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4 hours ago, ZuCritter said:

Yuzu's ability, unique to a handful of great artists, to not exist within a space but to create the space by giving it shape and definition. It's not merely the beauty of his physical being, his lines or the shapes into which he can mold his body, but something ineffable -- almost mystical.

Well said! I thought so too: he defines the space. It's not just a commercial photo shoot for a luxury brand. He said he wanted to try out new kinds of expression, and that makes a huge difference - these are not just pretty pictures, these images actually have a meaning, they communicate something that comes from him, and we can feel it. That's what makes him a true artist imo.


4 hours ago, ZuCritter said:

If he didn't believe it, he would over-sell it, and it would be preposterous.

Yes, that's it!

The impression of authenticity is one of those characteristics of his that so strongly attracts the attention of millions of people, both FS fans and random viewers who stumbled upon him by chance, never to leave him again. It's not that he was playing at being a temporary model here, he took his role seriously and did the work in his own way, giving meaning to every thing he did.


4 hours ago, ZuCritter said:

But he stands there, delicate and terrifying, serenely awe-inspiring in his concentrated presence.

Beautiful wording, thank you :heart:


I'm observing a sudden outburst of poetic analysis on the part of fanyus, triggered by this exhibition :lol: and I can feel you.


6 hours ago, ZuCritter said:

These images call to mind the iconic photos of modern dance pioneer Martha Graham.

And I believe that this is not a superficial resemblance. It is no coincidence that even in his competitive years he was praised by professional dancers and attracted the attention of many performers outside the FS community. He has the soul of a dancer.

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Dear fellow Satellites


GIFT will be available in Japan in some hours :201111231756430f6: and I know it's going to be hard for us to be patient :tumblr_inline_mn41rkfu9v1qz4rgp: and wait at least two more weeks (unless using VPN), till its release in other countries. I also want to kindly remind you that we do not allow the upload of paid content here in PH. Tweets or links to files with GIFT content that has not been tv-broadcasted (eg. news or advertising by Disney) are also not allowed. 


Let's keep sending our love to Yuzu! This week has been so important with ELLE's magazine, the exhibition, FaOI broadcast and now GIFT...what a times to be a fanyu!!! :loveshower:

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From Takebe san

"GIFT" special edition is available today! ! The tension and excitement of that day are revived.

However, Hanyu-kun was able to slide through that many performances. The orchestra, the musicians, and all the staff who participated were moved to tears 😭



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