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16 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

Nobu is my kindred spirit.. :rofl:


Youtube link to the ACI SP commentary: (Gochisosama~!)

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GPF'15 Seimei

Everyone: chatting

Nobu: Ah! Chotto matte Yonkaiten!! :smiley-laughing021:

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I know the answer is 'because Japanese TV' but like.......is that lady dressed up as the Pyeongchang gold medal and, if so, why


Also LOL Nobu is totally me, I showed my parents Yuzu's performance once and as he was leading up to a quad, I looked over and my dad was on his phone and I was all 'WATCH IT NOW!!!! D:<'


(I also laughed so hard at Nobu's 'PYEONG-CHANG!' I will absolutely remember this when we get to the Olympics)

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21 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Also LOL Nobu is totally me, I showed my parents Yuzu's performance once and as he was leading up to a quad, I looked over and my dad was on his phone and I was all 'WATCH IT NOW!!!! D:<


I recently worked out that the only way to get my  mum off her phone is to put on Chopin or Notte Stellata. She hears the first note and immediately puts the phone down and doesn't pick it back up until it's over. Works like a charm!

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Translation  of the Growing article! :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg:

"Art and sports: two young talents began to discuss "expression"."


Deleted tweet. See above! @Floria, we posted at the same time :biggrin:



It was a breathtaking performance for all who witnessed it.

Afterwards, Ms. Matsuda got up and bowed to Hanyu. Hanyu asked the cameraman to stop filming.

"I'm sorry. I'm sweating. I was doing my short program in my head while listening. Oh, I was nervous!"


ETA: Just finished reading the translation and wow.. the depth in which he thinks about his performances and how he wishes to transmit them to the audience is simply astounding.


H: Instead of "putting", it's more like "entering". Everyone who's listening and watching, who all have different pasts and experiences. For example, even a sad song - if you have a sorrow, it will make you feel sad, but if you've just had fun and are feeling excited, you'll feel differently. Something like hope comes after sorrow. You may be able to see that as well. I really want to pay attention to those kind of things. There are many things I want to convey, but I want to transmit "something" to every person watching.


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