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1 hour ago, LiaRy said:


I'm hunting Japanese tweets to get more info, but not much is shared yet. However, general consensus, as expected, the book is very painful and Yuzu is spilling tea

I would be happy if someone offered him the release of an official English version of all parts for international fans.

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2 hours ago, isabelfm said:

uh oh, get ready because Aoi Hono III is coming to destroy us all

google translation: I also read the latest interview with Aoi Honoo (P284~).  painful. The person himself was aware of the astringent score of the Four Continents, and he was suffering and enlightened. As fans pointed out, Autumn and GPF were much more tormented than that...😭 



:tumblr_inline_n18qr5AMus1qid2nw:Please let healing be swift and supported by the love of the global fan base. 

Dear Yuzu kun, Daijoubu we are all here for you

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1 hour ago, nekodearu said:

I would be happy if someone offered him the release of an official English version of all parts for international fans.

There needs to be a high demand for an official English version. To achieve this, international Fanyus have to make A LOT of noise - directly contacting the Japanese publisher, tagging the publisher (and even Yuzu) in posts asking for translations for all 4 books. We have to show there is an insanely high demand for them and this request has to be consistent for a while to prompt a response


We could try and organize an action to draw attention to this

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hace 27 minutos , LiaRy said:

There needs to be a high demand for an official English version. To achieve this, international Fanyus have to make A LOT of noise - directly contacting the Japanese publisher, tagging the publisher (and even Yuzu) in posts asking for translations for all 4 books. We have to show there is an insanely high demand for them and this request has to be consistent for a while to prompt a response


We could try and organize an action to draw attention to this

This is a good idea. 
I think many of us, non-Japanese speaking fans, will gladly buy the books, even an e-book version if a paper version is not available. 

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5 hours ago, isabelfm said:

uh oh, get ready because Aoi Hono III is coming to destroy us all


Dear Yuzuru


We look forward to Gift, lightheartedly hoping that you will once again surpass yourself. Then the warning spreads, your third autobiography is painful to read.


I am so sorry that we could not help you! You were suffering and we knew it. We saw your pain, we felt your disappointments. It must have been so hard for you. You always knew everyone was watching you. You were expected to come in first, then you had to be composed, you answered the incomprehensible with the utmost respect for everyone. You entertained at gala rehearsals, one wished from you to be funny and cute after the actual competition, but you were hurt and we knew it. You dried our tears, you never gave up and showed us professionalism in so many ways. You smiled to comfort us. You encouraged us with your determination. We thought, maybe it's okay. Maybe you were strong enough to bear everything. You were used to the pain. We don't know how, but you got through it without losing your love for figure skating. How is it that you are the one who gives the most thanks?


It seems that you are happy again. It's a gift for us. Let's live this year together "in good spirits, just like the bouncing bunnies." We hope the new chapter in your life will lead to a happy Aoi Hono IV.

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1 hour ago, LiaRy said:

There needs to be a high demand for an official English version. To achieve this, international Fanyus have to make A LOT of noise - directly contacting the Japanese publisher, tagging the publisher (and even Yuzu) in posts asking for translations for all 4 books. We have to show there is an insanely high demand for them and this request has to be consistent for a while to prompt a response


We could try and organize an action to draw attention to this

Excellent idea. Many of us have copies in Japanese so that Yuzu receives the royalties. What would be useful is a companion book that can be read sided by side or alone. That way we are able to read Yuzu's story and learn Japanese ( or at least a little bit ). There are language learning books with side by side short stories. What better incentive to learn another language to be able to read some of the life story of our beloved Yuzu


Publisher: Fusosha Publishing

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Imagine if every fan bought a copy of Aoi Hono for themselves and then also sent a copy to Lausanne, it would be like the Hogwarts letters arriving at Privet drive. How long would it take before they could not access the front door or would the delivery companies get fed up? 


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3 hours ago, LiaRy said:

There needs to be a high demand for an official English version. To achieve this, international Fanyus have to make A LOT of noise - directly contacting the Japanese publisher, tagging the publisher (and even Yuzu) in posts asking for translations for all 4 books. We have to show there is an insanely high demand for them and this request has to be consistent for a while to prompt a response


We could try and organize an action to draw attention to this

I support this! Already left some tweets about it. If there were english versions of all 3 books i'd have bought them already, e-book format is also a good idea. And part of our money would still go to the charity right?!

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14 hours ago, LiaRy said:


I'm hunting Japanese tweets to get more info, but not much is shared yet. However, general consensus, as expected, the book is very painful and Yuzu is spilling tea





There is also a hashtag to "Aoi Hono III" on twitter. Maybe we'll find out some more details.


https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q=%23Blue Flame 3&src=typed_query






Citizen's official Wechat account also announced a collaboration  with Disney. Coincidence?🤔


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