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1 hour ago, Floria said:

So three of podium contenters are out of Team event. Boyang arrives even later than Yuzu.

Patrick and Shoma will do TE for sure and I guess Nathan also because USA has strong chances to medal. 



Honestly, makes me feel better and hope this means something like scheduling changes for TE Beijing 2022.


Is China (or the region Boyang and co are going to PC from) in the same time zone as KOR?


I've seen people talking about it here, but when I literally saw an article about the sickness and flu spreading in PC, it seriously does seem like a better idea to just camp in a close country or city and fly in for each athlete's main event.


Too bad Japan can't seem to provide that for their athletes.

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3 minutes ago, Forcefield said:


Honestly, makes me feel better and hope this means something like scheduling changes for TE Beijing 2022.


Is China (or the region Boyang and co are going to PC from) in the same time zone as KOR?


I've seen people talking about it here, but when I literally saw an article about the sickness and flu spreading in PC, it seriously does seem like a better idea to just camp in a close country or city and fly in for each athlete's main event.


Too bad Japan can't seem to provide that for their athletes.

Beijing time is 1 hour behind Seoul. =)

I wouldn't really count on scheduling changes for 2022 for TE, but it seems the Olys will happen at the tail end of the Chinese New Year's, so maybe to cater to the domestic audience in China, events may be later in the day (at least the popular ones-such as pairs, speed skate and men's) since 9 PM EST is around 8 am Beijing and would be outside of prime time in China.  Depends on how negotiations go between NBC, IOC and CCTV though. 

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9 minutes ago, Xen said:

Beijing time is 1 hour behind Seoul. =)

I wouldn't really count on scheduling changes for 2022 for TE, but it seems the Olys will happen at the tail end of the Chinese New Year's, so maybe to cater to the domestic audience in China, events may be later in the day (at least the popular ones-such as pairs, speed skate and men's) since 9 PM EST is around 8 am Beijing and would be outside of prime time in China.  Depends on how negotiations go between NBC, IOC and CCTV though. 


With the growth of the Chinese economy, and them having billions of people, I'm hoping CCTV might have more money to throw at IOC for 2022 so.


But will I still be interested in Figure Skating by the time that comes around though? We shall see.

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Not sure if this has been shared:




Winter Olympics: Top ten athletes to watch!



If you're a fan of Dancing on Ice or Ice Stars on CBBC, then this is a figure skater you need to watch out for!


Four years ago Yuzuru Hanyu became the first male Japanese figure skater in history to win gold at the Winter Olympic Games.

AND he was the youngest skater to do so since 1948, aged just 19!

Yuzuru also became the first figure skater to pass the 100-point mark, with a world record score of 101.45.


In total he's currently broken TWELVE different world records - and he's also a big fan of Winnie the Pooh.


They could have chosen a better picture tbh. What's with all this LGC love afterwards? He really needs to bring it during the Olys gala, I say.



Also, been kind of sweet seeing Hanyu highlighted for the Olys in English-language sites, and wondering how I could keep the memory. Now not only am I downloading Hanyu-centric programs and saving pictures, I'm saving these articles as PDFs as well. Someone help me! :S But as someone who missed an era of Hanyu and came across so many dead links, a fan's gotta do what a fan's gotta do. 

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35 minutes ago, Forcefield said:


With the growth of the Chinese economy, and them having billions of people, I'm hoping CCTV might have more money to throw at IOC for 2022 so.


But will I still be interested in Figure Skating by the time that comes around though? We shall see.

Oh, what if he stays another quad? 

If beijing gets their way, prime time in China is about 8 pm, aka 7 am est/4 am PST. If we compromise with NBC, maybe we could do it at 1 pm beijing time (9 pm pst/ midnight EST). The latter isn't that different from Seoul, but maybe can avoid the 6 am practice sessions. 

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4 часа назад, Xen сказал:

There's Chinese new Year's coming up, a new cart of paprikas might be very useful to have around. Yeah....free groceries always welcome, just have to thoroughly inspect for poisoning beforehand I guess?

The narrative a la quad ladies style, because with the positive news, my muse bunnies are back to frolicking and snooping into the palace grounds. Hope this doesn't offend anyone, since it might come off a touch too "light" for some.  My apologies beforehand if it does. And if this is not appropriate for this thread, please feel free to move it. Warning that it's also long-LONG.

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It was the coldest winter the palace had experienced in years, with wind chill temperature reaching as low as -30C. Snow gently drifted over the palace rooftops, dusting over the ceramic brown-grey tiles like layers of powdered sugar covering a cake (or like a lovelier version of Patrick Chan's costume as the general public remarks at times). Round red paper laterns swayed in the wintery breeze, gently rocking back and forth. It was nearing the Lunar New Year's holiday and the emperor had ordered the palace appropriately decorated even though normally he did not celebrate the occassion. But since this was a special year, where he has to make a special visit to a far distant land that celebrated the occassion, New Year's banners, laterns, festive candles and even firecrackers were pasted, draped and stored around the courtyard grounds.


 The ladies quarters was a cacophony of noise. The sound of furniture and heavy boxes being moved clashed violently with the sound of hurried servant feet skidding across stone floors, the surprised and scared chirp of prized pet parrots fluttering in cages, and the annoyed yowl of one royal Effie (the feline friend to the court, visiting dignitary from Spain).


Lady 4Salchow was speaking in loud tones to maid 3T, flipping dress after dress since she had to show herself twice, and no she could not wear the same outfit twice. Besides, the dresses needed more sequins and glitter, so the imperial tailor must be located. And didn't they remember that the last time she took these once in 4 years sojorn with the emperor, she royally messed up in her presentation-so this time, she will make up for all those indignities and just show them.


Lady 4T looked on in bemusement, as she sat with Empress 3A in a corner of the room, sipping warm matcha. Her own maids, Euler and 3S,  were quietly folding away clothing into a heavy engraved trunk. 2T, the loyal servant of the empress for many years, was copying over the presentation order and plans for the 15th dress rehersal they would have before departing. This was lady 4T and Empress 3A's second sojourn, and they were well versed in what to pack and not to pack. Plus very assured of their abilities to present themselves well under pressure.


Lady 4Loop was in a mood. Gentle and kind she was, but now everyone knew she also had a vindictive streak. On one occasion when being interviewed, the emperor forgot to mention her in his enthusiasm over the new Lady 4Lutz. Out of spite, she had started to avoid public events, even if she attended all dress rehersals in full compliance. And her rivalry with the new Lady 4Lutz had become common public knowledge, whispered in the servants quarters and even spread out to the general public. The Prime Minister Pooh had to take her aside and gently remind her that it was unbecoming of a lady. It was jealousy they told her, and it was time for her, as a not-brand-new quad lady to learn to tolerate the preseance of other new ladies. Plus, did she not see it as part of her duty as an older member of the court to help a new one settle? She nodded her assent, but jealous? Who her? She shook her head. She was just a bit peeved at the new foreign-borne hussy, nothing more nothing less.  But now after a month with the emperor gone, bed-ridden due to overwork burnout, and absolute silence from Lady 4Lutz, she slowly came around. Now she hung her head in shame and recognized that perhaps, she was a little jealous. Perhaps she was being a bit vindictive. Perhaps, she should be nicer to the emperor since he had been trying his best to coax her out of her shell gently. She hung her head in shame, and swore that she will show the public that all is well now-she is not a delicate emotional wall flower. And so she folded her clothing, packed her accessories in stoic, efficient silence by herself, as she had sent 3Loop to comfort the emperor. Maybe, she should consider working with 4Lutz as friends instead of rivals? But first, she had a bit of pride to ride out first before she could cooperate.


The front door of Empress 3A's chambers creaked open, and a rotound yellow plush tummy stuck out into the cold air. Prime Minister climbed out with a fresh jar of honey for his efforts in helping Lady 4T, with instructions to check up on Lady 4Lz since she had been beside herself ever since the emperor was bedridden.  And so Pooh ambled his way into the quarters of Lady 4Lutz to see how he could help, dipping his fuzzy paws into the jar of honey occassionally and licking it off appreciatively.


The quarters of Lady 4Lutz was quiet and dark, a few dim candles flickered to shed light. Unlike the other quarters where servants were busy packing left and right, Lady 4Lutz had dismissed all her servants for now, and insisted on packing alone. Pooh sighed deeply. After entering the palace, Lady 4Lutz had started putting into gear new layout plans, some of which even involved the ladies quarters, that set certain gears in motion. It was organized chaos for months, only organized because the emperor was working overtime with extreme pressure to hold the court together, assuring the public that the domain would be peaceful and there was nothing to doubt about the stability of his country. The rivalry with Lady 4Loop, which lady 4Loop did not recognize, probably did not help. And so it culiminated in one morning with the emperor going to work, refusing to recognize his high fever for what it was, and proceed to burnout. That got everyone's attention; and Lady 4Lutz finally saw the limitations of what she should push for. He was bedridden for over a month, before gradually coming back and performing his duties as emperor, especially with the special sojourn coming up. With much persuasion and reluctance, he eased away from implementing all of lady 4Lutz's ideas. And so, Lady 4Lutz found herself alone, in her first year.


Pooh meandered over to 4Lz, reached up to pat her hand. She has been apolegetic ever since. Her bags were sparingly packed, with nothing fancy prepared-it had been decided, with some consternation by the emperor that her plans for the opening presentation and entrance at the 4 year sojourn need to be subdued. Plus, her general sadness led to dark moods that impacted her attendence at all the dress rehersals. She had stopped speaking for a while, resorting to writing messages as a means of communication.


Its okay, Pooh comforted her, paws sticky with honey leaving a streak on an otherwise pristine desk. She patted her eyes-she had been crying again. Pooh sighed, and with the remaing honey on his paws wrote out-"He might give you a chance at the yearly sojour event next month." She sniffled, shaking her light brown curls. "I don't know, Pooh. I'm still so sorry." A pen wrote out on thin paper. Pooh smiled, and patted her with the un-honeyed paw, before writing out. "Oh he's a benevolent one. Don't worry, I'm sure all will be forgiven." She perked up a bit, "So we still get the entrance with the rockets strapped to his back?" She wrote out hopefully. "No...not quite that, I think that would be too much, even for him." Pooh replied.


But for now, it was no time to fret for whether the emperor makes his grand entrance at the yearly sojourn event with rockets strapped to his back, projected via a ballista, or land 6 revolutions in space before touching down on earth. Preparations still had to be made, as the entire court would head out in less than 5 days. Dress rehersals had to be completed. And Pooh was one very tired prime minister bear. Thank gods, he thought, for the exquisite honey pot from Empress 3A-before someone stupidly lit a firecracker by accident, the explosion leading to a screeching yowl from Effie. Well, he has to go put out that fire first.



Now I kinda want to give a hug to Lady 4Lz and hope she and the Emperor will be able to start over again soon with a new strength ))) And of course hope all other ladies will show themselves in all of their glory :thanks:


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1 hour ago, Xen said:

Oh, what if he stays another quad? 

If beijing gets their way, prime time in China is about 8 pm, aka 7 am est/4 am PST. If we compromise with NBC, maybe we could do it at 1 pm beijing time (9 pm pst/ midnight EST). The latter isn't that different from Seoul, but maybe can avoid the 6 am practice sessions. 


Yes. Compromise. What you have down would be a better situation than now for many, imo. Too bad athletes don't matter.


For Americans, the men's event is over by Friday night, I think. But at least I get the weekend to mope and recover or cheer and party. Honestly, no matter what I'll be home for four consecutive nights because of feelings.




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