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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. iirc Palavela, Torino did not recoup costs and one of the proposed event venues in France has now declined to act as host for future comp. Sources may not be wholly reliable as these were just snippets of info gathered from twt posts
  2. Commercial was launched a while back, but the English subtitles are new. Yuzu is even competitive about skincare !!! Please consider leaving a comment to thanks Sekkisei that Yuzu is their Global Muse and for the English subtitles ( and also some grovelling to beg for launch of Sekkisei in your country of residence )
  3. Maybe this was one of the reasons that Mone decided on Kinoshita as her new training academy. The skaters in the 'Strengthening' categories were most likely informed about this in advance Yuzu will hopefully have many options / invitations to train at another rink. It would, after all, be an enormous honour to host Yuzu. Maybe Yuzu will use the opportunity to examine the facilities at other rinks to assess whether they would be suitable for potential show in the future but also to research what kind of state of the art technologies are available if a rink for the future was to be built. A rink in the south of Japan was completed last summer and advertised that the rink had incorporated modern building design/ techniques.
  4. The Stone of Scone, also called the "Stone of Destiny" was recently taken to Westminster Abbey for the coronation of King Charles III. Legend has it that unless the Monarch sit above the stone they can never truly be the rightful ruler of England and Scotland The Skating boot stone has become a place of pilgrimage for many a fan of Yuzu's and perhaps will become part of Yuzu's mystique and legend as the greatest figure skater
  5. The Skating boot stone This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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