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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Danke schon, I cannot draw but like to make cards and scrapbook pages for photos. Hehe! recycled some of the birthday message things.
  2. 1st anniversary of Liberation Day/ Independence Day / Declaration of Determination / Professional Announcement Omedetou Yuzu This my offering
  3. People are hoping that eventually a disc version with keepsake box and maybe companion photo booklet will be released. Time of Awakening and and Time of Evolution are lovey records of Yuzu's skating
  4. Yuzu's Gucci Outfit chans and Pooh san visit Gucci Ginza Gallery
  5. Correct keep watching via D+ service in order to maximise number of viewings Only download to keep for when distribution finishes or on device for travelling
  6. There are quite a good number of reviews both sites now. It takes a little time between submission and review appearing because site makes sure that the review is suitable for a public forum IMBd needs to 600 words minimum, but pretty sure that Fanyus will easily find 600 complimentary words to write about GIFT Wrote IMDb review few months ago and Rotten Tomatoes last night. It is there this morning, audience section
  7. So pretty, like an illustration from a traditional children's book
  8. The programme chans are hiding in amongst Yuzu's belongings
  9. A thousand thanks to Mocha for super fast translation Part 1
  10. A thousand thanks to Sarah for the translation Yuzu demonstrates what an exemplary individual he is, with his kind and thoughtful consideration for those who could be living a in a potentially perilous situation. Well done to News Every for publicising the plight of those who have been caught up in disasters in order to raise awareness of the ongoing need for recovery efforts, but very importantly also drawing attention to local life saving safety measures. There are hazard maps for different types of hazard, emergency centres and evacuation points and levels of emergency. By ensuring that people are aware of how make an evacuation plan, lives can be saved in the future.
  11. On Ice Perspectives camera person Jordan is a Yuzu fan. He professed to having tears running down his face when he was filming Yuzu's gal performance of 'Hana wa Saku' IF Jordan filmed a skating documentary featuring Yuzu so that some of this footage of his performances and creative processes were recorded in this way that would be truly awesome. Side note: Considering that Jordan has to skate whilst carrying the camera, that is quite and amazing feat in itself - remember when he filmed Yuzu's gala practice for Parisienne Walkways, Skate Canada, Jordan only lost track of Yuzu once and it is well known how much speed Yuzu has across the ice.
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