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  1. Hi Satellites. Have not been reading many posts lately so I am unaware of where the Olympics event chat is on PH. CAn someone please point me in the right direction? I cannot find it in the events section….. or are we doing SP and FP chat here in the main area? Thanks
  2. Thank you Lajoitko. It sounds as if I should stop looking. I think if i were to encounter these painful interviews i may regret it. I am now not sure if I really want to know if all there is to find is heartbreak....:(
  3. Thanks Melodie. I do remember reading about the Denis Tan stuff and did see that he had an injury at that time. I feel sad for Yuzu already and I wasn't even around then. Appreciate your response.
  4. Having only been around the Celestial Being that is Yuzuru Hanyu since the beginning of the year, I've been catching up on my history of Yuzu through various sources including: - Planet Hanyu - Golden Skate (old posts) - Tapatalk - IFS Magazine - You tube - Tumbler At various times I keep seeing people write things like "... what happened at Saitama..." and "...what happened at Boston..." It's like everyone in the world knows what happened then and they just refer to those times as "what happened at Saitama / Boston" as if everyone knows. I don't know and it is killing me not knowing. I've been trying to find out by reading past posts on all the forums - I've gone back through the YH thread since the start of 2015 trying to find a reference to what happened at Boston. The only thing I can think of that this means is that YH lost the world championship to Javi. Is that what everyone means when they say "what happened at Boston?" If so, why is that so bad? Also, what does it mean when people say "Javi's party" was involved? Did something bad happen to someone and what was it? And then, what happened at Saitama and when? My research has resulted in the only possibility being that it was Worlds in 2019 and Yuzu as usual skated like he deserved a gold medal and the judges totally screwed him over and gave it to NC as they have been doing lately. Is THAT "what happened at Saitama"? or was it something else entirely? Please, someone, put me out of my misery. I have been searching for weeks now and still do not have an answer. Thanks
  5. There are thousands, nay potentially millions of people who owe you a debt of gratitude for stretching a measly 40 seconds into 18 mins worth of high def fantasy. thank you :)

    1. Wyell


      Haha, thank you!

  6. Hi everyone I came across this video on Bilibili in really long playlist called: [羽生结弦] 2008至今冰演 商演最全合集! FaOI,TOI,CWW,DOI,SOI,THE ICE,FOI,CaOI,24hTV等等 Was wondering if you know of an ENG SUB for Yuzu's speech: (Please?) 2015 Fantasy On Ice Finale - Yuzuru Speech (starts around the 14th minute) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zJ411C7NX?p=104&spm_id_from=pageDriver Thanks
  7. Great Blinding Lights Edit. Thank you so much :)

  8. What is a "thigh" in this context? Is that like a stocking or pantyhose or a tights?
  9. Ok, I know that Yuzu is a seasoned traveler and is used to being away from home. But I cannot help thinking it has been a month since he has slept in his own bed and no chance of making it back there anytime soon I would imagine. How draining must this life be. If he had a goldfish it would probably be dead by now. If he had a cat it would have died of loneliness by now. If he had a girl/boy friend they would have dropped him by now. Granted that the past month must have been quite social for someone who has isolated for nearly 12 months.... I wonder if it has been a bit overwhelming catching up with so many people? Whichever way isn’t turns out I hope our Yuzu can find a way to return to a good night sleep in his own bed and the comforts of whatever normal products he uses on his bedside or bathroom cabinet, rather than hotel shower travel bottles and tiny wrapped soaps.
  10. Hi all. After my talk about Yuzu My niece and nephew want to try figure skating but my brother is clueless about what is involved. Could you please help? Bro wants to know what the costs would be for a 7 yo boy and girl and he has two delicate questions to ask: First I imagine that beginners would really only need skates, ice time and maybe a coach....am I missing anything? As to the delicate questions: Does figure skating require the boy to wear male athletic support? If so, where does one get that piece of equipment? I would imagine it would not be an issue at 7 years but later if he is good enough to jump then perhaps nephew may need support then? How do we find out what is required? Also, neice is concerned with showing off a certain lady part area that she has been told should not be shown off. What can be done about improving one's confidence in that space? And, in this day and age is there a way to skate without having to do this? (I feel like this might be a barrier to trying the sport if not handled correctly) Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. thank you for this. i am in Australia ao very interested in learning more.
  12. PLEASE somebody tell me there is a translation of this interview....please? https://youtu.be/jKZCNZQrFFM
  13. i was going to purchase a stream ticket ...until it said no if i live outside Japan
  14. All this competition and 4A stuff has been getting to me last couple days. I just needed a little something something lighthearted to make me feel better. I thought I would share with you all. Yuzu and Ricky Martin? Yes please!
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