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I don’t think think they do living national treasure awards for people who aren’t in the arts. Clearly it’s time for him to take up pottery or something :xD:


also damn, the boy really just broke 2 WRs again this year


(Is there an award ceremony this year? will he attend? When is it? So many questions???)


(I just want more footage of Yuzu interacting w other top atheletes from other sports)


9 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

Seriously, going to Japan during the drought was so weird. It took me until the day before I left to get used to not being insane about water and then I had to relearn the stinginess again. Seeing people throwing buckets of it on the footpath outside shops and houses was just mortifying! Our bathtub is still purely decorative. 

LOL omg so relatable. I went to China shortly after drought years and was staying at a relative’s house. Imagine my horror one morning going into the bathroom to find the tap running FULL BLAST for god knows how long, for NO REASON. I almost had an aneurysm. 

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18 minutes ago, kaerb said:

I don’t think think they do living national treasure awards for people who aren’t in the arts. Clearly it’s time for him to take up pottery or something :xD:


also damn, the boy really just broke 2 WRs again this year


(Is there an award ceremony this year? will he attend? When is it? So many questions???)


(I just want more footage of Yuzu interacting w other top atheletes from other sports)


LOL omg so relatable. I went to China shortly after drought years and was staying at a relative’s house. Imagine my horror one morning going into the bathroom to find the tap running FULL BLAST for god knows how long, for NO REASON. I almost had an aneurysm. 


Oh my sweet lord WHYYYYYYY?!?!&&@$%%%{£nah :13877886:


Well SEIMEI is just Noh on ice, right? RIGHT? Maybe if they make them go back to skating on geta we can get figure skating recognised as traditional Japanese performing arts. Then from there he’ll be a clog-in! (Dad joke I’m so sorry I will seppuku now.)

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4 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

reduce quads? no more lutz? original layout? 

lol me and my assumptions.. thats why we need translations :laughing:


1 minute ago, Floria said:

Now I am really curious about the article :smiley-happy085:

I'm pretty sure it's an opinion piece rather than something official, so...

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