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1 minute ago, Floria said:


I hope Brian had good vacation and is prepared for anything :laughing: 


No matter how much he drinks and takes in the sunlight, his dreams will be filled by Yuzuru jumping from one side of the rink to the other, asking him "What about 4Lz?? What about 4A?? Can I do it? Can I? Can I? Can I?" *insert echo effect here* 

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1 hour ago, fluffypooh said:

U would think that Patrick practices it so much that he would know how big his jumps are...


his relationship with board is actually talked about in some Japanese show.  It is cuz he has really deep edges so the speed is too fast n he ended up traveling farther than he anticipated 

Patrick is a nervous skater... he is the master of blade but he is still nervous. And when he is nervous it's harder to control his jumps and edge. 

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hace 1 minuto , Murieleirum said:


No matter how much he drinks and takes in the sunlight, his dreams will be filled by Yuzuru jumping from one side of the rink to the other, asking him "What about 4Lz?? What about 4A?? Can I do it? Can I? Can I? Can I?" *insert echo effect here* 


This reminds me of a fancam from  4CC(?) practice  when he clearly said to Brian "What about lutz" and people around laughed. 

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Sorry for being late but reading this make me laugh kinda a lot:


Y: I wonder… Mmm, it’s really a matter of preference, so to speak. It’s a contradiction, but if you do your jumps cleanly, in the end people will inevitably think “the transitions were also good.”


Technically he understands that: "As long as you skate cleanly, even if you have no transitions, people still think that you have a lot of transitions."


What's the point of adding so many difficult transitions into his programs then? Seriously... why Yuzuru doesn't play it the easier way. But guess what, if Yuzuru did 40 crossovers in a long program, he would never get the same PCS as someone, a skater who actually has almost 40 crossovers in his long program. The judging makes me sick. 


Now you understand why ex top skaters never want to become a judge or a specialist, they know skating and they can not stand the stupidity, the bias and the lies in the judging. Ask Trankov. He even said it out loud.

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Ahora, yana said:


Can I know which one?:kitty: 

I think I'll have to rewatch all of them :facepalm: and I am not completely sure it was at 4CC. But I'll try my best when I get home, it was such a cute moment!

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58 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


What's interesting about this interview is, after shoma said "King"is the one word that describes Yuzu in his mind, and Yuzu gave the above reaction, he went on to say that to him (Yuzu), "King" is always Plushenko, and to hear shoma say that Yuzu is king now, on the evening of the announcement of Plushenko's r****ment (this was filmed a few months back), makes him wonder and think deep about the meaning of this ...


It just goes to show that each generation was influenced by different "King"(also ties into the GOAT discussion before, how Javi  and Yuzu's generation will probably personally have a tendency to consider Plushy as GOAT) but the torch now has passed on from Plushy to Yuzu (and Yuzu realizing this)...

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Small interruption: Post now updated with 2012-2013 ice show performances. :tumblr_inline_mg16esQ1hY1qdlkyg:


Personal thoughts:

  • He is absolutely the most beautiful whenever he skates to Hana ni Nare
  •  I realised that I really don't like Hello, I Love you. So much so that I actually prefer Somebody to Love even if it means listening to Bieber. (I may harbour a bit of resentment with Kurt Browning for his choreography)
  • The Ice is fun (also Yuzu was so thin here he looked like he was half the body width of Charlie White)
  • Parisienne Walkways didn't really start out that well; nobody would've thought it would be breaking records (no wonder Yuzu was so surpised at SA) let alone become his signature program.
  • His 3A is absolutely huge. Covers the whole short side of the rink (watch Japan Super Challenge 2012)
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11 minutes ago, meoima said:

Technically he understands that: "As long as you skate cleanly, even if you have no transitions, people still think that you have a lot of transitions."


What's the point of adding so many difficult transitions into his programs then? Seriously... why Yuzuru doesn't play it the easier way. But guess what, if Yuzuru did 40 crossovers in a long program, he would never get the same PCS as someone, a skater who actually has almost 40 crossovers in his long program. The judging makes me sick. 


It really does seem like there's one kind of judging for Yuzuru and another for the rest. He's held up to a higher standard than others, so even if he wanted to water down his tech (which he obviously doesn't, because Yuzu) it wouldn't yield results regardless of going clean. They expect perfection, anything else won't do, and it puts so much pressure on him *sigh*


Us in the audience can think and like whatever (re: style, transitions, "artistry", etc), but judges really should be held accountable for their work. I don't care if they lean towards candies or harshness at this point, just be consistent across the field and we're golden.

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56 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


Awww...I love Shoma. He's just so earnest and serious and humble off ice. I also find it endearing that Yuzu seems genuinely touched/struck by Shoma's quiet admiration of him since Yuzu's the type to be very overt and carefree with his affection and admiration (*cough Plushenko cough*) so Shoma's like. LOWKEY HEARTFELT PRAISE must stand out. :tumblr_inline_mg15qnUpxW1qdlkyg:


My personality is more like Shoma's so I can imagine how intimidating it must have been to suddenly be a 'peer' and a challenger of someone you admired. Their process of becoming 'friends' was so nice to see

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