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Just now, PapiandPooh421 said:

It's weird. I want that to happen at the same time I don't? I don't to be wife/babysitter after all. :laughing:

He would probably join the story:

:usrs::You should always aim for that perfect shuu-paa. Only then you will stop feeling kuyashii and you will come back stronger than before.

Daughter: There it is! The shuu-paa appeared again! Seriously dad, i don't know how many times i've told you i don't understand what you mean by that!


And i'm not going to comment on my opinion on that because i reached high squish levels again...:sadPooh:

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11 hours ago, GreatLakesGal said:

There is no way the Rock Star of Figure Skating will be able to escape the media craziness that is the Olympics. I hope he can find a way to handle it.

I fully agree.  The fact is that Yuzu is the nearest thing figure skating has to a multi-platinum stadium-filling rock-star.  Plus, even though Yuzu is not in the GPF he will be at Japan Nationals and you can be certain that not only the Japanese media but the international media will be playing up that rivalry.  This time it's Shoma playing Yuzu against Yuzu's Patrick.  If Shoma has solid wins in France this week and at the GPF the media will be on the story big-time.  The media love such rivalries - they boost the ratings and sell the papers.  For those who are old enough, remember the Battle of the Brians back at the '88 Olympics, American Brian Boitano against our own Brian Orser of Canada.  The media played that rivalry to the limits, perhaps even beyond.  There is, of course, a difference in that Shoma and Yuzu are from the same country, but it's the closeness that Shoma came to beating Yuzu at Worlds this year that make for the rivalry, a closeness so close that those covering the story don't need to exaggerate the difference even slightly.  Had Yuzu not skated a better than perfect long program Shoma would be World Champion right now.  That's what will fuel the depictions of the rivalry the press and media will be running with this Olympic year.  Nationals will be saying a lot this December and if Yuzu wins the pressures will return.  But as has been commented previously, Yuzu has a great deal more experience in dealing with the press than Shoma has, and way more experience in dealing with the adulation of the fans.  Shoma does not get anything near the quantity of Toys-R-Us products pitched down to him than Yuzu does.  In fact I surmise that Yuzu's 'gifts' are probably greater than all the others combined.  And this has been going on for several years.  Shoma is still the new kid on the block.  Of course the entire scenario could be altered substantially if someone other than Shoma wins the GPF.  That completely changes things and Yuzu would automatically become once again the clear front-runner, as none of those who might defeat Shoma at the GPF have anywhere near the kind of record Shoma's accumulated over the three seasons he's skated in the big leagues.  So everything we've been speculating about could really alter if Shoma falters at the GPF  or even if he has a bad weekend this week in France.  Yuzu right now has the luxury of sitting on the sidelines and letting everybody else engage in their jockeying for position.  But remember, everyone, that Yuzu's record over the last four seasons is one of the most commanding in the history of men's figure skating, despite the fact he silvered at two World Championships.  Despite whatever spin the media might put on the current situation this one truth remains unaltered - Yuzu's the one to beat.  I don't think any skater out there right now is framing his ambitions on defeating Shoma.   Yuzu's the one to beat and that will be the situation all the way to the last men's free skate at Pyeongchang. 

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12 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

He would probably join the story:

:usrs::You should always aim for that perfect shuu-paa. Only then you will stop feeling kuyashii and you will come back stronger than before.

Daughter: There it is! The shuu-paa appeared again! Seriously dad, i don't know how many times i've told you i don't understand what you mean by that!


And i'm not going to comment on my opinion on that because i reached high squish levels again...:sadPooh:

This :usrs:is perfect in that scenario!! Let's turn up the climax!! 


Daughter: :smiley-angry023:Both Mom and Dad are weirdos!! I cannot with this!! :drama:

Mother: Which brings us to something we want to talk about with you. We love you no matter what.

Daughter: Why do I have a bad feeling about this? :/

Mother: Aren't you puzzled? You didn't look like me or your dad? You've also said it. We're weirdos. You're not.

:hachimaki:: Let's get this straight!

:peekapooh:You're adopted, Petit Pooh!! 




And there goes my sanity!!! :rofl:


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6 minutes ago, singcarcom said:

What do you mean by was?


:pouty:: Are you sure you'll stop being my fan years later?

It's a fantasy scenario. That includes giving him up :peekapooh:

1 minute ago, PapiandPooh421 said:

This :usrs:is perfect in that scenario!! Let's turn up the climax!! 


Daughter: :smiley-angry023:Both Mom and Dad are weirdos!! I cannot with this!! :drama:

Mother: Which brings us to something we want to talk about with you. We love you no matter what.

Daughter: Why do I have a bad feeling about this? :/

Mother: Aren't you puzzled? You didn't look like me or your dad? You've also said it. We're weirdos. You're not.

:hachimaki:: Let's get this straight!

:peekapooh:You're adopted, Petit Pooh!! 




And there goes my sanity!!! :rofl:



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3 minutes ago, PapiandPooh421 said:

Poor Petit Pooh (their daughter's name) having yellow fur. :laughing:

It's ok, papa will love her as much as he loves baby 3A

Just now, katonice said:

I love how he said, "お母さんありがとう!" at the end.

I could feel the genuine appreciation.



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