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2 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

Sometimes, I want him to be as emotionally detached as Shoma... but then I wouldn't have fell in love with his skating if he wasn't. Just remember (and I know you do) that a lot more people love and appreciate you Yuzu.



Shade at US media? He's finished his job and is not in the bubble that is TCC. 

But seriously, wag of the finger at US media, and some commentators who are so "Yuzu isn't GOAT" when moments before they're all "Yuzu is the greatest ever, living legend." Or some people who were "Haha, Yuzu-what?" but after the victory went "Here's how I was right that Yuzu is the GOAT and was destined to win." Talk about two-faced. 


For the US media and USFed: get a hold of yourself. After the media circus put out on Nathan, I actually have a bet with a rinkmate that Nathan won't continue past the end of this season and may even skip worlds. For the sake of your future, it might be better if I'm wrong. But maybe for the sake of Nathan himself, it might be better that I'm right. The way you never focus on men's singles skating, ever, and just dump idol status and the media attention that takes several years to adjust to, in a little under a year on a teenager, is atrocious. Now instead of cheering on those who won, some of you are still dumping on the guys who podiumed. Which is atrocious not just due to manners/ethics etc, but the skater that you are trying to prop up, probably admires those skaters you are putting down so heavily-imagine being a child and having parents go "Oh but you are better than your friend Bobby, because Bobby sucks at piano." That's the equivalent-not good. 


As for Yuzu, take that banner that was made and wrap yourself with it. Or that birthday wishes map! There is at least 1000 lover of you per hater at exists. 

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42 minutes ago, Syless Jinx said:

Can you imagine him and Javi both teaching at TCC :13877886:

And both of them stand at the side of the rink jumping every time their athletes jump just like Brian :peekapooh: I would probably go to a competition just to see Coach Yuzu 

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11 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

me before periscope: DIED. UGLY CRY. ANGSTY

me after periscope: I trust him. Yuzu will be Yuzu

So no gala? But isn’t his ankle injury a soft tissue injury? Doesn’t mri work better for that? Hmmm

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15 minutes ago, liv said:

Ah, he's not doing anything until he gets his ankle x-rayed... smart. Not even the gala, yuzu. Time to finally be selfish and look after yourself... Shoma can take care of World's...

Wait so Yuzu isn't even doing the gala?  I really wanted a picture of the OGMs and his skating with Evgenia and Javi/Misha (one last time) aww that makes me sad but if it is for his health :sadPooh:


edit: Oh and dont forget about THE SWAN!

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1 minute ago, b138oo said:

And both of them stand at the side of the rink jumping every time their athletes jump just like Brian :peekapooh: I would probably go to a competition just to see Coach Yuzu 

I have a really sick skating skills practice idea that involves a lot of Poohs. 


Coach Yuzu: Today children, we will work on skating skills. 

Students: Not again, boring!

Coach Yuzu: have you ever tried to speed clean all the poohs that fall on the ice after my performances? 

Students: *has a bad feeling*

Coach Yuzu: today, we will do an improved exercise-"Flower girl and boy upgrade version 1". You will need to clear the entire ice rink surface of poohs within a 2 minute span. You are allowed only 10 crossovers the entire time, but may freely use Chasse steps, 3 turns, rockers, counters etc, to pick up the poohs. A 1 point deduction each time you fall. 

Students: Coach....

Coach Yuzu: *unveils 5 machine that is based on an automatic baseball/tennis throwing machine used for practice-fitted and specially made to throw multiple poohs in a natural throwing arc on the ice, at the rate of 20 poohs/sec)* We will give the normal rate of pooh rains after my performance. 

Students: O_O

Coach Yuzu; Alright, release the poohs!

Machine starts throwing poohs manically. 

Coach Yuzu: students- your time starts NOW!

Students: NOOOOOO!

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