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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Yes, Yuzu is as serene as a swan on a lake
  2. I want to write a fly yuzu on a canvas using gold letter stickers and gold feathers. Hopefully the supplies will arrive early next week. I've already prepared a board to stick the letters and feathers on to. I have made decoupage greetings cards as fan gifts for comps, now for shows and I will recycle the feathers to add to each card
  3. Slightly off topic There was a discussion about the Yuzu exhibition. A real tour of the exhibition would be wonderful, but this might not be practicable. I really hope that the exhibition might be undertaken as a virtual reality experience, with merchandise on sale as well. I went to see the Star Wars identities exhibition of props and costumes when it went on World tour. I viewed it in London at the O2. Amazing to see all the things from the films up close, which only demonstrates that it is possible for exhibitions to go on tour. London is hosting a VR Van Gogh exhibition this summer. Whilst nothing compares with seeing the genuine article, works of art are difficult to move for obvious reasons and the VR experience makes viewing such pieces more widely accessible and it is still wonderful to see these works using a VR platform, next best thing.
  4. Arrrghhh My craft supply order was lost. I have had to re order, so I'm really behind with the photo because I have not even started making my little tribute message
  5. This is an incredible anthology of photos, documenting an incredible athlete. The photos have been put together by team who clearly have a lot of respect and admiration for their muse, Yuzu
  6. Thank goodness, that is a relief The fanart is pretty at least
  7. @Xiupia You are correct. The utmost care and attention to diplomacy is required.
  8. This is from Shizuoka, like the phrase 'Yuzurandot' sums up everything about the performance perfectly. My heart, so soft Neko Yuzu
  9. Yes click the video tab I also clicked the subscribe button, because then Youtube will let you know when more content appears from the channel. Subscribe button increases subscriber numbers and then the channel attracts more advertising. Once the channel becomes commercially lucrative it encourages further growth, so let's see if that will promote more content. Looking forward to seeing more footage of the show
  10. Is this true about Yuzu attending a commemoration friendship event ?
  11. Yes, maybe this is one of those "If you build it, they will come" opportunities. Please Netflix Please Yuzu Yutopia Ice World ( just start digging the foundation trenches !!! )
  12. Someone has gone one better and made the trailer for the series!!!!!! Maybe if there is huge interest, the big big hint will be taken
  13. The Promotional gifts with purchase are really lovely - gift boxes featuring Yuzu photos and the little beauty bag with the ice skate. That is what we want as much as the products. I use Dr Perricone, Gatineau and Elemis currently so I'm interested to see how the Sekkisei skin product performance matches up. I want the tiny Yuzu signed ice skate, because if I put the charm on a necklace and wore it to shows, I would be more easily identifiable as Planet satellite
  14. If only...... Yes please Netflix. Do it and you will never be short of subscribers to the end of time.
  15. Sorry no link, because I cannot recall whether it was video of an interview or transcript from a written article. There are some videos of Yuzu on Youtube of Yuzu performing at Nebelhorn, where he is behind the boards and he is standing very close to Brian and Javi. They are staring at him with what seems like great interest. Anyone with a practised, expert eye would have recognised his talent immediately. Brian with his coach's eye, would have known this instantly. Yuzu was known for his successes at Junior GP and World's, but historically this does not always translate to success at senior level. The stats show that only 4 out of 39 Junior World Champions went on to win major titles at senior level. The Nebelhorn trophy really showed that Yuzu was the real deal. The videos from this comp are fan vids and sometimes they capture these snippets of interaction which perhaps professional camera persons did not bother to film. One thing I can recall, that season when Yuzu won bronze at WC Nice all of the commentaries was along the lines of this is the future of FS. Brian mentions his thoughts about Nice and that he also commented to Javi that this skater was someone to watch, or words to that effect. Again, sorry cannot remember the source, Brian speaks of being invited to Japan for skating business and then being invited to dine with Shirota san in order to meet a skater. Brian describes how astounded he was when he walked in and that skater was Yuzu. This was just after Nice. Nanami sensei had already spoken to Yuzu after Nice about finding a coach outside of Japan to help him to progress his skating further and she and Shirota san had been fact finding about where a good training base might be sought. There are a multitude of articles and interview videos and transcripts that they start to blur into one. Maybe the Planet should start an archive of important or pivotal moments for reference. We could basically start our own Biography/History project
  16. This particular performance of Etude is especially poignant given that this must be Yuzu's first competition of the season, following the Great Eastern Earthquake. Yuzu spent the summer performing in ice shows in order to raise money for the disaster. The programme is also known as 'Sorrow' or 'Sadness'. The swell of the music represents the waves of the devastating Tsunami and Yuzu's costume evokes the image of Hokusai's painting 'the Great Wave of Kanagawa'. The natural light streams in from a huge window at one end of the rink, which also contributes to the overall atmosphere of the performance. It was at this competition that Brian and Javi really started to pay attention to this young skater from Japan, Brian mentions this in an interview about Yuzu. This was Yuzu's short programme for the 2011/12 season, which culminated with Yuzu's bronze medal at WC Nice, March 2012. To this day, this remains as one of my personal favourite performances, for the reasons above.
  17. Thanks for the info. RT and sent message hoping for Sekkisei launch in UK. I would definitely like to have skin as radiant as Yuzu's
  18. @Sun_Rise @caramelicht @Anni Yuzu has made the decision to go professional and pretty much everyone agrees that this is the best for Yuzu going forward into the future. We respect Yuzu's decision, we are glad for the prospect of shows and we are relieved that Yuzu can now be away from the injustice that he has suffered in comp over the past years
  19. Once again Yuzu demonstrates how mature, considerate and courteous he is towards the people who are important to him. The majority of those selected confidantes showed respect for Yuzu and kept their counsel until the press conference. Whilst it is shameful that there was a leak and that it made it into the press, the impact of the leaked announcement was overshadowed by the manner in which Yuzu conducted himself. Yuzu delivered his announcement eloquently and gave all his supporters a hopeful message and he appeared content with the decision and his future plans. This is far more meaningful than a poor quality 'shock' tactic article Hoping, hoping , hoping for some news of Yuzu's exciting new endeavours and an adventure that we can all be part of The journey continues....... ps. @caramelicht @Geo1 is savant, party to arcane knowledge, do not question the veracity of the messages, it is accurate, just believe in him.
  20. This issue was brought up at the ISU congress. It takes a long time to train judges and even though the judges themselves are volunteers, ISU bears a considerable cost training them and providing them with suitable accommodation, board and pays for flights and other competition expenses. A proposal was made to ensure judges served for several seasons, but the proposal was rejected. Not only is there a dearth of judges, some of the smaller feds do not have any judges or tech specialist representation because they do not have enough people putting themselves forward to embark on the training programmes. Some smaller comps, there is such a lack of judges, that there is no back up judge if someone falls ill or tests positive for COVID. The referee has had to submit scores in order for there to be quorum, for the judging panel. Astonishing really, but somehow also. not surprising.
  21. Quite so. What is more, in complete contrast, Speed branch uses cameras and replay to look at false starts, photo finish and fouls like obstruction or trips. The camera angles, freeze frame and slo mo are sent to the referee who looks at the footage in order to make a decision. The racing stops whilst the ref conducts the investigation until the judgement is made. It's utter double standard to use tech for one discipline and not another, often with the fallacious argument that it causes delays to the comp. Some people must be under the false belief that FS fans fell off the Christmas tree yesterday
  22. The i scope data and the ice coverage with jump locations display looks really good for audience to see and clearly there is a system of technology which can analyse all of the important data from any given skater's performance, and produce objective measurements. The analysis seemed to be completed quite quickly and the data presentation is plain to see for judging /scoring and available on screens. Comments which allude to AI adding difficulties for judges because it will take too long to get results back, are clearly nonsensical. This video shows the pictorial / numerical analysis of the performance in real time and the time taken to award a score, did not seem any longer compared with competitions where technology is not used for judging. (May be I'm missing something, but excessive resistance to the use of technology to aid judging seems illogical)
  23. Still have my GP money and waiting for Yuzu Airlines to start selling flights as well. I hope that Yuzu's ice arena will be a leisure complex with a hotel and Yuzu museum. The new rink will need a dedicated tram line as well to cope with the visitor numbers hehehe
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