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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Yuzu at practice with possibly a 'Gift' show bag
  2. Neko Masamune is eagerly anticipating Notte Stellata
  3. If Kohei san is in peril of freezing, Yuzu sama could offer him one of the Gift snuggly blouson jackets. How cute would it be to see Yuzu and Kohei wearing matching cozy jackets.
  4. Translation of the News Every feature
  5. Quite so, Yuzu maintains himself in peak physical condition, with good nutrition and vigourous daily exercise, does not drink alcohol and most certainly has never smoked. The mask wearing to avoid unnecessary exposure to infectious agents whilst also filtering out excessive airborne pollutants probably helps as well. Most importantly Yuzu's inner beauty radiates to his face. Aside from rubbing his face on the ice during hydroblading, what is Yuzu's skin care routine? There is some talk about Yumi san advising Yuzu about looking after his skin with Sekkissei UV protection, but what is the real secret?
  6. Yuzu has certainly studied some rudiments of musical theory, indeed he may be considerably more advanced. Brilliant as usual
  7. Yuzu demonstrates that he is still partaking of water from the fountain of youth
  8. That is really incredible, but as you say not entirely unsurprising for a gymnast with not only superb muscle and body control but also highly attuned spacial awareness. Yuzu was worried about Kohei getting cold at the rink. They are already firm friends, as demonstrated by their interesting and engaging conversation and mutual respect. Just watching the Classic TV programme. Yuzu is really enjoying the discussions and music. It would not be surprising if he reveals one day that he is taking music lessons. It is surely something which Yuzu would find stimulating and challenging and possibly relaxing.
  9. Marika san has very kindly provided translation. Arigatou gozai masu
  10. Yuzu and the photography Uncle clan
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