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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. There have been otter and celebrity threads in the past - Otters that look like Ewan McGregor, Benedict Cumberbatch and now Yuzuru Hanyu. The comparisons are very cute indeed
  2. Lots of mini Yuzu's. All of the costumes are featured.
  3. RIP Muffinator One of the things that Muffinator mentioned, that it was not only watching videos of Yuzu skating but also the fun times chatting with fellow satellites.The letter campaign had given her a great deal of focus and it had really felt as if we might be able to bring about a degree of accountability in the governing body for the competitive skaters of the future and have fairness brought back to the judging criteria for all competitors. Being able to discuss Yuzu's skating with like minded people had been a source of real delight for her. We had hoped that she might have been able to apply for a wheelchair seat and attend Gift to see Yuzu perform live it would have been a dream come true. Sadly this was not to be. Mufinator understand very well that fairy tales do not always come true. Nevertheless, although Muffinator has left us and we will miss her, equally, many of us will have been glad to have made friends with her here on PH.
  4. How charming is this as a picture book? Once upon a time there was a boy who skated and dreamed. When he grew up the dreams from his heart reached out into the world and gladdened the hearts of people in many countries. Through that love they became friends and gave much affection back to the boy who dreamed and skated and gave hope
  5. This may be old, but it is so cute and is essentially how the international fan base feel when it comes to accessing Yuzu shows, Yuzu exhibitions, Yuzu promotional gifts ( yes Sekkissei looking at you, photobooks, limited edition coffrets ....) Yuzu merchandise and endorsed products - jewellery, watches.
  6. This is interesting insight into how rinks are created, there is an additional intriguing comment about the exact size and shape The Gift key ring is a teaser about the rink dimensions, larger than the Olympic size rink and there is now some speculation about the shape. Late last year there were a few tantalising twt posts drawing inspiration from the skating tracks used in the stage musical Starlight Express. Surely skating tracks like corridors on different levels is too far fetched? Fans around the world await Gift with great anticipation. However the arena is set out, the spectacle of Gift - Ice Story will be talked about for years to come.
  7. imho, I'm still thinking that the white rectangle wrapped around Yuzu in the Dreamy Aspiration and Fleeting Dream programmes signify the memories of the victory laps wrapped in Hinomaru and competition life. The white rectangle is also a blank sheet awaiting the new story as Yuzu's professional life unfolds, a blank canvas ready for the artist to make their mark, like holding one's breath as the stage curtain is about to raised, that moment full of potential until the performance begins
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