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6 hours ago, koneko said:

Thank you for the reply and YASSSS to everything you said :party2: I totally agree. I could rhapsodize endlessly about Yuzu's turnout, write odes dedicated to his Vaganova-esque fingers, and play ballads in honor of the minute details and how closely he pays attention to them to make such a complete performance every time. Poetry in motion :BeatingHeart: But since this is the general thread, I shall deport my logorrheic self elsewhere, LOL :smiley-scared005:


(OT: Nathan has a ballet background?! Maybe that explains the Le Corsaire SP + its ending pose, then. Why doesn't he apply it in his skating more? In addition to his so-so turnout, where's the squareness of his shoulders and hips when he lands his jumps? It should be second nature to him. His poor hips :'( )


I have already claimed his Vaganova fingers in the Wedding Plans thread! :pbow::pbow::pbow:

On Nathan, you are preaching to the choir :sad-smiley-046:He needs to work on his plie and his hips. In fairness to him though, he does have beautiful port de bras :agree2: More Balanchine than Vaganova and I prefer Vaganova but still very beautiful.

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16 minutes ago, Moria Polonius said:


Firebird or Swan Lake, nothing like revisiting warhorses for the Olympics.


Or One-Winged Angel.

I didn't want to say it! Too warhorsey! He could pull them off, but I might tear out some of my head feathers along the way. Maybe it's more of an abstract inspiration for him. I still think it could be Notte Stellata. That was sort of warhorse with a twist. I approve of that method.


Just listened to One-Winged Angel. I like it, but I also find it kind of over-the-top cheesy :thrasher:I'd rather see that as a short program—a long would be too much for me, even though the music cuts would work better.

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27 minutes ago, Sombreuil said:

Just be thankful that he doesn't use Lotte designers.  This thread is the first time I've seen a big photo of that monstrosity- his competition and ex costumes are an exercise in restraint in comparison to that .... frill thing.


It looks like ABBA gone bad. :sad-smiley-046:


But...I think I can forgive them as I have just discovered this joyous gift from them via Google images! Yuzu in a suit that fits!!!! :loveshower:

The jacket is cropped short like a waistcoat, the construction of the shoulders could be better and the sleeves are a tad too long (the sleeve should end where the wrist ends and the thumb begins) but this is really nitpicking especially compared to the others he has in his closet. Someone please Photoshop this to a black suit!!


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19 minutes ago, beki said:

I didn't want to say it! Too warhorsey! He could pull them off, but I might tear out some of my head feathers along the way. Maybe it's more of an abstract inspiration for him. I still think it could be Notte Stellata. That was sort of warhorse with a twist. I approve of that method.


Just listened to One-Winged Angel. I like it, but I also find it kind of over-the-top cheesy :thrasher:I'd rather see that as a short program—a long would be too much for me, even though the music cuts would work better.


 Notte Stellata would be an awesome twist!


Did you listen to the metal version of One-Winged Angel? :party0029: I find it over the top in the way Carmina Burana is over the top (and many of the classical fs selections) and basically, perfect for skating. I've always imagined some of the more chaotic parts would have to be cut and mixed with some breather parts - always an LP in my mind though. :coffee:


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1 hour ago, Pamigena said:

Not exactly new information that Yuzu helped repair the ice after gala practice at Worlds, but there were two pictures of it in one of the magazines I got, and I don't think I've seen those around so far :animal0028:





Awww this is one of the reasons why many people loved him. He's so kind, humble, respectful, friendly, etc.. So many good things from him! 

The thing that always makes me smile was he bowed his head to his coach, to audiences (in the arena+tv viewer) and say thank you. Nice gestures. You can tell he's a good person. :BeatingHeart:

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3 minutes ago, Yuazz said:

Awww this is one of the reasons why many people loved him. He's so kind, humble, respectful, friendly, etc.. So many good things from him! 

The thing that always makes me smile was he bowed his head to his coach, to audiences (in the arena+tv viewer) and say thank you. Nice gestures. You can tell he's a good person. :BeatingHeart:


Also that he takes the time to look up and learn a bit of the language of whichever country he travels to, to be able to say thank you to the audience in their native language :sadPooh::sadPooh::sadPooh: how is he real 

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1 hour ago, Yuazz said:

Awww this is one of the reasons why many people loved him. He's so kind, humble, respectful, friendly, etc.. So many good things from him! 

The thing that always makes me smile was he bowed his head to his coach, to audiences (in the arena+tv viewer) and say thank you. Nice gestures. You can tell he's a good person. :BeatingHeart:

Exactly my thoughts ^^

He's not just someone who's worried about the frontlines (other competitors and coaches) but he also cares about the backstage/staff people.

And of course, I just love the respect he shows to the ice itself. Without it, there would be no training, no competitions, no figure skating. 

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32 minutes ago, Strawberry said:

Yuzu can't participate in this year's Dreams on Ice :noshake: He's schedules don't match:sad-smiley-046:

Why do I actually feel relief  :smiley-scared005:

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