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I guess opening twitter and seeing Yuzuru's name in headlines is the scariest thing these days.  I think the news today is a more detail version of yesterday's statement. The inflammation is expected when you sprain the ankle/damage the ligament. His left foot was badly swollen after Boston's SP. What we got from both quote is the reason why his injury take longer time to heal. These two sentence "He'll be back to on ice training soon" and " he didn't know when he would start training on the ice" are not really different, as we don't know exactly when he can resume practice. I read 4 articles and none of them mention about National in his direct quote.

The only ray of light is Oda. What a nice guy. I appreciated that he revealed Yuzuru's condition after all the news when he could throw it during GPF like some commentators would do. 

I pray for Yuzuru's speedy recovery. Many things are not on his side right now, but I have a strong feeling that he'll be fine at Olys. I never forget how he did two amazing performances at GPF 2014, just a few weeks after the nightmare of COC/NHK. That was the first time I cried while watching a sport event. Have faith in him, he can do it. 

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1 minute ago, Katt said:

The only ray of light is Oda. What a nice guy. I appreciated that he revealed Yuzuru's condition after all the news when he could throw it during GPF like some commentator would do. 

I pray for Yuzuru's speedy recovery. Many things are not on his side right now, but I have a strong feeling that he'll be fine at Olys. I never forget how he did two amazing performance at GPF 2014, just a few weeks after the nightmare of COC/NHK. That was the first time I cried while watching a sport event. Have faith in him, he can do it. 


I'm already practicing jumping on the couch for when he gets that second OGM. :biggrin:

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8 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I'm already practicing jumping on the couch for when he gets that second OGM. :biggrin:

For me, I care less about medal at the moment. I want see Yuzuru being healthy at Olys and his smile after the performance. The second OGM is his dream and motivation in the past few years, so of course I would love to see that. But I miss his beautiful skating and presence in the field more than any medal. 

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hace 18 minutos , Lunna said:

It's late morning at work and I want to get drunk already :facepalm:

Rally at this piont I will be more worried if Yuzu actually will go to Nats.


hace 16 minutos , Smultron said:

When will we ever wake up to anything good?... :cry: :cry: :cry:  


Now I really need a comment from Brian, my anxiety is all over the place 


I feel the same. After the first update came out on Sunday I said to myself to stay calm and I managed to do it quite well until today.  Some reassuring words from Brian would do wonders, at least I fully trust him.

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1 minute ago, Katt said:

For me, I care less about medal at the moment. I want see Yuzuru being healthy at Olys and his smile after the performance. The second OGM is his dream and motivation in the past few years, so of course I would love to see that. But I miss his beautiful skating and presence in the field more than any medal. 


I used to feel the same (I never cared about the Olympics) but I can't imagine he'd be able to smile with anything less than gold so, conflicted!

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I don’t think he’s in denial about Nationals. 


To be honest, I’m starting to think some of this news is just being sensationalist - as far as we can tell from the direct quotes from his messages they don’t mention Nationals. JSF also hasn’t mentioned if what they’ve revealed are ALL the messages they’ve received from him. We may not be getting the whole (clear) picture or are getting only bits and pieces of it, interjected with some conjecture perhaps on his participation. 


JSF likely havent announced WD because they’re waiting until the last minute, or he hasn’t actually submitted a WD. 

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1 minute ago, kiches said:

I don’t think he’s in denial about Nationals. 


To be honest, I’m starting to think some of this news is just being sensationalist - as far as we can tell from the direct quotes from his messages they don’t mention Nationals. JSF also hasn’t mentioned if what they’ve revealed are ALL the messages they’ve received from him. We may not be getting the whole (clear) picture or are getting only bits and pieces of it, interjected with some conjecture perhaps on his participation. 


JSF likely havent announced WD because they’re waiting until the last minute, or he hasn’t actually submitted a WD. 


I didn't mean to suggest he was, I just don't understand why we're getting all this news that makes it pretty clear he'll WD instead of just a WD announcement. Blegh. :Poohgaveup:

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5 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I didn't mean to suggest he was, I just don't understand why we're getting all this news that makes it pretty clear he'll WD instead of just a WD announcement. Blegh. :Poohgaveup:

I didn’t take it that way, I think anyone would think it’s crazy at this point too if he DID do nationals. 


I think they are clearly “milking it” right now for a bit of drama, and likely to build up the expectation for the WD. I think it’s just the way things work, he tends not to WD (or announce WD) until the very last min. I think as an athlete you want to keep the door open just in case you may need, or can, step through it. 

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1 minute ago, kiches said:

I didn’t take it that way, I think anyone would thing it’s crazy at this point too if he DID do nationals. 


I think they are clearly “milking it” right now for a bit of drama, and likely to build up the expectation for the WD. I think it’s just the way things work, he tends not to WD (or announce WD) until the very last min. I think as an athlete you want to keep the door open just in case you may need, or can, step through it. 


I guess all this unnecessary drama will save the screenwriters of his eventual biopic a lot of effort. :dpooh:

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24 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I used to feel the same (I never cared about the Olympics) but I can't imagine he'd be able to smile with anything less than gold so, conflicted!

I guess the fact that Japanese media make a long list of his injuries, count down to Olys and expect him to get second OGM at the same time really turn me off. Its just put more pressure on him and somehow could make him feel impatient about his training. I hope at this point we fans can send all the positive vibe to him instead of mentioning about OGM :'D

As for Nationals, his newest statement is an early WD announcement to me. But JFS will wait until the last minute. He still appears in most CM, posters for Nationals. The same thing with Evgenia's GPF. we knew she was likely to WD but it took 1 week after her injury's news for them the announce it. 

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11 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I didn't mean to suggest he was, I just don't understand why we're getting all this news that makes it pretty clear he'll WD instead of just a WD announcement. Blegh. :Poohgaveup:

I think because they can't if Yuzu's not saying anything about it in the first place. He's updating them of what he plans to do/is doing frequently (and that's good) but even though you can read between the lines that his current situation will more likely result in a withdrawal, giving a statement about it without confirmation from the main person concerned would be plain disrespectful.

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