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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Mushroom Zuzu with a helping hand to pull you over the wall
  2. May be Yuzu has finally found the most beautiful and very cute hypoallergenic cat to come live with him at Palace Hanyu. A Special Cat who will support him with his skating and help him feel passion for his skating
  3. YuTunes 765K subscribers There have been some requests on twt to get the view numbers up for the various videos, as id Yuzu fans needed any additional encouragements to watch. US satellites please stay safe and warm. Cosy up at home with Yuzu on YuTunes and drink plenty of hot chocolate
  4. For Millenia humans have been watching the skies and monitoring the passage of days. People learned that there would come a point in the middle of Winter which was the shortest darkest day of the year, after that day the days would lengthen and Spring would come once again. On that darkest and shortest of days many cultures marked and celebrated that day with feasting, warm fires, stories and other festivities. All of these ancient peoples attempted to break the darkness with bright fires. Today many people still welcome the shortest day with different festivals known by various different names, but the common themes remain and they are still celebrations of light, sharing food, drink, the warmth of the hearth, giving gifts of knowledge, story telling in all its many forms and other presents. Dear Satellites, whichever festival you are celebrating in the depths of Winter - May you be blessed with a full table, the warmth of a happy home and friendships and a season of good cheer. Lots of love Pxx
  5. That is a lovely Christmas card form the artist As you say, all of the quad jumps, just awesome. Yuzu really is doing his best for ever. The outfit was maybe a Yumi san creation? Cute costume whoever made it for the Christmas special.
  6. Only level 3 step sequence though!!!
  7. Yuzu is dressed like Peter Pan green festooned in red, or like a little Christmas tree. The Sendai skating looks sublime and the end pose looking skywards as if Yuzu will take flight to the stars. ( not crying of course I am like a Big silly ) This is a beautiful Christmas gift for us all, it feel as if we can all hold hands when we watch the videos together at the same time @Anni thought so too, some dreams stay with people.
  8. English translation different version form one of our dear regular translators
  9. It is probably so splendid to view that you would faint before you could click the order button The merchandise orders are supposed to ship before the Gift show, so that those who have ordered would receive items that they might need at the show if they are lucky to win tickets. How truly delightful would it be to win a ticket and be able to wave the Gift flag carried in the Gift shopper with keychain and use to binoculars and then and then and and and ....
  10. Yuzu is also in the enviable position of having a multitude of talents, even though he himself made the comment that he is not confident about things other than skating. The reality for any sport person is that a a career with high demands on physicality will one day have to end. Yuzu is demonstrating his intelligence and versatility outside of the sporting / performing sphere, as well as keeping a high profile as he starts the journey of establishing hie professional brand. Compered with many people who have gained fame though sporting prowess Yuzu stands out for being articulate, eloquent and an intellectual. Hopefully the finest figure skating that we know and love will continue for years to come. Following that, it would be really wonderful to see Yuzu doing lots of other different things. Yuzu may well be exploring this as well with a long term view. Big brains need to be fed and enjoy being nurtured and feasting on novel experiences and ideas. Good for Yuzu.
  11. Teensy bit of personal excitement. Customs charge to pay notice arrived this morning from Royal Mail. This might mean that some of the Prologue merchandise has arrived. Due to Postal strikes the goodies won't be delivered until after Christmas and the UK Bank Holidays now. This is the first of three consignments from Prologue Shop, so there will be more customs charges to pay, ahh such is life of a Yuzu fan. Still, if it is the Prologue merchandise, then it has shipped before Feb 2023 date, which is published on the website. So something to look forward to, it seems that the Prologue Elves have been working as hard as Hanyu sama If any satellites living outside of Japan have ordered, then you might be lucky and receive some of your orders before Christmas. Hoping that your post is not affected by industrial action and your goodies arrive in time for Christmas. Hoping that some of mine will arrive by New Year. Full sympathy for UK Postal workers, they kept us all connected with far away loved ones during lockdowns.
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