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General Yuzuru Chat

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10 minutes ago, kaerb said:

Yuzu: If you rotate two more times, you can jump a quad. It's only two rotations

Speaking like our favorite troll, yuzuru! :winky:

(Yuzu: just 2 more revolutions!

Also Yuzu: Just 17 more cm!)

God I love his humour ! (even though it makes us fanyu and Brian loose our hair hahah )

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2 minutes ago, AsteroidB-612 said:

Speaking like our favorite troll, yuzuru! :winky:

(Yuzu: just 2 more revolutions!

Also Yuzu: Just 17 more cm!)

God I love his humour ! (even though it makes us fanyu and Brian loose our hair hahah )


So you think he's joking? :space:

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Aw him and the little boy (well not so little but hey why not) is so cute!! (no I haven't watched it but I know it's cute!!) :smiley-love017:


And awe again for his asthma attacks.. it's so easy to forget that he's still dealing with it, though less now. That only makes it even more admirable seeing how he perseveres and strives forward. It must not be easy yet he does it and succeeds. I kinda run out of things to say but I just love him so much and wish him great things..

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1 hour ago, kamotejojo said:

:animated-smileys-cheeky-053: IT'S HERE!!! :animated-smileys-cheeky-053:

Pino's version:


Performance only:


Rough translations for the video Pt 1 (disclaimer: not word-for-word accurate, just need to SHARE THE FEELS IN ENGLISH, especially the fact Yuzu just refuses to make any excuses to himself T___T this is also why I'm speed-translating at like 11:30PM for this incredible human)


About Yuzu's asthma

  • Because of his asthma (since the age of 2), Yuzu was often unable to sleep at night and could not go to kindergarten. Even now, he will sometimes be unable to practice because of it. However, Hanyu doesn't make excuses about his asthma. "There are definitely rough times, but for athletes who have asthma, it's probably normal. I've never really thought that a performance was tough because of my asthma."
  • He takes extreme care by wearing masks and taking medicine but even this year, 2 weeks before Worlds, he had an asthma attack. "It hurt and I couldn't breathe" (but then he still went on to put out a perfect performance at Helsinki)

Sora segment:

  • Ikeba Sora is a Junior skater. He came third in the Kanto (regional?) competitions. However, he also has asthma.
  • ((JP TV reenacted his asthma attack at 4yrs old)). Because of his asthma, he could only participate once in his school's sports
  • But in Year 4 (3 yrs earlier), he started skating because Yuzu did an ice show in his hometown Shiba-ken (?) in 2014 and skated to Go Hiromi's song. Sora was moved by the performance, especially his high jumps and coolness.
  • Host: When you talk about Hanyu-senshuu, you looked so happy!
  • Sora's battle with asthma didn't end, despite starting skating. He often had to leave the rink because he couldn't breathe and his parents often thought it would be impossible for him to continue.
  • So there's a present for Sora-kun. Host: 'There's a thing I'd like Sora to see today."
  • Yuzu: She said "the thing he's going to see today is here." (referring to himself)

Their Skype chat

  • Sora's like NODDING SILENTLY AND SPEECHLESS so cute and AWKWARD ; u ;
  • Yuzu: 'I surprised him! What should we do? You're nervous right?'
  • (translated before...basically says he likes Yuzu's 3A)
  • Discussing asthma. Yuzu: Do you cough a lot? It's hard isn't it? I also have a lot of these experiences - I have it still. Everyone's experience is probably different but to you, it feels normal doesn't it? Therefore, there's no need to compare to other people. If you think to yourself it's normal, I think it's good if you do your best to conquer it. What are you working on right now?
  • Sora: Double toe loop. 
  • Host: One day, will it be possible to practice with Sora-kun?
  • Yuzu: Let's do it next time I come back home
  • Sora: Until then, I will do my best to jump the double toe loop
  • Yuzu: I look forward to it!

1 month later

  • Yuzu and Sora greet each other at the rink
  • Yuzu: What do you want to practice? Hydroblading? I'll do it once, so watch me
    Narrator: Even though they were practising jumps, Sora's first request is Yuzu's trademark hydroblade. Caption on Sora: Hanyu-senshuu's big fan LOL
  • Host: He's not nervous at all and is immediately practising! It feels like they've formed a connection!
  • Yuzu: Okay, let's try the toe loop. Narrator: It seems Yuzuru remembers the conversation from a month ago.
    (Sora jumps and fails).
    Yuzu: Can you try to increase your speed? Okay, with that feeling, go 'GYUU' with all your strength. Ohhhh, you jumped it. You did it.
  • Sora (caption): The biggest smile
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