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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Never 'GAME OVER' for Yuzu, more like 'HIGHEST SCORE'
  2. Thank you for your insights Yuzu has a brain full of dreams and aspirations, he also is in possession of prodigious talent and a drive to continue improving and exploring the current boundaries of both his skating and performance art forms. Whilst, none of us know Yuzu personally, it is possible to deduce that Yuzu will be the least likely person to stagnate and try to relive 'past glories' by going back to formulaic ice show formats. As most of us suspect, now that Yuzu is liberated from the constraints of the narrow world of competition, he is able to truly examine what kind of skating he wants to present and collaborate with people from many disciplines in order to gain inspiration, sound out ideas and learn from people with broad views and thus, expand his horizons. It would be of no surprise if Yuzu presents more shows with innovative concepts as well as new programmes and still able to include the firm favourites in either their original or reworked forms. Either way, whatever Yuzu decides to bring to his performance it will be astonishing and wonderful. As you say, an exciting prospect indeed. Yuzu has a myriad of options to select from and the creative processes that Yuzu will tap into will no doubt yield more fantastic performance art works. Personally speaking, it is privilege to be able to witness this incredible journey, with Yuzu and the global fan base. Just hoping for improved ticket buying opportunities for international fans in the future. The analysis of the livestreaming purchase will go some way to revealing the numbers and locations by country of international fans. Truly hoping for permanent copy of Prologue and Gift to purchase and treasure
  3. The Daily Spread Eagle - February 26th 2023 Emperor Hanyu Triumphant at Castle Dome February 26th dawned as a clear, bright day. A cold and windy day under a cloudless sky of azure. Tens of thousands of Poohs and Satellites had made the journey to the south and gathered before the gates of Castle Dome. The crowds swirled and jostled, Castle Dome was festooned with banners depicting Emperor Hanyu and many Poohs had brought their own favourite portraits of the Emperor as well as flags and beloved miniatures depicting the Emperor's visage. The gates finally opened and the Poohs were admitted to the courtyard of the Castle. Seats had been prepared and each spectator was given a tiny lantern with which to join in with story telling. The atmosphere had a sense of great occasion but also one of festival and joy. Once the spectators had all found their seats a hush descended and the Court Musicians emerged from behind screens. The covered courtyard was dark and the crystal screen flickered in the gloom as the music played. Pictures of Planet Hanyu appeared with important dates in the Emperor's life. Suddenly the crystal screened was emblazoned with the fiery wings of the mythical Phoenix or Firebird, an opening appeared in the screen and the Emperor emerged, glorious and wearing the plumage of the powerful Firebird. He alighted onto the ice and was a brilliant flame on the glistening ice surface, retelling the story of one of his early triumphs now tied to the adult Emperor's power. The screen now revealed the Emperor telling the stories of how he learned to harness the power of the ice, how the ice helped him attain glory but also was on occasion the source of sorrow and despair, how the Emperor had battled with internal conflict and external pressure to eventually heal and become whole again, The Pooh and Satellites wept tears of anguish but also love for their most beloved Emperor. The Emperor danced on the ice again and again, showing his love for nature, the seasons, dreams and fun times. The Emperor paid tribute to swans, the Mage, great composers past and present. To the delight of the spectators the tiny lanterns glowed different colours in keeping with the theme of each story, everyone waved their own lantern. The stories were so beautiful and now would be destined to live on both in the Imperial archives and in the hearts and souls to all who witnessed them. If it were even possible the Poohs and Satellites grew to love their Emperor even more than before. Emperor Hanyu had shared something incredibly precious and he would be ever more treasured in return. The magical evening ended and a sense of healing and love descended upon Planet Hanyu. The Satellites and Poohs showed their affection and loyalty to the Emperor, screaming, applauding, waving banners and the tiny lanterns. These were stories to be experienced and shared, to be captured and cherished always.
  4. The Daily Spread Eagle - February 26th 2023 Emperor Hanyu Triumphant at Castle Dome February 26th dawned as a clear, bright day. A cold and windy day under a cloudless sky of azure. Tens of thousands of Poohs and Satellites had made the journey to the south and gathered before the gates of Castle Dome. The crowds swirled and jostled, Castle Dome was festooned with banners depicting Emperor Hanyu and many Poohs had brought their own favourite portraits of the Emperor as well as flags and beloved miniatures depicting the Emperor's visage. The gates finally opened and the Poohs were admitted to the courtyard of the Castle. Seats had been prepared and each spectator was given a tiny lantern with which to join in with story telling. The atmosphere had a sense of great occasion but also one of festival and joy. Once the spectators had all found their seats a hush descended and the Court Musicians emerged from behind screens. The covered courtyard was dark and the crystal screen flickered in the gloom as the music played. Pictures of Planet Hanyu appeared with important dates in the Emperor's life. Suddenly the crystal screened was emblazoned with the fiery wings of the mythical Phoenix or Firebird, an opening appeared in the screen and the Emperor emerged, glorious and wearing the plumage of the powerful Firebird. He alighted onto the ice and was a brilliant flame on the glistening ice surface, retelling the story of one of his early triumphs now tied to the adult Emperor's power. The screen now revealed the Emperor telling the stories of how he learned to harness the power of the ice, how the ice helped him attain glory but also was on occasion the source of sorrow and despair, how the Emperor had battled with internal conflict and external pressure to eventually heal and become whole again, The Pooh and Satellites wept tears of anguish but also love for their most beloved Emperor. The Emperor danced on the ice again and again, showing his love for nature, the seasons, dreams and fun times. The Emperor paid tribute to swans, the Mage, great composers past and present. To the delight of the spectators the tiny lanterns glowed different colours in keeping with the theme of each story, everyone waved their own lantern. The stories were so beautiful and now would be destined to live on both in the Imperial archives and in the hearts and souls to all who witnessed them. If it were even possible the Poohs and Satellites grew to love their Emperor even more than before. Emperor Hanyu had shared something incredibly precious and he would be ever more treasured in return. The magical evening ended and a sense of healing and love descended upon Planet Hanyu. The Satellites and Poohs showed their affection and loyalty to the Emperor, screaming, applauding, waving banners and the tiny lanterns. These were stories to be experienced and shared, to be captured and cherished always.
  5. The entire event was magical story telling on an elevated plane. Not sure if this is something that can be expressed and do justice to the experience seen and shared. Everyone's interpretation and feelings having seen Gift, will be unique and personal to them. All I can say right now is that is was a privilege and an honour to witness and participate in this event. Yuzu gave us the most incredible and generous Gift, in turn the experience and memory will be something to treasure forever. Each and every person who viewed Gift will have gained something truly meaningful from being part of this event. Just a couple of impressions: There were goosebumps up my arms, when the announcer said " On the ice representing Japan ,,," It would be super if a permanent film were to be made available for purchase, we can only hope. The KTIX livestream was great as it had subtitles for Yuzu's narration. The story of one person's journey is captivating and the story telling was enthralling. The future is so bright for Yuzu and well deserved. Yuzu must know now that he is surrounded by a huge number of affectionate and genuine supporters, hopefully that positive energy will surround him and give him hope and warmth.
  6. Very expressed, thank you Was about to say something along these lines myself. @micaelisthe youngster is full of self aggrandisement, do pompous people ever grow? Will he try to improve, when those surrounding him constantly over score him and heap praise on him. With all due respect, as some other satellites have pointed out, for those wishing to wax lyrical about skaters other than Yuzu, unless there is direct relation to Yuzu, there are threads. Iirc you had similar feelings about Gogolev on the past. The discussions need to be in a different thread please.
  7. Oh that's too bad. Actually i thought that you were going to say that it was the accumulated pool of your years of joy. Darling tofu Yuzu was quite taken by emotion, he had tears brimming in his eyes when he felt the love surrounding him and heard the rapturous screams and applause
  8. The only reason that I knew that Gift was not heaven, was because the show finished and we all went back to our lives.
  9. Some twt posts are saying the Yuzu's name is only listed in the cast for the Iwate shows of SOI. Not sure if this is true, maybe someone can find the relevant page with this tiny writing and confirm the info The Iwate venue makes sense as it is a prefecture in Tohoku.
  10. This entire SOI participation could be as simple as a signed contract. When Yuzu announced his move to professional career, many aspects of Yuzu's skating life changed. Many people had concerns that nobody knew what that meant and many discussions occurred with this subject at the forefront back in July last year. Fans at the time professed their ongoing support, but realistically nobody knew how Yuzu would conduct his professional life. Past experience of professional skaters were centred around shows like FaOi, MOI, SOI and so on. Prologue and Gift are unprecedented and their success was an entirely unknown and not guaranteed, we knew, but Yuzu and his accounts team are not able to predict the future. As a professional, Yuzu would no longer be in receipt of funds as a strengthening athlete, it was uncertain which sponsors would continue to endorse Yuzu. Yuzu would not have taken any of this previous funding for granted. He is sensible enough to know that as a professional skater the onus is on him to earn a living and he would never be as arrogant to assume that going it alone with his own brand of show would be an instant success. For a pragmatic person that may well have meant agreeing to participate in ice shows with a large fee for appearing. Maybe SOI is as simple as that a fallback contract signed before Prologue and Gift. If that is the case, Yuzu has shown us his integrity so it would be very unlikely for him to renege on a contract. Maybe Yuzu just thought that it might be fun to turn up, skate his own excellent programmes and see other skaters, choreographers, musicians etc. as other people have suggested. Maybe Yuzu will be able to bring his own brand of professional skating and the whole venture will be elevated by association. Maybe Yuzu will be able to impart some of his wonderful skating skills and techniques to others, if they are open to and willing to make the correct changes. Maybe the gulf between Yuzu and everyone else will be evident and Yuzu can be part of these shows for fun and to bring ticket sales and revenue to Tohoku as part of this and still have his own Yuzu shows as well. Each of the theories has greater or lesser merit or maybe none apply at all Whatever happens, Yuzu will perform and will be magnificent, hopefully having a jolly time in the process. Everyone else is well...everyone else. If some of fan behaviour, from supporters who prefer skaters other than Yuzu, becomes unpleasant then ignore them. They are not part of your friendship circle and you do not need to socialise with them, if they become unmanageable then report them to security - simple ( easy to say and but highly unpleasant to deal with when people deliberately goad others ) Sorry if that last statement sounds pithy, it is understood that some people can behave in a toxic manner. Encountering such individuals is something that every decent person can do without.
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