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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. We will always know that the cup should be dedicated as a Yuzu event to support young skaters. The legend that is Hanyu Yuzuru lives on.
  2. Thanks for the notice I thought that there might be more photos, so was waiting before ordering the Yokohama set. Have now purchased the set of all photos There is a new book due for release as well. Will most likely order this too, maybe next week
  3. Oh no that is terrible for you. Relieved to hear that surgery was possible to fix your ankle. Hoping that recovery and physio is a success. Sending healing thoughts Pxx
  4. Dancing under the stars at midnight on a frozen pond in the grounds of Palace Hanyu
  5. This post has been tagged by Yuzu_legend as [NEWS].
  6. Neko Masamune showing how much Sendai appreciates Yuzu
  7. It must have been wonderful and encouraging for the little ones to see THE Olympic Champion in person and hear his inspirational speech. One of the tiny boys was wearing a 'Chopin' style costume
  8. What a lovely sighting of Yuzu in Sendai. Shame for Planet H about a missed opportunity If only there had been advance notice of Yuzu's appearance at the Sendai Mayor's skating competition we could have tried to persuade one of the competitors to give to book to Yuzu. Pretty sure that Yuzu would not have refused a gift from a little one. Please Sendai residents if you hear about any potential Yuzu public appearances. please let us know, because these fleeting chances could be our best hope.
  9. Yuzu is carrying all of his friends from 100 acre wood, hope that they have not eaten all of the packed lunch
  10. This is already posted but it is very cute indeed, so once more for cuteness puffer coat and lunch bag
  11. Not sure when this poll took place, Hanyu Yuzuru is number 1, which is always correct.
  12. Wow Yuzu has already made it to one of the most remote places on the planet - Easter Island
  13. You can buy the lunch bags Any speculation about how long stocks will last ?
  14. @ccy @Sombreuil The desire to vote for Yuzu and see him win whatever award he has been nominated for is completely understandable you are both correct on this. Additionally your suspicions, along with many other people ( self included ) is that very cynically Yuzu is being used for engagement of fans' interests only is a more than fair assumption. Personally speaking, it is most likely best not to even visit the website so as not to give any traffic. Those running the pages need to be sent a message that the interest that people had in them before Liberation Day was due to to the genuine interest in Yuzu actively participating in the respective events run by said organisation. The photo shop pictures of Yuzu, coat on with his insulated food bag is a super idea and will give a lot of happiness to many fans and well wishers. People would love to imagine Yuzu visiting and enjoying the sights in people's favourite places around the World. Perhaps like Santa, the anthropomorphised manifestation of hope, the magic of Christmas will allow Yuzu to traverse the Globe in a single day to give the gift of joy and hope. Some cultures have already begun their own Winter festivals of light, some are still to come in the next few days Wishing everyone joy, comfort. love and hope for the darkest days of winter and renewal as the days grow longer.
  15. Like a full moon in a clear night sky
  16. It would be lovely if Yuzu could visit the rink and skate. Perhaps somebody will thoughtful enough to allow him a private skating session after the rink is closed to the public and film Yuzu skating lit up by Starlight and the light decorations. It would be magical, Yuzu skating beneath the midnight sky, even more wonderful if it were to snow
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