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37 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


How the HELL Brian is able to save his sanity having a skater who gets to his top form in FIVE WEEKS, is beyond me. Though now I should kind of say that it's three weeks, shouldn't I. And then he has a 13yo, jumping all the quads, and future Korean superstar, and had a Spanish FS legend...gods, how ALL of TCC staff manages.

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8 часов назад, cinemacoconut сказал:

Yeah but like the rubber band effect or rebound, I and many others I predict will go fan over the dominant skater after yuzus retirement to fill the void for a few seasons and slowly lose interest in FS haha. Its not so much the skating to some people but the legendary presence and excitement that dominant skaters can bring to the sport. Like how Michael Phelps made swimming more fun at the olympics. 


I think its great that there is Zagitova in the ladies to keep figure skating alive in the ladies singles after yuzu retires. If Eteri didnt have a powerhouse of russian ladies to dominate the ladies figure skating, figure skating would die down in terms of popularity compared to how yuzu is skyrocketing FS internationally right now. Yuzu is raising the popularity of Figure Skating itself right now globally. But Skating fans know that yuzus retirement is not far off (1~3 seasons, 4 season at max). So they are looking for the next big figure skating star. Nathan is good but doesnt have the star power like yuzu. Medvedeva has star power but dominated for 2 seasons, and then is losing to Zagitova who seems to have better jumping and better musicality. 


So my predictions are that when yuzu retires some percentage of his fans may flock to either Nathan Chen or Zagitova (it depends how well they do from now), to fill the retirement blues and void from yuzus absence. Figure skating would be much more boring without yuzu in the picture Im sure. Its like losing Michael Jackson. And it will feel like how swimming fans felt when Michael Phelps finally and officially retired after Rio olympics. Major depression at first haha

Can I disagree? I'm following FS for a lot of years, mostly like a casual viewer of main comps, rooting for athletes from my country (thanks to the fact there were a lot of talented ones) and sometimes for rare talents like Lambiel or Takahashi. After Yuzu I might be the same way maybe, I just know nobody will catch my attention to a such degree again (at least I will be able to get actual vacation instead of travelling to watch FS). I started following Yuzu after first time seeing his R&J 1.0 even before his WC bronze medal. So it's not the star/winning power that got me and many others in the first place. So after Yuzu's retirement someone will just stop following FS (like my friend stopped after Lambiel's retirement), some will follow others (many loves Shoma or Boyang) but with less attention, maybe some great junior skater will appear at the scene. My point is in skating only wins will not get you worlds love if people will not see something special in you, so of course after Yuzu's retirement there will be a void but you can't fill it artificially only by dominating the sport, like Mao wasn't at her best in some years and still had lots of love.

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I'm trying to find the right place to post my fancam videos, but I must admit that I have a hard to finding/navigating the threads (for some reason nothing is ever where I expect it to be on our forum, maybe my logic is just different).


I thought there was a fancam thread, and also a fluff thread a while back for the Olympics, or do fancams belong in the general Yuzu thread? My initial thought was to post it in the general thread, but for the sake of organization I get why it might get cluttered.

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9 часов назад, Floria сказал:


Let's stay positive and enjoy the present. It won't do us any good to worry about the future yet.

Do you remember how Yuzu said that he didn't understand how he could stay on his feet landing that 3Lz in FS? Was it mental support from thousands of his fans? I am quite cynical sometimes but Yuzu made me believe in miracles once again.

Yeah, I'm not even superstitious (much at least)), but I believe there's such thing as energy like you can feel at concerts or like all the arena was praying for CoD at Helsinki))) so maybe here was the same situation, maybe Yuzu just really feels that energy :)

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I don't know if this made it here. As much as dislike the place, there's a very intersting discussion going on at GS about Yuzu's conference. Very recommended reading starting from user Metis, an insight into a competitive frame of mind coming from someone who sounds like they know what they're talking about:




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7 часов назад, Xen сказал:

I'm kind of amazed there is so much fierce criticism. You might not have him as your fave, but at least technically you can't deny that he is great. It's not easy to make figure skating look light and airy, but he does it time and again. IMO, that's how figure skating should be, and that's how great technique should be- giving off the impression of absolute effortlessness.


Anyways, mind a former debate team captain joining the ranks of the Yuzu defense squad? I can't do cuteness, but uh, I can make sure no one will want to argue any further. :biggrin:

But you know like others are? My mom follows FS even more than me (she skated herself in school) but she doesn't care that much about light and airy, difficult quads gets her more excited, of course she wouldn't argue with Yuzu's win this time cuz others made mistakes too, but there was smth. along the lines Yuzu wasn't completely clean (she is more fascinated with 6-quads FS and Boyang's Lz) but I only smiled at her in the morning after FS with a look like "don't even try to ruin my mood" :laughing: but at the same time she agrees that he skates beautifully she just doesn't find Yuzu to be that much better than others (well, not like I care anyway :P but I'm not surprised if there're those who feels the same).

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