm almost tempted to exclude that one from the Quote Book section, what do you think? Link to comment
sweetwater Posted September 25, 2020 Share Posted September 25, 2020 On 9/25/2020 at 4:54 PM, Henni147 said: @sweetwater Your research work deserves a gold medal really I'd actually like to add that quote from Dai in the "quotes about"-section, if it's available somewhere? I think, it's a very interesting quote. About the "winning/losing" quote: Well, it's a big difference to say "aiming for the highest is my current priority" or "that's my main goal in general". I feel that the Quote Book failed to distinguish precisely there and that's why this quote appears like a contradiction to the "losing is like death"-quote. In context they don't contradict each other at all. I'm almost tempted to exclude that one from the Quote Book section, what do you think? Expand I'm flattered Well, researching is part of my job, and researching something related to Yuzu is fun As to Dai's comment, I am not sure if there is a full translation of his comment or the whole segment. I can translate the segment when I have more time, but I am not sure about adding his comment to the Wikiquote. The first half in which he acknowledges Yuzu is very simple--he says he considers Yuzu as one of his fierce rivals aiming to be on top of the world regardless of Yuzu's age. This part will need explanations about their positions in the world of figure skating at that time. In the second half regarding Yuzu's personality, Dai simply says he thinks Yuzu is manly contrary to his appearance. No further explanation. This may sound a bit politically incorrect. As to the other quote, I think the same as you. And one can see that he has always been aiming higher from other quotes. Link to comment
SitTwizzle Posted September 27, 2020 Share Posted September 27, 2020 There is already a link on his Wikipedia page, to this Wikiquote page. I am so moved he has his Wikiquote page, and so rich and well made! Thank you so much, @Henni147 and @sweetwater, you've done a great, great job! I suppose one may find material enough in Japanese of course, and in Chinese, for Wikiquote pages in this languages, while I am afraid one couldn't reach the amount demanded for pages in other languages. I am thinking particularly about French, there is so little in French about him. A real pity, because his talent "exploded" (to the face of the World) in Nice. EDIT : There is one remark I didn't dare to make because I have no proof (the Youtube video of his Worlds 2017 Free Program on France TV channel being a comment-free version). "Alors, nous sommes très fiers sur France Télévision cet après-midi de vous proposer ce chef d’œuvre absolu. Ce programme est à enregistrer dans toutes les écoles du patinage." Nelson Montfort's tongue may have slipped in the emotion, but the correct expression would be "écoles de patinage". Link to comment
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