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10 minutes ago, Xen said:

Thank you! Can we mail flowers to Max? He's very much on the money on all the skaters so far. And I'm so happy that there's finally a commentator who acknowledges Boyang's efforts (c'mon Lori, bring out the rest of Boyangman!). 


I think the best thing that Max does, is he acknowledges all the skaters' strengths and weaknesses, and if other writers in other forums, or even twitter, actually read through, thought about it, they can realize that certain skaters can be liked for certain qualities, none of which detract from liking other skaters (I'm looking at you Phil).It's probably the most loaded top 6 in men's that we've had in years (possibly we've never had such a group before). 


That's what irks me about the 'known' fs journalists (and forums as well) when it comes to Yuzu. Any signs of weakness from Yuzu is scrutinised and sometimes celebrated. If it was any of the other top men, any mention of weakness becomes bashing if it's from a 'fanyu'.

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27 minutes ago, yuzuangel said:



Haha I actually think he's small whenever I see him. Yes he is muscular but his frame is very cute and compact and not that tall but probably taller than me which makes him 5'8" or 5'9" lol.


Javi also seems not that big either. The smallest one of all is Shoma who is teeny tiny. They all look bigger on TV lol.

Same with the lady skaters as well. I was surprised when I first saw Gracie in person for example. I thought she was tall-looking watching her on TV. But she could be more described as petite in person. 


I guess it's true what they say, TV tends to make you look "fat" or bigger than you are. 

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9 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

Except for those of us who are hopelessly weak against Trollzuru and get killed at least three times a day by him no matter what :tumblr_inline_np9uqfin9j1qid2nw_75sq:

Wadja say? :devil3:




7 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


Eh... to me it looks like one of those fisheye lens/filter and it doesn't live up to other better style/covers they are capable of with him.. :tumblr_inline_mzx8t825tZ1r8msi5:

:consoling2: Not everybody can be Ninny. :winky:

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