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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Yuzu, you should never have been made to feel this way, especially by people who should have nurtured you ,
  2. @Ulrinis So sad to hear. about your daughter being very ill, but relieved to hear the news that she has recovered. Sending well wishes. Glad that you were able to watch Gift
  3. YuTunes subscribers up to 795K Wonderful for Yuzu to have so many followers on the channel, many more have joined since Gift.
  4. Hi Lay So glad to hear that you managed to watch the livestream. I did too, wanted Yuzu to 1) get commission for the paid stream 2) wanted to register which country I am purchasing from so that when people come to analyse the data then there results will show the fan numbers and countries where fans reside, outside of Japan where clearly there is already data to gauge fan numbers. Pleased that you have help to watch Yuzu, my grown up kids often help me to get started. Do whatever you are able to manage and feel comfortable with, everyone contributes in which ever way they can, main thing is that you feel that you have done what you can. Warm wishes P
  5. @LAY If you have twitter please leave your livestream request message if you can. There are a few fans making requests/pleas for livestream, self included. A Thousand thanks
  6. Let us accompany you on your walk. Sometimes you may wish to be alone, but you do not need to be lonely.
  7. Never 'GAME OVER' for Yuzu, more like 'HIGHEST SCORE'
  8. Thank you for your insights Yuzu has a brain full of dreams and aspirations, he also is in possession of prodigious talent and a drive to continue improving and exploring the current boundaries of both his skating and performance art forms. Whilst, none of us know Yuzu personally, it is possible to deduce that Yuzu will be the least likely person to stagnate and try to relive 'past glories' by going back to formulaic ice show formats. As most of us suspect, now that Yuzu is liberated from the constraints of the narrow world of competition, he is able to truly examine what kind of skating he wants to present and collaborate with people from many disciplines in order to gain inspiration, sound out ideas and learn from people with broad views and thus, expand his horizons. It would be of no surprise if Yuzu presents more shows with innovative concepts as well as new programmes and still able to include the firm favourites in either their original or reworked forms. Either way, whatever Yuzu decides to bring to his performance it will be astonishing and wonderful. As you say, an exciting prospect indeed. Yuzu has a myriad of options to select from and the creative processes that Yuzu will tap into will no doubt yield more fantastic performance art works. Personally speaking, it is privilege to be able to witness this incredible journey, with Yuzu and the global fan base. Just hoping for improved ticket buying opportunities for international fans in the future. The analysis of the livestreaming purchase will go some way to revealing the numbers and locations by country of international fans. Truly hoping for permanent copy of Prologue and Gift to purchase and treasure
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