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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. People have been talking about the household appliance voice - what if Yuzu really will a be the voice of your microwave and better still appear as a hologram making sure that you wear oven gloves and don't scald yourself when peeling back the plastic cover Augmented reality Yuzu will be able to go anywhere and do anything - keep you company on your walk, remind you what is on your grocery list and dance with you through the space time continuum Equally Yuzu could have been scanned for the model for inside the snowglobe - what if it is a little hologram Yuzu, how charming would that be?
  2. Watches showcasing the inner workings of the time pieces are very aesthetically pleasing. A new Yuzu collaboration with a nod at the gorgeous Prologue set and Time Traveller theme would be splendid. The Steampunk themes of clockwork enjoy ongoing appeal and that 'look' continues to be really popular. There were photos of luxury chocolates in a clock themed gift tin, now sold out of course. A pocket watch or watch pendant would also be nice ways to wear as well - hint hint Citizen
  3. Neko Masamune honours the anniversary of the Super Slam
  4. Blouson Yuzu is making his way around the world again. There are many fun twt posts, including Yuzu standing outside major entertainment and sporting venues, fans are hoping that he will favour these places with a Ice show tour in the future ( please please Yuzu sama, we will wait patiently and a thousand thanks )
  5. This should really go to fanart but someone has already posted their impression of the snowglobe. It will more likely be a Yuzu in costume performing a spin. What if it is a musical snow globe with slightly iridescent snow flakes? The anticipation is great
  6. Yuzu will do something for his community with the money. He is very generous and will not hoard the money for himself. Please Sendai Council, grant planning permission for a new Ice rink with spectator seating and a leisure complex, Hanyu Yuzuru museum. Fan support through ticket sales for shows and visiting the rink will be help to pay for upkeep and building costs and the local economy will also benefit. Please Please and a thousand thanks
  7. Visited the page. Photos of the pamphlet but not the snowglobe. However, if the snowglobe is as pretty as Yuzu it will be gorgeous.
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