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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Today's the day Cant' wait for snippets and crumbs
  2. Bag and brooch are from Anteprima - There are stores in Milano and Roma plus many locations in Asia. Mail order also available. Wonder how long before sold out? The wirebags are really pretty and around average price for quality evening bag. Get to the shops to accessorize like David Wilson
  3. As previously discussed, Yuzu inspires people in all forms of art and science because he is a modern Muse. The posters are really beautiful. One day it would be wonderful to view them in person at an exhibition
  4. The constellation clear file was a bonus present with the book and the long postcards came with the postcard set
  5. Concur. The dedication of the staff who made Gift work very well, all to ensure that the show ran smoothly and safely for Yuzu. Truly inspirational and they have the enormous gratitude from Fanyus because their work was invaluable to the success of Gift, made the show spectacular and their commitment to caring for the ice and venue conditions for Yuzu so that he could put on this stupendous performance. Every element of Gift was wonderful. Every staff member was credited in the booklet for their work and contribution to Gift.
  6. The new chans have little animal mascots with them !! If it possible, all of the programme chans are even more adorable
  7. Good tidings Minna san ! If anyone ordered merchandise form the 10 year Memorial exhibition, which took place in Sendai at the same time as the Notte Stellata show in March this year. Worldshopping are preparing to ship the exhibition goods.
  8. Happy 150th Founding day to Miyagi ken
  9. Hanyuconomy from Dec 2018 Income generation on this scale will not be seen again from amateur FS As many people will recall, the Mayor of Oshu made a public gratitude notice for the festival atmosphere and the positive publicity brought to the region from hosting SOI this year. The difference is startling. Similar financial phenomenon occurred for Prologue, Hachinohe. The hospitality sector benefitted hugely. As was also discussed regarding Oshu, the Hayabusa Shinkansen service does not usually have a scheduled stop at Oshu. The service stopped at Oshu for SOI only to help with those needing super fast train service on the Tokyo - Tohoku line. Oshu is served by the Shinkansen, just not the super fast service with the luxury Gran Class carriage. People wanting to see Yuzu generates demand for hospitality and transport services, plus gifts and sundry purchases. All of this commercial activity during a global 'cost of living crisis' is an enormous contrast to the usual non Yuzu ice shows. Ice show income also boosts the coffers of the respective Federations and publicity agencies, as they take a commission from skaters show fees, if they are active competitively and therefore members of their national federations. This is 'old news' but it is still relevant info.
  10. You are taking this far too literally. Maybe a historical event from centuries ago was a poor analogy. Metaphorically speaking sometimes rebuilding requires radical deconstruction, before a meaningful new start can take place. The opportunity to create for the future should never be wasted,
  11. In the year 1666 ACE, a great fire burned through London, the old and foetid wooden housing was razed to the ground, the Plague of that year was all but eradicated. London rose like a Phoenix from the ashes of destruction, rebuilt by the great genii of their time - Sir Christopher Wren, Nicholas Hawksmoore and the less well known Bartholomew Langley. The new buildings were designed by men of vision and helped to welcome in an Age of Enlightenment. Perhaps that is what will be needed now.
  12. Speed and Short Track do not gives funds reciprocally to Figure. However, that might need to change as income from Figure is now vastly depleted
  13. The truth as revealed at the accounts section of the ISU conference last year, also openly discussed the use of funds from profits made from Figure Skating which were allocated to Speed and Short Track. The two latter disciplines have benefitted enormously from Figure, is spite of generating minimal income themselves. The Figure profit was syphoned towards Speed and Short Track and used to provide facilities for both, as well as Figure. This would be regarded by many as uneven distribution of resources. The popularity of Figure funded ISU almost in its entirety, now alas ISU as a whole will have to manage the deficit. The funds allocated to Speed and Short Track, more than half of the money came from Figure, the income generated from those two disciplines was from advertising and represented a significantly smaller proportion of their annual funding allocation.
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