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11 hours ago, eren said:

 I'd love to see him skate to Japanese music again (and d*mn those commentators who once criticized his choice of "too much Japanese music that can't move the western audience"-sorry I can't recall exactly).

The (non) discussion about Japanese music from commentators is frankly nonsense and culturally insensitive to say the least. 

Such people are tone deaf. That is the reason that warhorses are resurrected season after season, because people have little imagination and require the prompts of well worn scores to produce clone programmes. 

Yuzu has always been intellectually advanced with his programmes, including imaginative, thought provoking programmes which introduce spectators to new listening experiences combined with rich story telling.

By contrast, it is quite apparent that the majority of skaters are not invested in their programmes, just skating around any old how, using well known pieces of music, punctuated with jumps.

In fact, contrary to the opinion of the commentators, Joe Hisashi will be showcasing his music in a series concerts throughout August, tour dates include London and New York, as well as Japan. 

So much for the nonsense that Japanese music can't move a Western audience. The statement may be true for persons of an ignorant disposition, but for those with an open mind, being introduced to novel cultural experiences is very welcome and enriching.

Having listened to the banal and inane platitudes offered by some commentators, narrow cultural knowledge is not surprising.


It will be a shame if Yuzu decides to forego competing in the Grand Prix series, four out of seven events are due to be in Europe and potentially accessible for me

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53 minutes ago, Xiupia said:

Sharing an article I saw someone post on twitter, about Yuzu and fanyus and his unprecedented existence in the sport. 

Phrasing of the article might be a little too much, but the overall message appears to be positive. Thought it was interesting to see a western media outlet commenting about fanyus post-beijing and received the “ok” of some fellow satellites



Yes I'd say it is positive about Yuzuru - but still object a bit to "cult" and "obsessive" label! I am a Rafa Nadal fan, his "fandom" is enormous, people worship him (he is very like Yuzuru in terms of talent, success, personal attitudes, even good looks, courtesy to others, international appeal!, longevity EDIT - they even have a name like us - Rafans!) - I have never seen a Western article on his fans that call them a cult or obsessive, yet their behaviour is pretty much the same!!  I wonder if it's based somewhat in sexist thinking given we are predominantly women....

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The cult thing threw me off, but the article is decently positive.

It just so happens that FS is a sport primarily followed by women - why this has to be reflected by using terms which can be interpreted as derogatory, I don't know...

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John Wilson Blades are made from Sheffield Steel - Yuzu should come and give a personal thank you (along with 75% of all the other skaters too :rofl3:)

Being serious, I wonder if he will do GP series - his age, travel, lack of recovery time, Covid in countries where no-one wears masks like the UK...he may sit it out again

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2 minutes ago, Pammi said:

Being serious, I wonder if he will do GP series - his age, travel, lack of recovery time, Covid in countries where no-one wears masks like the UK...he may sit it out again


I still hope Yuzuru will do GP series - Europe's privileged this time, maybe we will have the change to even see him twice? 

I think out of these two locations, he'd choose Finland. It's less crowded, more disciplined, he was there before and maybe has some good memories. 



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Just now, Sun_Rise said:


I still hope Yuzuru will do GP series - Europe's privileged this time, maybe we will have the change to even see him twice? 

I think out of these two locations, he'd choose Finland. It's less crowded, more disciplined, he was there before and maybe has some good memories. 



I agree - the ignorance in the UK about Covid is frightening! I am sure Finland authorities/media are much more open with the population there than our government and media are here....

Well I booked accommodation at Espoo a while ago when the rumours started about the CoR GP being assigned there so fingers crossed!

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1 minute ago, LiaRy said:

I understand what you mean, but I highly doubt his age has anything to do with his decision

I really only meant recovery time and existing wear and tear in relation to age...I know his level of fitness is amazing 

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I mean, Finland is hallowed ground for Yuzu, would be lovely if he could go there for GP again ;)



(...dunno about the other GP he should go to, but Finland atm sound good to me. And I probably wouldn't mind Sheffield too much either, as long as they could provide prime ice quality for him.)

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