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Everything posted by Yuzuwinnie

  1. I add myself with you and the other fanyus : by your "NITCH" / the Italian NO / NOT in English / NU in Romanian / NO in Spanish / and my resounding NONNNNNN and ESPECIALLY that he does not come back to this "anthill" / this poisonous place and trap
  2. And even MORE 279,806 views / 55K LIKES / 17,7727 comments : in other words a SUCCESS and ALIGOTO HANYU YUZURU SAN
  3. and good evening for my part GEO1 and the Shamisen and I found what you are looking for and which is here in the video section and here are the YOSHIDA brothers, specialist and virtuoso of this instrument: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRnqgY7ewFk and here is the JA team https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgN_xIHqLUA and have a nice day you who are on the other side of France
  4. OUPPPSSS in the euphoria I forgot to translate and here is a MAXRO
  5. Et le voici le jeune YUZU de 14 ans et déjà une graine de son talent
  6. WOOOOOOOOO and we are at 109,240 views / 10,956 comments
  7. Hello or Good evening and in all 1st DANKE ANNIE to have posted us in 1st this WONDER and a nice surprise that I : the Change of Monkey Majic (group of Sendai) and even higher than the original (of which I posted a YT compared to Japanese musical instruments) and always full of passion and the 2nd part which is all in emotion (HAI he wants to express something and I felt it : but what?) this artistic fuzzy new music and this rewind of the snow he delicately took first and reference to the photos posted by ANNIE and (in my opinion) it was filmed at night, because you can't see daylight through the windows ..... . HAI YUSU SAN , you brightened my afternoon and cheered me up (and I'm not the only one in this case) So your FLEUVE cats, recovered from their emotions
  8. I'm always in front of the beauty of ALL this fanart and I have a find on YT : a fanyu who made fans on the theme of Yuzu costumes
  9. SUPERBE and DANKE ANNIE for this weibo and it is indeed an "artbook" and I appreciate by my "LIKES" all the graphic art (and others) of the fanyus and the pastel of the so famous AERA 2018
  10. LiaRy and PERELANDRA : I was just going to answer (the beginning is off topic) : I was out of battery for my laptop and I couldn't find anything on the net and "EBAY appears", I click and HOP I find a battery that I received and "I don't know why"? , I type on the top bar "YUZUZU HANYU" and in front of my eyes like that OO a full page of Yuzu products en masse ++++ and payable in € and I found the famous AERA where he is lying on a bed of blue rose and therefore, in my opinion : if EBAY by a seller based in Japan, has this AERA from 2018 in stock (66.80€ + shipping of 25.21€, he will have this one !!!!!! ! Last night, I went to the video section and I just read that fanyus saw the "disappearance" of this section and I saw that it's maintenance
  11. for E Degas, because at that time the dancers of the Paris Opera did their exercises in tutu, because the leotard did not exist and that is why (I think?) that the pastel colors appear on his paintings and even style of this artist who painted Yuzu https://www.vogue.fr/culture/article/edgar-degas-ses-plus-belles-representations-de-danseuses-peintures-danse-opera and I saw this one at the Musée d'Orsay (which is a former train station) https://www.musee-orsay.fr/fr/oeuvres/danseuses-bleues-1144
  12. WOOOOO I am still writing my favorite formula in relation to the speed of translation (I also read faster than light ) they are really SPEDDY GONZALEZ and we will know what ETO means which is a hesitation when we forget (and his little steps to ask for help ) and ALL those reassuring messages from ALL those fanyus with and Yuzu books and when he speaks in Chinese so like I was told to speak in Japanese......
  13. ALL fanyus : if I could have voted this is the one I would have chosen and ALL for your tweets and here is a compilation of Yuzu's actions that have been heard and to come : shows on ice WOOOO and it would be SUPER end of the year and visible by YT
  14. Here he is the young Yuzu in 2010 and he gets heckled by the mascot and then in 2011 at a football match (he even does an ina bauer) and WOOOOO for his next ice
  15. When I saw this fanart (and always admiring in front of so many fanyus talents and of ALL kinds) I immediately thought of VV GOGH : https://www.wikiart.org/fr/vincent-van-gogh/la-nuit-etoilee-1889 and the reference photo is excellent and Yuzu deserves so many stars
  16. DANKE Annie for this bilibi link and savoring all the Yuzu music is really a moment of relaxation in this not easy world Like the last YT, I pushed the slider to the right again and it appears at 29:00 and KONNICHIWA Yuzu and it has a pretty tired face
  17. Good evening or hello ALL fanyus, I just read this and will allow many fanyus to go to future Yuzu ice shows : https://www.msn.com/fr-fr/voyage/actualite/covid-19-le-japon-annonce-qu-il-va-lever-ses-restrictions-d-entrée-pour-les-touristes/ ar-AA128pxJ?cvid=be35158034f0464fa0924d76dd089904 and the YT 2 is at 1,977,277 and here is YUZU in all its glory and its famous rains that will surely come back.....
  18. I'm the same as you and so, why can't we open it in Europe and all the others by Yamakai san could be read in Europe? anyone have an explanation please Ohhhhh yes, I watched it a lot and this "Perfect Cosmic Being" : is it LEELOO? and nice description of Yuzu from GAPIL27 and you are right for Sekkisei products because in France too they would sell like hotcakes
  19. There is also the Shamisen played by the Yoshida brothers : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shamisen and whose sound we hear in "Change" by the group Monkey Majik whose Yuzu skates on this music and at the beginning, we hear well these Shamisen
  20. I had the same concern and I read "ahhhhh YUZUUUUU is visible" and I didn't see anything on the YT link and I had the idea to push my cursor to the right and as CARAMELICHT writes and, therefore, why is the YT marked at 2:31:55? to see nothing more ..... and the show lasts in fact only 1:29:42 !!!!!!!! and to hear his laughter and his good humor is really and I noticed a slight genuflection (like the little rats / pupils of the Paris Opera) on the part of the 2 ladies who come to do some touch-ups : is this because of his statue as a recipient of the People's Honor Award? And I add a big one to the translators that are like : "speedy gonzalez" and it's at 200 290
  21. Ahhhh you beat me to it, I wanted to post it and at the end, the famous "couple" P Candeloro and N Monfort (well known to the French ) and I still see Yuzu's head and "what are they talking about " ???? and Nelson who specifies in English (and it has been cut) or in Japanese and Yuzu's answer I know of course and he also asks him how many he has !!!!!! YES I confirm that the trees suffer from frost and can in very low temperatures, split.... and the protection is well "wrapped in cotton https://www.jardipartage.fr/proteger-les-plantes-du-gel/ SUZYQ : being European I don't have access to Yahoo Japan and I learned about your country and it was the South that was attacked and hope that you and the Japanese people are much better now
  22. YES I remember her very well with her puppets and was impressed by the length of her receipt taller than me which is 1.59m and she wears the commemorative t-shirt of the Olympic victory parade of April 22, 2018 ( it's purple on the right) and I would like to be there (and I think I'm not the only one ) https://yuzusorbet.tumblr.com/post/172627575772/have-you-ordered-your-yuzu-t-thats-what-the I come with you
  23. All of you English-speaking fanyus, were you able to understand ALL of XIUPIA's link to the general? which is all in French and here there are only excerpts and certainly the main ones on Gabi's malaise and here is a supplement that you will understand better in relation to ALL SPORTS and especially GABI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vjWjFbsJiw
  24. XIUPIA sent the whole link on "general" and I could easily listen to what Gabi says and it's really and taken up in the tweets here and it's true that it's not enough to smile at K&C : it's not only facade in fact and I would not have suspected Gabi's suffering and the project with Madi looks good to me and ENJOY for her
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